Serendipity??? You Need better naming

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Serendipity??? You Need better naming

Post by tim »

The software is great. Far greater that its fame would suggest. And from what I can see it is better than Movable Type, the software that I am using. But the name, "serendipity" is I believe, not good for public relations. It is not good because it has little connection with the function that this wonderful software provides. I don't meant to say that strange names can't make a mark but "serendipity" is a word that even native speakers of English are not familiar with. I am an English Language teaching prof, I am quite good at scrabble, but I have almost never used serendipity in the wild. I confess that I was not confident about its meaning (not being sure whether it refered to the event or the ability - apparently it refers to both). It is a very nice word but too arcane. Please think about changing it.

For example

Movable Type
Word Press

These are good names becaue they telll us what this software is about. The first two are connected with the printing press. The third describes the new technology. You should think of a name that fits the function.

I bet that one of the reasons that "radio userland" and "grey matter" are losing out to blogger and movable type is because the name is so unconnected with the function.

Think of the popularity of the softtware Word, 0pen office, paint, paintshop.

I don't know wether these names are taken or not but at an attempt at a naming that suggests the function:
phpblog(mais le originateur pense qu'il va changer le nom), blogit, seewords, sword, webword, webit, blogphp, styleword, wordstyle, wordsmith, worder, phlogger, plog, webber, weblet, logos, myword, Iword, Wwword, typecast, typeface, typer....

No doubt, a lot of the above are taken and probably no better but, anyway you name it but I think that "serendipity" is (while a very nice word) not a name to remember.

I am now checking the above list. Words in red are already taken. Linked words are alternatives! green are in my humble opinion, no good.

It is imporant to new users to feel that this software is going places. It is great. But it could die out. Please think about a new name.

The name issue is compounded by the fact that you use s9y or whatever on your website. This site does not even come top of the list on a search using Moodle.

I am thinking of using Nucleus even though I do not like the Matrixy name. However, Matrixy or not, the name does suggest the center or Kernel of a web page. The deciding factor is not the name though, but Japanese language support and the existance of import scripts. But I will post on a different thread.

The thing I liked most about this Serendipity is that it seems to include a wikki. On the pages using the software I added a link. Wow. So graceful!

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Re: Serendipity??? You Need better naming

Post by Rasmus »

I think the name is fine. And please do not use any name with "php" in it. Why is the whole world so bent on adding "php" to their project names? It makes no sense to me. You don't see that with other languages. Projects need to come up with names that stand on their own merit and not leech off of the PHP brand.
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Post by jhermanns »


Plus, I like the name serendipity :-)

Post by Osvaldo »

As long as it does a good job, i dun care about the name.
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Post by tomsommer »

The name is really great, please see the FAQ on why it's named Serendipity

I wouldn't have it called anything else - I really like it.

I don't however care for "s9y" :)
Tom Sommer (Serendipity Core Developer)
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Post by WebTrooper »

I like it just the way it is.

Horace Walpole
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Post by tadpole »

I love the name, mostly because it reminds me of Kate Beckinsale...
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Post by WebTrooper »

Forrest Gump
We're all on the same boat. Let's not sink it."

The name

Post by ST »

How about changing it to:


or maybe:




perhaps even:


Ugh! Kidding :wink: .

I like Serendipity (the name and the program). Keep it and never change it!
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