Reset Password and Trackback questions

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Reset Password and Trackback questions

Post by khrome »

I have a couple of questions. The first is just clarification on how Trackbacks work. How long should it take for a Trackback to appear? I created a 3 links to different posts within the same blog. Only one of those posts have a trackback notification, and it didn't appear until about 5 minutes later.

My next question is about how validation works. I used Configuration/Admin Password to change my password, but it still wants me to enter the old one when I log in. The strange thing is - when I look at the s_config table directly, the new password is indeed in there! So is something caching my old password? Or is it validating to a different database or table?

Other than that, I love the software. Great work!


PS - When I click on "Trackback specific URI for this entry" link I get error "Danger Will Robinson, Trackback failed". What is this link for, if I can use the Direct Link anyway? Just wondering if I need to be concerned about the error.
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Post by khrome »

Just figure out the answer to my first question. Still looking for help with admin password and Danger-Will-Robinson-error.

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Re: Reset Password and Trackback questions

Post by garvinhicking »

Hi Khrome!

Sadly in the 0.6-pl3 release the admin-password/username dialog is only used for first installation, and can't be changed later on. You need to alter the s_user table manually.

In the current 0.6.6-CVS branch (snapshot) we have a more complex usermanagement, where user names/passwords can be changed easily.

Regarding your trackback: Please read our documentation on about that topic: A trackback can only be done within a blog application and not by clicking on it.

# Garvin Hicking (s9y Developer)
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Post by khrome »

Aah, I see. On my version the proper pw field was in s_authors. Thanks for the tip!

I have a suggestion for implementation, though I don't really think it's a bug or a feature - just a nicety. There is no error checking for required fields when creating an entry. "Title" should probably be a required field, because otherwise if you want to Edit the entry via the admin screen, you cannot select the entry. I know there are ways around it, like editing from the blog interface, or inserting a title manually into the database, but others might not think of that.

Thanks again for your reply. Ohyeah, I really like how templates are set up. It made my blog really easy to customize! :-)

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Post by garvinhicking »

Great that it helped you! :)

About the required fields: In current CVS version we now have a different edit/delete interface so that also entries with a missing title can be edited/removed. Maybe sometimes a user wants to have an empty title, so we shouldn't force the user to have one.

# Garvin Hicking (s9y Developer)
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