Showlinks bug since upgrade to 2.0 lite

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Showlinks bug since upgrade to 2.0 lite

Post by Noelb »

Show links to services like Facebook, Digg, Technorati,, etc related to your entry. Move Configuration

previous and expected behaviour is horizontal display.

actual behaviour since upgrade is vertical display as per this image:
sy9.png (17.55 KiB) Viewed 10321 times
Also, NFI on how we can move this plugin to inactive, move/drag doesnt work
and we seem to have lost the quick links back to web blog too.
The first bug is most serious, even though it appears cosmetic, it looks rather ridiculous.
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Re: Showlinks bug since upgrade to 2.0 lite

Post by yellowled »

Noelb wrote:actual behaviour since upgrade is vertical display as per this image:
I can not reproduce this in a 2.0 blog, I'm going to need a URL to your blog where this happens.
Noelb wrote:Also, NFI on how we can move this plugin to inactive, move/drag doesnt work
Drag'n'drop only works on the “move four ways” icon in the upper left corner of the plugin box. If you do not see that box, you should see a dropdown/select box which lets you choose between active and inactive (for smaller/touch screens). In both cases, you need to save on that page to conclude the change to inactive.
Noelb wrote:and we seem to have lost the quick links back to web blog too.
In the backend? That's the button with the little world icon in the blue top bar, right next to log out.

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Re: Showlinks bug since upgrade to 2.0 lite

Post by Noelb »

yellowled wrote: I can not reproduce this in a 2.0 blog, I'm going to need a URL to your blog where this happens., any "extended" article - I have nuked all but a couple options due to the crazy appearance as shown above- this is the LITE version too, have you tried to reproduce with that or just the full, I've also deleted the plugin and re added it, made no difference.

As for the move option, yeah that does nothing here, click on it, click and hold drag, nothing I do will move, maybe its the browser I'm using, chrome, and I get no drop downs on the plugin except for the configure button, I'll try in firefox later.

OK tried firefox, no move either, my chrome might be old, due to googles devs not having a clue about static libs, but firefox is latest.

FF actually shows my initial main problem as being UL's (where chrome supresses the point dots)
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Re: Showlinks bug since upgrade to 2.0 lite

Post by yellowled »

Noelb wrote:this is the LITE version too, have you tried to reproduce with that or just the full
Shouldn't make a difference. Lite is just Full minus a lot of themes and all the stuff that's required for shared installations.

Do you have a recent version of the findmore plugin (should be 1.22)? Because your blog is missing some CSS styles which should come from the plugin.

Have you tried switching to a different theme (2k11, preferably) temporarily? Have you tried clearing your template cache (you can do that in the backend from the section “Maintenance” now)?
Noelb wrote:As for the move option, yeah that does nothing here, click on it, click and hold drag, nothing I do will move, maybe its the browser I'm using, chrome, and I get no drop downs on the plugin except for the configure button, I'll try in firefox later.
I'm pretty sure your installation is not complete, meaning there are at least some files in it that haven't been uploaded properly. Happens sometimes, for instance in FTP updates when files are “continued” uploading instead of “replaced” (which is what should happen in an update).

Something you could do for testing purposes: In Chrome in the backend, hit Ctrl + Shift + J. That should open the Javascript console. Now try moving a plugin and see if there's output in the console. If there is, copy & paste it here, please.

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Re: Showlinks bug since upgrade to 2.0 lite

Post by Noelb »

yellowled wrote:
Noelb wrote:this is the LITE version too, have you tried to reproduce with that or just the full
Shouldn't make a difference. Lite is just Full minus a lot of themes and all the stuff that's required for shared installations.

Do you have a recent version of the findmore plugin (should be 1.22)? Because your blog is missing some CSS styles which should come from the plugin.
Yes, 1.22 is installed.

yellowled wrote: Have you tried switching to a different theme (2k11, preferably) temporarily? Have you tried clearing your template cache (you can do that in the backend from the section “Maintenance” now)?
Noelb wrote:As for the move option, yeah that does nothing here, click on it, click and hold drag, nothing I do will move, maybe its the browser I'm using, chrome, and I get no drop downs on the plugin except for the configure button, I'll try in firefox later.
I'm pretty sure your installation is not complete, meaning there are at least some files in it that haven't been uploaded properly. Happens sometimes, for instance in FTP updates when files are “continued” uploading instead of “replaced” (which is what should happen in an update).

Something you could do for testing purposes: In Chrome in the backend, hit Ctrl + Shift + J. That should open the Javascript console. Now try moving a plugin and see if there's output in the console. If there is, copy & paste it here, please.

console shows nothing, I copied the tar file over using root, and extracted it over existing files, and chown'd them recursively to correct owner/group, as I've always done with updates so if it was in hte tar package, it should have been put in place.

OK with the theme change, the icons are horizontal, so the bulletproof theme is at fault?
I'll leave it as such incase you wish to view.. however the font is crazy bigger :) and I'd rather the old theme if we can resolve this.
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Re: Showlinks bug since upgrade to 2.0 lite

Post by yellowled »

Noelb wrote:OK with the theme change, the icons are horizontal, so the bulletproof theme is at fault?
Not really “at fault”, it just doesn't include styles specific to the findmore plugin like 2k11 does.
Noelb wrote:I'll leave it as such incase you wish to view.. however the font is crazy bigger :) and I'd rather the old theme if we can resolve this.
Could you please switch back to BP so I can check something?

findmore is supposed to add some styles it needs to your serendipity.css. It does so (even in 2.0) in my test blog, however, those styles do in fact not align the findmore items in a row. I'm not sure (since I don't use the plugin myself) if that was the case before, but the plugin's CSS doesn't look like it ever had CSS for aligning the items next to each other (which is probably why I added it to 2k11 specifically).

I would like to see if those styles are emitted in your serendipity.css.

Does anyone read this who actually uses the findmore plugin, but does not use 2k11? Don, are you reading this?
Noelb wrote:console shows nothing
That's odd. Do you maybe have Javascript disabled in your browsers or use a browser extension to block Javascript? (Even if so, you should get a no-js fallback, but in that case you wouldn't even see the view icons …)

Just to double-check: you should have the console open before you actually try to move a plugin.

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Re: Showlinks bug since upgrade to 2.0 lite

Post by Noelb »

Hi YL,
OK, I've changed back to BP, and yes, I had the console open before I tried the move, I have no problems with other java sites that I know of, I am going to boot up a storaged XP box and see what happens, I only use linux for desktops and laptops, though that shouldnt really make much difference.

Tried on stock standard XP with FF, Chrome, IE and Safari, result the same, no move ability.
Ordinarily, I wouldn't be too concerned, but with the main error of display, it would be nice to just inactive it, rather than delete it and reinstall everytime I need to try something, in the interim, as I mentioned previously I took the middle ground and just disabled all but a couple of social media links
Last edited by Noelb on Mon Jan 26, 2015 6:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Showlinks bug since upgrade to 2.0 lite

Post by Noelb »

extra info
extra info
sy9js1.png (7.25 KiB) Viewed 10279 times
Tried java in firefox, when I load console, before I hit any buttons, this error appears
that file links to /templates/2k11/admin/js/plugins.js .. I assume thats because 2k11 is also a backend and unrelated to front end.
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Re: Showlinks bug since upgrade to 2.0 lite

Post by yellowled »

Noelb wrote:Ordinarily, I wouldn't be too concerned, but with the main error of display, it would be nice to just inactive it
You should be able to do that by temporarily disabling Javascript (not Java, there's a difference) in your browser and reloading the plugins page. That should give you the no-js fallback, in which the move button is replaced by a state select box. Set findmore to inactive, save, switch JS back on.
Noelb wrote:I assume thats because 2k11 is also a backend and unrelated to front end.
Yes, that is a backend JS error. Yet I still can not reproduce this in Chrome or Firefox (FF 34 on OS X, but that should not make a difference).

I'm pretty sure your installation/upgrade to 2.0 did not transfer all the files correctly because of that. The only other option would be that the 2.0 lite zipfile (that you used) is corrupted, which is unlikely …

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Re: Showlinks bug since upgrade to 2.0 lite

Post by Noelb »

yellowled wrote:
Noelb wrote:Ordinarily, I wouldn't be too concerned, but with the main error of display, it would be nice to just inactive it
You should be able to do that by temporarily disabling Javascript (not Java, there's a difference) in your browser and reloading the plugins page. That should give you the no-js fallback, in which the move button is replaced by a state select box. Set findmore to inactive, save, switch JS back on.
Noelb wrote:I assume thats because 2k11 is also a backend and unrelated to front end.
Yes, that is a backend JS error. Yet I still can not reproduce this in Chrome or Firefox (FF 34 on OS X, but that should not make a difference).

I'm pretty sure your installation/upgrade to 2.0 did not transfer all the files correctly because of that. The only other option would be that the 2.0 lite zipfile (that you used) is corrupted, which is unlikely …

Yeah, given its late here now and I've been, errrm, yeah, lets say beer :) (well public holiday here austrlaia day thingy)... I will in hte morning grab it again and extract again over it and see wht happens. Ill report back then.
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Re: Showlinks bug since upgrade to 2.0 lite

Post by Noelb »

So, I extracted the tar copy over existing (didnt offer me the upgrade service so I guess it was happy)
I deleted the findmore plugin (it still remained on disk, so rm'd it, re-added it so fresh d/load, and the same thing, still vertically aligned.
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Re: Showlinks bug since upgrade to 2.0 lite

Post by yellowled »

Noelb wrote:I deleted the findmore plugin (it still remained on disk, so rm'd it, re-added it so fresh d/load, and the same thing, still vertically aligned.
Yeah, that's not going to get fixed by updating the s9y core – doing that is only supposed to fix the fact that you cannot seem to move plugins in the backend. Can you do that now?

As for findmore, you're either going to have to add CSS for that to your user.css (if you use one already, otherwise you'll have to add a user.css) in BP or switch to a theme which has styles for findmore (like 2k11). Depends on what you prefer (you can customize the look of 2k11, even adjust the font-size, if you wish to do so).

Don Chambers
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Re: Showlinks bug since upgrade to 2.0 lite

Post by Don Chambers »

Don, are you reading this?
Yeah, I'm reading this. :wink:

Here is the deal - its really a few different things happening as near as I can tell.

[1.] The plugin looks to see if a template's stylesheet contains .serendipity_findmore class. If it does NOT contain that class, it emits the following:

Code: Select all

.serendipity_findmore {
        margin: 5px auto 5px auto;
        padding: 5px;
        text-align: center;

      .serendipity_findmore img {
        border: 0px;

      .serendipity_diggcount {
          float: left;

      .findmore_like_button img, .findmore_like_button iframe {
        cursor: pointer;

    .lazyload_switcher {
        margin-right: 0.5em;
        display: inline;
        float: left;
        margin-top: 4px;

    .findmore_like_button {
        display: inline-block;
        vertical-align: middle;
        margin-right: 2em;

    .google_like {
        width: 150px;
        height: 21px;

    .gplus_like {
        display: inline;

    .serendipity_findmore_like {
        vertical-align: middle;
        height: 21px;
So, NoelB's use of bulletproof, which does not style that class, has these styles in the generated serendipity.css. Any template that styles .serendipity_findmore, like 2k11, will not have these styles because the plugin defers to the template stylesheet.

[2.]The plugin contains the smarty template plugin_findmore.tpl. That smarty template renders the entire output of the plugin as a series of links, wrapped in a <div>, so its display was horizontal. Bulletproof does not contain a custom copy of this template, so (< s9y 2.0) anyone using bulletproof, or any other theme that did not contain a custom plugin_findmore.tpl, inherited the version shipped with the plugin.

[3.]Now we have s9y 2.0, and 2k11 is both the new default theme and the source of smarty templates if a theme does not have one. These files were previously fetched from ../templates/default/.

NoelB is using Bulletproof. Bulletproof has no specific template engine, so any smarty templates it doesn't provide will come from 2k11. 2k11 DOES have a plugin_findmore.tpl template, so NoelB's blog uses it. In fact, EVERY theme will use 2k11's version of this file that a)doesn't provide its own plugin_findmore.tpl, or b) defines a template engine other than 2k11. In other words, the version shipped with the plugin is virtually unused because 2k11 has this file. This is true for any plugin's smarty template that 2k11 provides.

2k11's version of plugin_findmore.tpl emits output as an unordered list, not a bunch of links within a div. 2k11's stylesheet correctly handles the output with list-style-type: none on the <ul>, and display: inline on the <li>'s. The plugin itself doesn't emit these styles. In fact, the plugin continues emitting its original styles because it doesn't find the class .serendipity_findmore in bulletproof's stylesheet. In this case, its not really hurting NoelB, but its not helping either.

NoelB has a couple of potential solutions:
1) Copy the file ../plugins/serendipity_event_findmore/plugin_findmore.tpl to the template folder, presumably ../templates/bulletproof/

2) copy 2k11's findmore styles to a user stylesheet (user.css) in the bulletproof folder, and activate that option within bulletproof's configuration. The 2k11 findmore styles are as follows:

Code: Select all

.serendipity_findmore_like {
    list-style: none;
    margin: 0;

.serendipity_findmore {
    padding: 0;
    text-align: left;

.serendipity_findmore li,
.serendipity_findmore_like li {
    display: inline-block;
    margin: 0 4px 8px 0;

.lazyload_switcher {
    display: inline-block;
    margin: 0 4px 0 0;

.lt-ie8 .serendipity_findmore li,
.lt-ie8 .serendipity_findmore_like li,
.lt-ie8 .lazyload_switcher {
    display: inline;
    zoom: 1;

.findmore_like_button { min-width: 120px; }

.facebook_like iframe {
    position: relative;
    top: 15px;

.gplus_lazyload_switcher {
    float: left;
    position: relative;
    top: 8px;

.gplus_like iframe {
    position: relative!important;
    top: 6px!important;
Going forward, at minimum, it seems maybe the plugin could be modified to emit the same styles as 2k11, and to also copy 2k11's version of plugin_findmore.tpl to the plugin, though it will be virtually unused under the present template inheritance/template engine policy.

Whew... sorry for being so long winded!!!! :mrgreen:
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Re: Showlinks bug since upgrade to 2.0 lite

Post by Noelb »

yellowled wrote: Yeah, that's not going to get fixed by updating the s9y core – doing that is only supposed to fix the fact that you cannot seem to move plugins in the backend. Can you do that now?

Nope... and thats crazy, two different machines, two different OS's, and a bunch of browsers to boot... The win box is using java 8's latest, and this linux box is using the java 7 latest.

I have java8 on another linux box for I.M server, but its got no GUI :)

I have to sort out my Dads email problem on his Win7 laptop this afternoon, so I'll try that too.

however... not so urgent now because next post... but I'll report back after trying it

Thanks for your help YL
Last edited by Noelb on Wed Jan 28, 2015 3:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Showlinks bug since upgrade to 2.0 lite

Post by Noelb »

Don Chambers wrote: NoelB has a couple of potential solutions:

1) Copy the file ../plugins/serendipity_event_findmore/plugin_findmore.tpl to the template folder, presumably ../templates/bulletproof/
Ahh, this appears to has solved the alignment issues! Thanks Don.
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