Will pay-Create a theme that looks like the rest of my site

Skinning and designing Serendipity (CSS, HTML, Smarty)
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Will pay-Create a theme that looks like the rest of my site

Post by Fabien »


Here is my site. I would like to have my blog looking exactly the same.

It's almost done, but I don't know how to finish (all I try fails…). So if somebody can help…

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Re: Will pay-Create a theme that looks like the rest of my s

Post by sph »

Fabien wrote:It's almost done, but I don't know how to finish (all I try fails…)

don't worry - it's not this hard :)

why don't you start with the colours of your blog? just open the css of your normal homepage and write down the colours you find (e.g: "colour: #ff0000;"). then browse your blog directory and open the css which belongs to your blog-theme. search for the used colours there and replace them with your own.

you'll see the changes you made, so this is a good and easy start. and when you're done your blog should look more like your homepage than now :)

next i'd try to use the same header (the big black thingy...) on your blog as on your website.

start with extracting the header from your website. whatever it is, however it's built - it should be a special html-section, arranged with tables, divs or whatever. copy it from your website and test it an a blank page until you have everything you need and until it looks like you want. don't forget to have a look at the css, maybe you need some parts of it - and take care of the needed javascripts, if you use any for this dropdown-menue.

maybe youl have to fix the width of your blog-content. right now you can see this empty blue/violet space left and right, yes? try to find the css-class (or id) which sets the width of your content. i guess you want your header full-visible, not cutoff, so you 'll have to fix the width to the width of your header.

then search the "index.tpl" in the folder of your blog-theme. if there is none, copy the one from the "default"-template. open it and look for:

Code: Select all

<div id="serendipity_banner">
this is your blog-header, you can customize it as you like - or you can just copy your website-header there. if needed, add the used css-classes to the stylesheet of your template and insert the javascript(s) in the head-section of your blog, this is in the "index.tpl", too.

good luck & have fun!

ps: whatever you change - don't forget to make backups of the files you modify ;)
the island of stupid - come to where the monkey is...
Don Chambers
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Post by Don Chambers »

I would be willing to do it, but I need to wrap up a few other things first. Contact me via PM to discuss further if you can wait a bit.

That would make a nice looking template!!!
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