Admin template: Media DB files

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Admin template: Media DB files

Post by yellowled »

I'm currently working on an alternative admin template to complement my current blog template. I'm about to edit the .tpl files related to the media db -- just because they're there and I want to play with the possibilities :)

Now, in media_upload.tpl it says (in comments):
WARNING: Do not change spacing or breaks below. If you do, the JavaScript childNodes need to be edited. Newlines count as nodes!
Erm. I beg your pardon? Apart from the fact that I don't understand it, does this actually mean that I am not supposed to edit any code emitted below that comment? Like, at all? (I have to admit that I probably don't understand it because I haven't actually looked at the JS code yet.)

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Re: Admin template: Media DB files

Post by garvinhicking »

Erm. I beg your pardon? Apart from the fact that I don't understand it, does this actually mean that I am not supposed to edit any code emitted below that comment? Like, at all? (I have to admit that I probably don't understand it because I haven't actually looked at the JS code yet.)
You have to try it, but the replication of input fields to upload multiple files at once is VERY sensitive to any change whatsoever.

# Garvin Hicking (s9y Developer)
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