korean language file...

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korean language file...

Post by pupstar »

i was tested Serendipity just now.

i'm korean. so i use korean language. but there is some problem.
if charset is utf-8, a kind of collision occurs with other plugins such as calendar. so it must be changed to euc-kr.

ps. sorry for my poor english :( .

ps. this is full code of "serendipity_lang_ko.inc.php" that i was modified.(i'd like to upload this file, but it is not permitted..)
<?php # $Id: serendipity_lang_ko.inc.php,v 1.30 2005/03/13 14:14:39 garvinhicking Exp $
# Copyright (c) 2003-2005, Jannis Hermanns (on behalf the Serendipity Developer Team)
# All rights reserved. See LICENSE file for licensing details
# Translation (c) by Park Dong-Suk and Erich Iseli <s9y@iseli.org>

@define('LANG_CHARSET', 'EUC-KR');
@define('DATE_LOCALES', 'korean, ko, ko_KR');
@define('DATE_FORMAT_ENTRY', '%Y-%m-%d %a');
@define('DATE_FORMAT_SHORT', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M');
@define('WYSIWYG_LANG', 'en');
@define('LANG_DIRECTION', 'ltr');

@define('SERENDIPITY_ADMIN_SUITE', 'Serendipity Administration Suite');
@define('HAVE_TO_BE_LOGGED_ON', 'You have to be logged in to view this page');
@define('WRONG_USERNAME_OR_PASSWORD', 'You appear to have entered an invalid username or password');
@define('APPEARANCE', 'Appearance');
@define('MANAGE_STYLES', 'Manage styles');
@define('CONFIGURE_PLUGINS', 'Configure Plugins');

@define('CONFIGURATION', 'Configuration');
@define('BACK_TO_BLOG', 'Back to Weblog');
@define('LOGIN', 'Login');
@define('LOGOUT', 'Logout');
@define('LOGGEDOUT', 'Logged out.');
@define('CREATE', 'Create');
@define('SAVE', 'Save');
@define('NAME', '이름');
@define('CREATE_NEW_CAT', 'Create New Category');
@define('I_WANT_THUMB', 'I want to use the thumbnail in my entry.');
@define('I_WANT_BIG_IMAGE', 'I want to use the larger image in my entry.');
@define('I_WANT_NO_LINK', ' I want to display it as an image');
@define('I_WANT_IT_TO_LINK', 'I want to display it as a link to this url:');
@define('BACK', 'Back');
@define('FORWARD', 'Forward');
@define('ANONYMOUS', '익명');
@define('NEW_TRACKBACK_TO', 'New trackback made to');
@define('NEW_COMMENT_TO', 'New comment posted to');
@define('RECENT', '최근…');
@define('OLDER', '순서…');
@define('DONE', 'Done');
@define('WELCOME_BACK', 'Welcome back,');
@define('TITLE', 'Title');
@define('DESCRIPTION', 'Description');
@define('PLACEMENT', 'Placement');
@define('DELETE', 'Delete');
@define('SAVE', 'Save');
@define('UP', 'UP');
@define('DOWN', 'DOWN');
@define('ENTRIES', 'entries');
@define('NEW_ENTRY', 'New entry');
@define('EDIT_ENTRIES', 'Edit entries');
@define('CATEGORIES', '목록');
@define('WARNING_THIS_BLAHBLAH', "WARNING:\\nThis may take a long time if there are many images without thumbnails.");
@define('CREATE_THUMBS', 'Rebuild Thumbs');
@define('MANAGE_IMAGES', 'Manage images');
@define('NAME', '이름');
@define('EMAIL', '이메일');
@define('HOMEPAGE', '홈페이지');
@define('COMMENT', '꼬리말');
@define('REMEMBER_INFO', '이름, 이메일, 홈페이지 기억하기');
@define('SUBMIT_COMMENT', '등록');
@define('NO_ENTRIES_TO_PRINT', '곧 새로운 글이 찾아옵니다. 화려한 컴백을 기대하세요');
@define('COMMENTS', '꼬리말');
@define('ADD_COMMENT', '꼬리말 쓰기');
@define('NO_COMMENTS', '꼬리말 없습니다');
@define('POSTED_BY', '글쓴 지구인:');
@define('ON', 'on');
@define('A_NEW_COMMENT_BLAHBLAH', 'A new comment has been posted on your blog "%s", in the entry entitled "%s".');
@define('A_NEW_TRACKBACK_BLAHBLAH', 'A new trackback has been made to your blog-entry entitled "%s".');
@define('NO_CATEGORY', 'No Category');
@define('ENTRY_BODY', 'Entry Body');
@define('EXTENDED_BODY', 'Extended Body');
@define('CATEGORY', 'Category');
@define('EDIT', 'Edit');
@define('NO_ENTRIES_BLAHBLAH', 'No Entries Found for Query %s' . "\n");
@define('YOUR_SEARCH_RETURNED_BLAHBLAH', 'Your search for %s returned %s results:');
@define('SEARCH_TOO_SHORT', 'Your search-query must be longer than 3 characters');
@define('IMAGE', 'Image');
@define('ERROR_FILE_NOT_EXISTS', 'Error: Old filename doesn\'t exist!');
@define('ERROR_FILE_EXISTS', 'Error: New filename already used, pick another!');
@define('ERROR_SOMETHING', 'Error: Something\'s wrong.');
@define('ADDING_IMAGE', 'Adding image...');
@define('THUMB_CREATED_DONE', 'Thumbnail created.<br>Done.');
@define('ERROR_FILE_EXISTS_ALREADY', 'Error: File already exists on your machine!');
@define('ERROR_UNKNOWN_NOUPLOAD', 'Unknown error occured, file not uploaded. Maybe your filesize is larger than the maximum size allowed by your server installation. Check with your ISP or edit your php.ini file to allow larger file size uploads.');
@define('GO', 'Go!');
@define('NEWSIZE', 'New size: ');
@define('RESIZE_BLAHBLAH', '<b>Resize %s</b><p>');
@define('ORIGINAL_SIZE', 'Original size: <i>%sx%s</i> pixel');
@define('HERE_YOU_CAN_ENTER_BLAHBLAH', '<p>Here, you can adjust the image size. If you want to resize the image proportionally, just enter a value in one of the two boxes and press the TAB key -- I\'ll automatically calculate the new size so the image proportions don\'t get messed up</p>');
@define('QUICKJUMP_CALENDAR', 'QuickJump Calendar');
@define('QUICKSEARCH', '빨리찾기');
@define('SEARCH_FOR_ENTRY', 'Search for an entry');
@define('ARCHIVES', '문서 저장고');
@define('BROWSE_ARCHIVES', 'Browse archives by month');
@define('TOP_REFERRER', 'Top Referrers');
@define('SHOWS_TOP_SITES', 'Shows top sites that linked to your blogs');
@define('TOP_EXITS', 'Top Exits');
@define('SHOWS_TOP_EXIT', 'Shows top exit links from your blogs');
@define('SYNDICATION', 'Syndication');
@define('SHOWS_RSS_BLAHBLAH', 'Shows RSS syndication links');
@define('ADVERTISES_BLAHBLAH', 'Advertises the origins of your blog');
@define('HTML_NUGGET', 'HTML Nugget');
@define('HOLDS_A_BLAHBLAH', 'Holds a nugget of HTML in your sidebar');
@define('TITLE_FOR_NUGGET', 'Title for the nugget');
@define('THE_NUGGET', 'The Nugget of HTML!');
@define('SYNDICATE_THIS_BLOG', 'Syndicate This Blog');
@define('YOU_CHOSE', 'You chose %s');
@define('IMAGE_ROTATE_LEFT', 'Rotate image 90 degrees counter-clockwise');
@define('IMAGE_ROTATE_RIGHT', 'Rotate image 90 degrees clockwise');
@define('IMAGE_SIZE', 'Image size');
@define('IMAGE_AS_A_LINK', 'Image insertion');
@define('POWERED_BY', '저작권');
@define('TRACKBACKS', '전달하기');
@define('TRACKBACK', '전달하기');
@define('NO_TRACKBACKS', '아무도 이글을 전달을 안했군요!');
@define('TOPICS_OF', 'Topics from');
@define('VIEW_FULL', 'view full');
@define('VIEW_TOPICS', 'view topics');
@define('AT', 'at');
@define('SET_AS_TEMPLATE', 'Set as template');
@define('IN', 'in');
@define('EXCERPT', 'Excerpt');
@define('TRACKED', 'Tracked');
@define('LINK_TO_ENTRY', 'Link to entry');
@define('LINK_TO_REMOTE_ENTRY', 'Link to remote-entry');
@define('IP_ADDRESS', 'IP-address');
@define('USER', 'User');
@define('THUMBNAIL_USING_OWN', 'Using %s as it\'s own thumbnail because it is so small already.');
@define('THUMBNAIL_FAILED_COPY', 'Wanted to use %s as it\'s own thumbnail, but failed to copy!');
@define('AUTHOR', 'Author');
@define('LAST_UPDATED', 'Last Updated');
@define('TRACKBACK_SPECIFIC', 'Trackback specific URI for this entry');
@define('DIRECT_LINK', 'Direct link to this entry');
@define('COMMENT_ADDED', '꼬리말이 성공적으로 등록되었습니다.');
@define('COMMENT_ADDED_CLICK', 'Click %shere to return%s to the comments, and %shere to close%s this window.');
@define('COMMENT_NOT_ADDED', '꼬리말을 달수 없습니다.');
@define('COMMENT_NOT_ADDED_CLICK', 'Click %shere to return%s to the comments, and %shere to close%s this window.');
@define('COMMENTS_DISABLE', 'Do not allow comments to this entry');
@define('COMMENTS_ENABLE', 'Allow comments to this entry');
@define('COMMENTS_CLOSED', 'The author does not allow comments to this entry');
@define('EMPTY_COMMENT', 'Your comment did not contain anything, please %sgo back%s and try again');
@define('ENTRIES_FOR', 'Entries from %s');
@define('DOCUMENT_NOT_FOUND', 'The document %s was not found.');
@define('USERNAME', 'Username');
@define('PASSWORD', 'Password');
@define('AUTOMATIC_LOGIN', 'Save information');
@define('SERENDIPITY_INSTALLATION', 'Serendipity installation');
@define('LEFT', 'left');
@define('RIGHT', 'right');
@define('HIDDEN', 'hidden');
@define('REMOVE_TICKED_PLUGINS', 'Remove ticked plugins');
@define('SAVE_CHANGES_TO_LAYOUT', 'Save changes to layout');
@define('COMMENTS_FROM', 'Comments from');
@define('ERROR', 'Error');
@define('ENTRY_SAVED', 'Your entry has been saved');
@define('DELETE_SURE', 'Are you sure you want to delete #%s permanently?');
@define('NOT_REALLY', 'Not really...');
@define('DUMP_IT', 'Dump it!');
@define('RIP_ENTRY', 'R.I.P. entry #%s');
@define('CATEGORY_DELETED_ARTICLES_MOVED', 'Category #%s deleted. Old articles moved to category #%s');
@define('CATEGORY_DELETED', 'Category #%s deleted.');
@define('INVALID_CATEGORY', 'No category was provided for deletion');
@define('CATEGORY_SAVED', 'Category saved');
@define('SELECT_TEMPLATE', 'Select the template you wish to use for your blog');
@define('ENTRIES_NOT_SUCCESSFULLY_INSERTED', 'Entries were not successfully inserted!');
@define('MT_DATA_FILE', 'Movable Type data file');
@define('FORCE', 'Force');
@define('CREATE_AUTHOR', 'Create author \'%s\'.');
@define('CREATE_CATEGORY', 'Create category \'%s\'.');
@define('MYSQL_REQUIRED', 'You must have the MySQL extension in order to perform this action.');
@define('COULDNT_CONNECT', 'Could not connect to MySQL database: %s.');
@define('COULDNT_SELECT_DB', 'Could not select database: %s.');
@define('COULDNT_SELECT_USER_INFO', 'Could not select user information: %s.');
@define('COULDNT_SELECT_CATEGORY_INFO', 'Could not select category information: %s.');
@define('COULDNT_SELECT_ENTRY_INFO', 'Could not select entry information: %s.');
@define('COULDNT_SELECT_COMMENT_INFO', 'Could not select comment information: %s.');
@define('YES', 'Yes');
@define('NO', 'No');
@define('USE_DEFAULT', 'Default');
@define('CHECK_N_SAVE', 'Check & save');
@define('DIRECTORY_WRITE_ERROR', 'Can\'t write to directory %s. Check permissions.');
@define('DIRECTORY_CREATE_ERROR', 'Directory %s does not exist and could not be created. Please manually create the directory');
@define('DIRECTORY_RUN_CMD', ' -> run <i>%s %s</i>');
@define('CANT_EXECUTE_BINARY', 'Can\'t execute the %s binary');
@define('FILE_WRITE_ERROR', 'Can\'t write to file %s.');
@define('FILE_CREATE_YOURSELF', 'Please create the file yourself or check permissions');
@define('COPY_CODE_BELOW', '<br />* Just copy the code below and place it in %s in your %s folder:<b><pre>%s</pre></b>' . "\n");
@define('WWW_USER', 'Change www to the user apache runs as (i.e. nobody).');
@define('BROWSER_RELOAD', 'Once you\'ve done this, hit your browser\'s "reload" button.');
@define('DIAGNOSTIC_ERROR', 'We detected some errors while running some diagnostics on your entered information:');
@define('SERENDIPITY_NOT_INSTALLED', 'Serendipity is not yet installed. Please <a href="%s">install</a> it now.');
@define('INCLUDE_ERROR', 'serendipity error: could not include %s - exiting.');
@define('DATABASE_ERROR', 'serendipity error: unable to connect to database - exiting.');
@define('CREATE_DATABASE', 'Creating default database setup...');
@define('ATTEMPT_WRITE_FILE', 'Attemping to write %s file...');
@define('WRITTEN_N_SAVED', 'Configuration written & saved');
@define('IMAGE_ALIGNMENT', 'Image alignment');
@define('ENTER_NEW_NAME', 'Enter the new name for: ');
@define('RESIZING', 'Resizing');
@define('RESIZE_DONE', 'Done (resized %s images).');
@define('SYNCING', 'Synchronizing the database with the image folder');
@define('SYNC_DONE', 'Done (Synchronized %s images).');
@define('FILE_NOT_FOUND', 'Unable to locate the file entitled <b>%s</b>, maybe it has already been deleted?');
@define('ABORT_NOW', 'Abort now');
@define('REMOTE_FILE_NOT_FOUND', 'File was not located on the remote server, are you sure the URL: <b>%s</b> is correct?');
@define('FILE_FETCHED', '%s fetched as %s');
@define('FILE_UPLOADED', 'File %s successfully uploaded as %s');
@define('WORD_OR', 'Or');
@define('SCALING_IMAGE', 'Scaling %s to %s x %s px');
@define('KEEP_PROPORTIONS', 'Keep proportions');
@define('REALLY_SCALE_IMAGE', 'Really scale the image? This operation cannot be undone!');
@define('TOGGLE_ALL', 'Toggle expand all');
@define('TOGGLE_OPTION', 'Toggle option');
@define('SUBSCRIBE_TO_THIS_ENTRY', '꼬리말 이메일로 받기');
@define('UNSUBSCRIBE_OK', "%s is now unsubscribed from this entry");
@define('NEW_COMMENT_TO_SUBSCRIBED_ENTRY', 'New comment to subscribed entry "%s"');
@define('SUBSCRIPTION_MAIL', "Hello %s,\n\nA new comment was made to the entry you are monitoring on \"%s\", entitled \"%s\"\nThe name of the poster is: %s\n\nYou can find the entry here: %s\n\nYou can unsubscribe by clicking on this link: %s\n");
@define('SUBSCRIPTION_TRACKBACK_MAIL', "Hello %s,\n\nA new trackback was added to the entry you are monitoring on \"%s\", entitled \"%s\"\nThe name of the poster is: %s\n\nYou can find the entry here: %s\n\nYou can unsubscribe by clicking on this link: %s\n");
@define('SIGNATURE', "\n-- \n%s is powered by Serendipity.\nThe best blog around, you can use it too.\nCheck out <http://s9y.org> to find out how.");
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_091', 'RSS 0.91 feed');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_10', 'RSS 1.0 feed');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_20', 'RSS 2.0 feed');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_20c', 'RSS 2.0 comments');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_ATOM03', 'ATOM 0.3 feed');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_MANAGINGEDITOR', 'Field "managingEditor"');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_WEBMASTER', 'Field "webMaster"');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_BANNERURL', 'Image for the RSS feed');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_WEBMASTER_DESC', 'E-Mail address of the webmaster, if available. (empty: hidden) [RSS 2.0]');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_MANAGINGEDITOR_DESC', 'E-Mail address of the managing editor, if available. (empty: hidden) [RSS 2.0]');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_BANNERURL_DESC', 'URL of an image in GIF/JPEG/PNG format, if available. (empty: serendipity-logo)');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_BANNERWIDTH_DESC', 'in pixels, max. 144');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_BANNERHEIGHT_DESC', 'in pixels, max. 400');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_TTL', 'Field "ttl" (time-to-live)');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_TTL_DESC', 'Amount of minutes after which your blog should not be cached any more by foreign sites/applications (empty: hidden) [RSS 2.0]');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_PUBDATE', 'Field "pubDate"');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_PUBDATE_DESC', 'Should the "pubDate"-field be embedded for a RSS-channel, to show the date of the latest entry?');
@define('CONTENT', 'Content');
@define('TYPE', 'Type');
@define('DRAFT', 'Draft');
@define('PUBLISH', 'Publish');
@define('PREVIEW', '미리보기');
@define('DATE', 'Date');
@define('DATE_FORMAT_2', 'Y-m-d H:i'); // Needs to be ISO 8601 compliant for date conversion!
@define('DATE_INVALID', 'Warning: The date you specified was invalid. It has to be given in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM format.');
@define('CATEGORY_PLUGIN_DESC', 'Shows the list of categories.');
@define('ALL_AUTHORS', 'All authors');
@define('CATEGORIES_TO_FETCH', 'Categories to fetch');
@define('CATEGORIES_TO_FETCH_DESC', 'Fetch categories from which author?');
@define('PAGE_BROWSE_ENTRIES', '페이지 %s of %s, 총 %s 입력');
@define('PREVIOUS_PAGE', '이전 제이지');
@define('NEXT_PAGE', '다음 제이지');
@define('ALL_CATEGORIES', '모든목록');
@define('DO_MARKUP', 'Perform Markup Transformations');
@define('DO_MARKUP_DESCRIPTION', 'Apply markup transformations to the text (smilies, shortcut markups via *, /, _, ...). Disabling this will preserve any HTML-code in the text.');
@define('GENERAL_PLUGIN_DATEFORMAT', 'Dateformatting');
@define('GENERAL_PLUGIN_DATEFORMAT_BLAHBLAH', 'The format of the entry\'s actual date, using PHPs strftime() variables. (Default: "%s")');
@define('ERROR_TEMPLATE_FILE', 'Unable to open template file, please update serendipity!');
@define('ADVANCED_OPTIONS', 'Advanced Options');
@define('EDIT_ENTRY', 'Edit entry');
@define('HTACCESS_ERROR', 'To check your local webserver installation, serendipity needs to be able to write the file ".htaccess". This was not possible because of permission errors. Please adjust the permissions like this: <br />  %s<br />and reload this page.');
@define('SIDEBAR_PLUGINS', 'Sidebar Plugins');
@define('EVENT_PLUGINS', 'Event Plugins');
@define('SORT_ORDER', 'Sort order');
@define('SORT_ORDER_NAME', 'Filename');
@define('SORT_ORDER_EXTENSION', 'File extension');
@define('SORT_ORDER_SIZE', 'Filesize');
@define('SORT_ORDER_WIDTH', 'Image width');
@define('SORT_ORDER_HEIGHT', 'Image height');
@define('SORT_ORDER_DATE', 'Upload date');
@define('SORT_ORDER_ASC', 'Ascending');
@define('SORT_ORDER_DESC', 'Descending');
@define('THUMBNAIL_SHORT', 'Thumb');
@define('ORIGINAL_SHORT', 'Orig.');
@define('APPLY_MARKUP_TO', 'Apply markup to %s');
@define('CALENDAR_BEGINNING_OF_WEEK', 'Beginning of the week');
@define('SERENDIPITY_NEEDS_UPGRADE', 'Serendipity has detected that your configuration is currently installed with version %s, however serendipity itself is installed as version %s, you need to upgrade! <a href="%s">Click here</a>');
@define('SERENDIPITY_UPGRADER_WELCOME', 'Hi, and welcome to the Serendipity upgrade agent.');
@define('SERENDIPITY_UPGRADER_PURPOSE', 'I am here to help you upgrade your Serendipity %s installation.');
@define('SERENDIPITY_UPGRADER_WHY', 'You are seeing this message because you have just installed Serendipity %s, but have not yet upgraded your database installation to fit this version');
@define('SERENDIPITY_UPGRADER_DATABASE_UPDATES', 'Database updates (%s)');
@define('SERENDIPITY_UPGRADER_FOUND_SQL_FILES', 'I have found the following .sql files which needs to be run before you can continue normal operation of Serendipity');
@define('SERENDIPITY_UPGRADER_VERSION_SPECIFIC', 'Version specific tasks');
@define('SERENDIPITY_UPGRADER_NO_VERSION_SPECIFIC', 'No version specific tasks found');
@define('SERENDIPITY_UPGRADER_PROCEED_QUESTION', 'Do you wish me to perform the above tasks?');
@define('SERENDIPITY_UPGRADER_PROCEED_ABORT', 'No, I will run them manually');
@define('SERENDIPITY_UPGRADER_PROCEED_DOIT', 'Yes, please do so');
@define('SERENDIPITY_UPGRADER_NO_UPGRADES', 'It appears you do not need any upgrades run');
@define('SERENDIPITY_UPGRADER_CONSIDER_DONE', 'Consider Serendipity upgraded');
@define('SERENDIPITY_UPGRADER_YOU_HAVE_IGNORED', 'You have ignored the upgrade stage of Serendipity, please make sure your database is correctly installed, and scheduled functions are run');
@define('SERENDIPITY_UPGRADER_NOW_UPGRADED', 'Your Serendipity installation is now upgraded to version %s');
@define('SERENDIPITY_UPGRADER_RETURN_HERE', 'You can return to your blog by clicking %shere%s');
@define('MANAGE_USERS', 'Manage users');
@define('CREATE_NEW_USER', 'Create new user');
@define('CREATE_NOT_AUTHORIZED', 'You cannot modify users with the same userlevel as yourself');
@define('CREATE_NOT_AUTHORIZED_USERLEVEL', 'You cannot create users with a higher userlevel than yourself');
@define('CREATED_USER', 'A new user %s has been created');
@define('MODIFIED_USER', 'The properties of user %s have been changed');
@define('USER_LEVEL', 'Userlevel');
@define('DELETE_USER', 'You are about to delete user #%d %s. Are you serious? This will disallow showing any entries written by him on the frontend.');
@define('DELETED_USER', 'User #%d %s deleted.');
@define('LIMIT_TO_NUMBER', 'How many items should be displayed?');
@define('ENTRIES_PER_PAGE', 'entries per page');
@define('XML_IMAGE_TO_DISPLAY', 'XML Button');
@define('XML_IMAGE_TO_DISPLAY_DESC','Links to XML Feeds will be displayed by this image. Leave empty for default, enter \'none\' to disable.');

@define('DIRECTORIES_AVAILABLE', 'In the list of available subdirectories you can click on any directory name to create a new directory within that structure.');
@define('ALL_DIRECTORIES', 'all directories');
@define('MANAGE_DIRECTORIES', 'Manage directories');
@define('DIRECTORY_CREATED', 'Directory <strong>%s</strong> has been created.');
@define('PARENT_DIRECTORY', 'Parent directory');
@define('CONFIRM_DELETE_DIRECTORY', 'Are you sure you want to remove all the contents of directory %s?');
@define('ERROR_NO_DIRECTORY', 'Error: Directory %s does not exist');
@define('CHECKING_DIRECTORY', 'Checking files in directory %s');
@define('DELETING_FILE', 'Deleting file %s...');
@define('ERROR_DIRECTORY_NOT_EMPTY', 'Could not remove non-empty directory. Check the "force deletion" checkbox if you want to remove those files as well, and then submit again. Existing files are:');
@define('DIRECTORY_DELETE_FAILED', 'Deletion of directory %s failed. Check permissions or messages above.');
@define('DIRECTORY_DELETE_SUCCESS', 'Directory %s successfully deleted.');
@define('SKIPPING_FILE_EXTENSION', 'Skipping file: Missing extension on %s.');
@define('SKIPPING_FILE_UNREADABLE', 'Skipping file: %s not readable.');
@define('FOUND_FILE', 'Found new/modified file: %s.');
@define('ALREADY_SUBCATEGORY', '%s is a already a subcategory of %s.');
@define('PARENT_CATEGORY', 'Parent category');
@define('IN_REPLY_TO', '답글하기');
@define('TOP_LEVEL', '첫째목록');
@define('PERMISSIONS', 'Permissions');
@define('SETTINGS_SAVED_AT', 'The new settings have been saved at %s');

@define('INSTALL_CAT_DB', 'Database settings');
@define('INSTALL_CAT_DB_DESC', 'Here you can enter all your database information. Serendipity needs this to be able to function');
@define('INSTALL_DBTYPE', 'Database type');
@define('INSTALL_DBTYPE_DESC', 'Database type');
@define('INSTALL_DBHOST', 'Database host');
@define('INSTALL_DBHOST_DESC', 'The hostname for your database server');
@define('INSTALL_DBUSER', 'Database user');
@define('INSTALL_DBUSER_DESC', 'The username used to connect to your database');
@define('INSTALL_DBPASS', 'Database password');
@define('INSTALL_DBPASS_DESC', 'The password matching the above username');
@define('INSTALL_DBNAME', 'Database name');
@define('INSTALL_DBNAME_DESC', 'The name of your database');
@define('INSTALL_DBPREFIX', 'Database table prefix');
@define('INSTALL_DBPREFIX_DESC', 'Prefix for the table names, i.e. serendipity_');

/* PATHS */
@define('INSTALL_CAT_PATHS', 'Paths');
@define('INSTALL_CAT_PATHS_DESC', 'Various paths to different essential folders and files. Don\'t forget trailing slashes for directories!');
@define('INSTALL_FULLPATH', 'Full path');
@define('INSTALL_FULLPATH_DESC', 'The full and absolute path to your serendipity installation');
@define('INSTALL_UPLOADPATH', 'Upload path');
@define('INSTALL_UPLOADPATH_DESC', 'All uploads will go here, relative to the \'Full path\' - typically \'uploads/\'');
@define('INSTALL_RELPATH', 'Relative path');
@define('INSTALL_RELPATH_DESC', 'Path to serendipity for your browser, typically \'/serendipity/\'');
@define('INSTALL_RELTEMPLPATH', 'Relative template path');
@define('INSTALL_RELTEMPLPATH_DESC', 'The path to the folder containing your templates - Relative to the \'relative path\'');
@define('INSTALL_RELUPLOADPATH', 'Relative upload path');
@define('INSTALL_RELUPLOADPATH_DESC', 'Path to your uploads for browsers - Relative to the \'relative path\'');
@define('INSTALL_URL', 'URL to blog');
@define('INSTALL_URL_DESC', 'Base URL to your serendipity installation');
@define('INSTALL_INDEXFILE', 'Index file');
@define('INSTALL_INDEXFILE_DESC', 'The name of your serendipity index file');

/* Generel settings */
@define('INSTALL_CAT_SETTINGS', 'General settings');
@define('INSTALL_CAT_SETTINGS_DESC', 'Customize how Serendipity behaves');
@define('INSTALL_USERNAME', 'Admin username');
@define('INSTALL_USERNAME_DESC', 'Username for admin login');
@define('INSTALL_PASSWORD', 'Admin password');
@define('INSTALL_PASSWORD_DESC', 'Password for admin login');
@define('INSTALL_EMAIL', 'Admin email');
@define('INSTALL_EMAIL_DESC', 'Email for the blog administrator');
@define('INSTALL_SENDMAIL', 'Send mails to admin?');
@define('INSTALL_SENDMAIL_DESC', 'Do you want to receive emails when comments are posted to your entries?');
@define('INSTALL_SUBSCRIBE', 'Allow users to subscribe to entries?');
@define('INSTALL_SUBSCRIBE_DESC', 'Allow users to subscribe to an entry and thereby receive a mail when new comments are made to that entry');
@define('INSTALL_BLOGNAME', 'Blog name');
@define('INSTALL_BLOGNAME_DESC', 'The title of your blog');
@define('INSTALL_BLOGDESC', 'Blog description');
@define('INSTALL_BLOGDESC_DESC', 'Description of your blog');
@define('INSTALL_LANG', 'Language');
@define('INSTALL_LANG_DESC', 'Select the language for your blog');

/* Appearance and options */
@define('INSTALL_CAT_DISPLAY', 'Appearance and options');
@define('INSTALL_CAT_DISPLAY_DESC', 'Customize how Serendipity looks and feels');
@define('INSTALL_WYSIWYG', 'Use WYSIWYG editor');
@define('INSTALL_WYSIWYG_DESC', 'Do you want to use the WYSIWYG editor? (Works on IE5+, partially in Mozilla 1.3+)');
@define('INSTALL_XHTML11', 'Force XHTML 1.1 compliance');
@define('INSTALL_XHTML11_DESC', 'Do you want to force XHTML 1.1 compliance (may cause problems for back-/frontend on older 4th generation browsers)');
@define('INSTALL_POPUP', 'Enable use of popup windows');
@define('INSTALL_POPUP_DESC', 'Do you want to use popup windows for comments, trackbacks et al?');
@define('INSTALL_EMBED', 'Is serendipity embedded?');
@define('INSTALL_EMBED_DESC', 'If you want to embed serendipity within a regular page, set to true to discard any headers and just print the contents. You can make use of the indexFile option to use a wrapper class where you put your normal webpage headers. See the README file for more information!');
@define('INSTALL_TOP_AS_LINKS', 'Show Top Exits/Referrers as links?');
@define('INSTALL_TOP_AS_LINKS_DESC', '"no": Exits and Referrers are shown as plain text to prevent google spam. "yes": Exits and Referrers are shown as hyperlinks. "default": Use setting from global configuration (recommended).');
@define('INSTALL_BLOCKREF', 'Blocked Referers');
@define('INSTALL_BLOCKREF_DESC', 'Are there any special hosts you want not to show up in the referers list? Separate the list of hostnames with \';\' and note that the host is blocked by substring matches!');
@define('INSTALL_REWRITE', 'URL Rewriting');
@define('INSTALL_REWRITE_DESC', 'Select which rules you wish to use when generating URLs. Enabling rewrite rules will make pretty URLs for your blog and make it better indexable for spiders like google. The webserver needs to support either mod_rewrite or "AllowOverride All" for your serendipity dir. The default setting is auto-detected');

/* Imageconversion Settings */
@define('INSTALL_CAT_IMAGECONV', 'Imageconversion Settings');
@define('INSTALL_CAT_IMAGECONV_DESC', 'Enter general information about how serendipity should handle Images');
@define('INSTALL_IMAGEMAGICK', 'Use Imagemagick');
@define('INSTALL_IMAGEMAGICK_DESC', 'Do you have image magick installed and want to use it to resize images?');
@define('INSTALL_IMAGEMAGICKPATH', 'Path to convert binary');
@define('INSTALL_IMAGEMAGICKPATH_DESC', 'Full path & name of your image magick convert binary');
@define('INSTALL_THUMBSUFFIX', 'Thumbnail suffix');
@define('INSTALL_THUMBSUFFIX_DESC', 'Thumbnails will be named with the following format: original.[suffix].ext');
@define('INSTALL_THUMBWIDTH', 'Thumbnail dimensions');
@define('INSTALL_THUMBWIDTH_DESC', 'Static maximum width of auto-generated thumbnails');

/* Personal details */
@define('USERCONF_CAT_PERSONAL', 'Your personal details');
@define('USERCONF_CAT_PERSONAL_DESC', 'Change your personal details');
@define('USERCONF_USERNAME', 'Your username');
@define('USERCONF_USERNAME_DESC', 'The username you use to log in to the blog');
@define('USERCONF_PASSWORD', 'Your password');
@define('USERCONF_PASSWORD_DESC', 'The password you wish to use to log in to the blog');
@define('USERCONF_EMAIL', 'Your e-mail address');
@define('USERCONF_EMAIL_DESC', 'Your personal e-mail address');
@define('USERCONF_SENDCOMMENTS', 'Send comment announcements?');
@define('USERCONF_SENDCOMMENTS_DESC', 'Do you want to receive emails when comments are posted to your entries?');
@define('USERCONF_SENDTRACKBACKS', 'Send trackback announcements?');
@define('USERCONF_SENDTRACKBACKS_DESC', 'Do you want to receive emails when trackbacks are posted to your entries?');
@define('USERCONF_ALLOWPUBLISH', 'Rights: Publishing entries?');
@define('USERCONF_ALLOWPUBLISH_DESC', 'Is this user allowed to publish entries?');
@define('SUCCESS', 'Success');
@define('POWERED_BY_SHOW_TEXT', 'Show "Serendipity" as text');
@define('POWERED_BY_SHOW_TEXT_DESC', 'Will display "Serendipity Weblog" as text');
@define('POWERED_BY_SHOW_IMAGE', 'Show "Serendipity" with a logo');
@define('POWERED_BY_SHOW_IMAGE_DESC', 'Displays the Serendipity logo');
@define('PLUGIN_ITEM_DISPLAY', 'Where should the item be displayed?');
@define('PLUGIN_ITEM_DISPLAY_EXTENDED', 'Extended entry only');
@define('PLUGIN_ITEM_DISPLAY_OVERVIEW', 'Overview page only');
@define('PLUGIN_ITEM_DISPLAY_BOTH', 'All times');
@define('RSS_IMPORT_CATEGORY', 'Use this category for non-matching imported entries');

@define('COMMENTS_WILL_BE_MODERATED', 'Submitted comments will be subject to moderation before being displayed.');
@define('YOU_HAVE_THESE_OPTIONS', 'You have the following options available:');
@define('THIS_COMMENT_NEEDS_REVIEW', 'Warning: This comment needs approval before it will be displayed');
@define('DELETE_COMMENT', 'Delete comment');
@define('APPROVE_COMMENT', 'Approve comment');
@define('REQUIRES_REVIEW', 'Requires review');
@define('COMMENT_APPROVED', 'Comment #%s has successfully been approved');
@define('COMMENT_DELETED', 'Comment #%s has successfully been deleted');
@define('COMMENTS_MODERATE', 'Comments & trackbacks to this entry requires moderation');
@define('THIS_TRACKBACK_NEEDS_REVIEW', 'Warning: This trackback needs approval before it will be displayed');
@define('DELETE_TRACKBACK', 'Delete trackback');
@define('APPROVE_TRACKBACK', 'Approve trackback');
@define('TRACKBACK_APPROVED', 'Trackback #%s has successfully been approved');
@define('TRACKBACK_DELETED', 'Trackback #%s has successfully been deleted');
@define('VIEW', 'View');
@define('COMMENT_ALREADY_APPROVED', 'Comment #%s appears to already have been approved');
@define('COMMENT_EDITED', 'The selected comment has been edited');
@define('HIDE', 'Hide');
@define('VIEW_EXTENDED_ENTRY', 'Continue reading "%s"');
@define('TRACKBACK_SPECIFIC_ON_CLICK', 'This link is not meant to be clicked. It contains the trackback URI for this entry. You can use this URI to send ping- & trackbacks from your own blog to this entry. To copy the link, right click and select "Copy Shortcut" in Internet Explorer or "Copy Link Location" in Mozilla.');
@define('PLUGIN_SUPERUSER_HTTPS', 'Use https for login');
@define('PLUGIN_SUPERUSER_HTTPS_DESC', 'Lets the login-link point to a https-location. Your webserver needs to support this!');
@define('INSTALL_SHOW_EXTERNAL_LINKS', 'Make external links clickable?');
@define('INSTALL_SHOW_EXTERNAL_LINKS_DESC', '"no": Unchecked external links (Top Exits, Top Referrers, User comments) are not shown/shown as plain text where applicable to prevent google spam (recommended). "yes": Unchecked external links are shown as hyperlinks. Can be overridden within sidebar plugin configuration!');
@define('PAGE_BROWSE_COMMENTS', 'Page %s of %s, totalling %s comments');
@define('FILTERS', 'Filters');
@define('FIND_ENTRIES', 'Find entries');
@define('FIND_COMMENTS', 'Find comments');
@define('FIND_MEDIA', 'Find media');
@define('FILTER_DIRECTORY', 'Directory');
@define('SORT_BY', 'Sort by');
@define('TRACKBACK_COULD_NOT_CONNECT', 'No Trackback sent: Could not open connection to %s on port %d');
@define('MEDIA', 'Media');
@define('MEDIA_LIBRARY', 'Media library');
@define('ADD_MEDIA', 'Add media');
@define('ENTER_MEDIA_URL', 'Enter an URL of a file to fetch:');
@define('ENTER_MEDIA_UPLOAD', 'Select a file you wish to upload:');
@define('SAVE_FILE_AS', 'Save the file as:');
@define('STORE_IN_DIRECTORY', 'Store inside the following directory: ');
@define('ADD_MEDIA_BLAHBLAH', '<b>Add a file to your media repository:</b><p>Here you can upload mediafiles, or tell me to fetch them from somewhere in the web! If you don\'t have an appropriate image, <a href="http://images.google.com" target="_blank">search for images on google</a> matching your thoughts, the results are often useful and funny :)<p><b>Select method:</b><br>');
@define('MEDIA_RENAME', 'Rename this file');
@define('IMAGE_RESIZE', 'Resize this image');
@define('MEDIA_DELETE', 'Delete this file');
@define('FILES_PER_PAGE', 'Files per page');
@define('CLICK_FILE_TO_INSERT', 'Click the file you want to insert:');
@define('SELECT_FILE', 'Select file to insert');
@define('MEDIA_FULLSIZE', 'Fullsize');
@define('CALENDAR_BOW_DESC', 'The day of the week that should be considered the beginning of the week. Default is Monday');
@define('SUPERUSER', 'Blog Administration');
@define('ALLOWS_YOU_BLAHBLAH', 'Provides a link in the sidebar to your blog administration');
@define('CALENDAR', '달력');
@define('SUPERUSER_OPEN_ADMIN', 'Open administration');
@define('SUPERUSER_OPEN_LOGIN', 'Open login screen');
@define('INVERT_SELECTIONS', 'Invert Selections');
@define('COMMENTS_DELETE_CONFIRM', 'Are you sure you wish to delete the selected comments?');
@define('COMMENT_DELETE_CONFIRM', 'Are you sure you wish to delete comment #%d, written by %s?');
@define('DELETE_SELECTED_COMMENTS', 'Delete selected comments');
@define('VIEW_COMMENT', 'View comment');
@define('VIEW_ENTRY', 'View entry');
@define('DELETE_FILE_FAIL', 'Unable to delete file <b>%s</b>');
@define('DELETE_THUMBNAIL', 'Deleted the image thumbnail entitled <b>%s</b>');
@define('DELETE_FILE', 'Deleted the file entitled <b>%s</b>');
@define('ABOUT_TO_DELETE_FILE', 'You are about to delete <b>%s</b><br />If you are using this file in some of your entries, it will cause dead links or images<br />Are you sure you wish to proceed?<br /><br />');
@define('TRACKBACK_SENDING', 'Sending trackback to URI %s...');
@define('TRACKBACK_SENT', 'Trackback successful');
@define('TRACKBACK_FAILED', 'Trackback failed: %s');
@define('TRACKBACK_NOT_FOUND', 'No trackback-URI found.');
@define('TRACKBACK_URI_MISMATCH', 'The autodiscovered trackback URI does not match our target URI.');
@define('TRACKBACK_CHECKING', 'Checking <u>%s</u> for possible trackbacks...');
@define('TRACKBACK_NO_DATA', 'Target contained no data');
@define('TRACKBACK_SIZE', 'Target URI exceeded maximum filesize of %s bytes.');
@define('DISPLAY_COMMENTS_AS', '답글 형식');
@define('COMMENTS_FILTER_SHOW', 'Show');
@define('COMMENTS_FILTER_ALL', 'All');
@define('COMMENTS_FILTER_APPROVED_ONLY', 'Only approved');
@define('COMMENTS_FILTER_NEED_APPROVAL', 'Pending approval');
@define('RSS_IMPORT_BODYONLY', 'Put all imported text in the "body" section and do not split up into "extended entry" section.');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_FULLFEED', 'Show full articles with extended body inside RSS feed');
@define('WEEK', 'Week');
@define('WEEKS', 'Weeks');
@define('MONTHS', 'Months');
@define('DAYS', 'Days');
@define('ARCHIVE_FREQUENCY', 'Calendar item frequency');
@define('ARCHIVE_FREQUENCY_DESC', 'The calendar interval to use between each item in the list');
@define('ARCHIVE_COUNT', 'Number of items in the list');
@define('ARCHIVE_COUNT_DESC', 'The total number of months, weeks or days to display');
@define('BELOW_IS_A_LIST_OF_INSTALLED_PLUGINS', 'Below is a list of installed plugins');
@define('SIDEBAR_PLUGIN', 'sidebar plugin');
@define('EVENT_PLUGIN', 'event plugin');
@define('CLICK_HERE_TO_INSTALL_PLUGIN', 'Click here to install a new %s');
@define('VERSION', 'version');
@define('INSTALL', 'Install');
@define('ALREADY_INSTALLED', 'Already installed');
@define('SELECT_A_PLUGIN_TO_ADD', 'Select the plugin which you wish to install');
@define('INSTALL_OFFSET', 'Server time Offset');
@define('STICKY_POSTINGS', 'Sticky Postings');
@define('INSTALL_FETCHLIMIT', 'Entries to display on frontpage');
@define('INSTALL_FETCHLIMIT_DESC', 'Number of entries to display for each page on the frontend');
@define('IMPORT_ENTRIES', 'Import data');
@define('EXPORT_ENTRIES', 'Export entries');
@define('IMPORT_WELCOME', 'Welcome to the Serendipity import utility');
@define('IMPORT_WHAT_CAN', 'Here you can import entries from other weblog software applications');
@define('IMPORT_SELECT', 'Please select the software you wish to import from');
@define('IMPORT_PLEASE_ENTER', 'Please enter the data as requested below');
@define('IMPORT_NOW', 'Import now!');
@define('IMPORT_STARTING', 'Starting import procedure...');
@define('IMPORT_FAILED', 'Import failed');
@define('IMPORT_DONE', 'Import successfully completed');
@define('IMPORT_WEBLOG_APP', 'Weblog application');
@define('EXPORT_FEED', 'Export full RSS feed');
@define('STATUS', 'Status after import');
@define('IMPORT_GENERIC_RSS', 'Generic RSS import');
@define('ACTIVATE_AUTODISCOVERY', 'Send Trackbacks to links found in the entry');
@define('WELCOME_TO_ADMIN', 'Welcome to the Serendipity Administration Suite.');
@define('PLEASE_ENTER_CREDENTIALS', 'Please enter your credentials below.');
@define('ADMIN_FOOTER_POWERED_BY', 'Powered by Serendipity %s and PHP %s');
@define('INSTALL_USEGZIP', 'Use gzip compressed pages');
@define('INSTALL_USEGZIP_DESC', 'To speed up delivery of pages, we can compress the pages we send to the visitor, given that his browser supports this. This is recommended');
@define('INSTALL_SHOWFUTURE', 'Show future entries');
@define('INSTALL_SHOWFUTURE_DESC', 'If enabled, this will show all entries in the future on your blog. Default is to hide those entries and only show them if the publish date has arrived.');
@define('INSTALL_DBPERSISTENT', 'Use persistent connections');
@define('INSTALL_DBPERSISTENT_DESC', 'Enable the usage of persistent database connections, read more <a href="http://php.net/manual/features.persiste ... ctions.php" target="_blank">here</a>. This is normally not recommended');
@define('NO_IMAGES_FOUND', 'No images found');
@define('PERSONAL_SETTINGS', 'Personal Settings');
@define('REFERER', 'Referer');
@define('NOT_FOUND', 'Not found');
@define('WRITABLE', 'Writable');
@define('NOT_WRITABLE', 'Not writable');
@define('PROBLEM_DIAGNOSTIC', 'Due to a problematic diagnostic, you cannot continue with the installation before the above errors are fixed');
@define('SELECT_INSTALLATION_TYPE', 'Select which installation type you wish to use');
@define('WELCOME_TO_INSTALLATION', 'Welcome to the Serendipity Installation');
@define('FIRST_WE_TAKE_A_LOOK', 'First we will take a look at your current setup and attempt to diagnose any compatibility problems');
@define('ERRORS_ARE_DISPLAYED_IN', 'Errors are displayed in %s, recommendations in %s and success in %s');
@define('RED', 'red');
@define('YELLOW', 'yellow');
@define('GREEN', 'green');
@define('PRE_INSTALLATION_REPORT', 'Serendipity v%s pre-installation report');
@define('RECOMMENDED', 'Recommended');
@define('ACTUAL', 'Actual');
@define('PHPINI_CONFIGURATION', 'php.ini configuration');
@define('PHP_INSTALLATION', 'PHP installation');
@define('THEY_DO', 'they do');
@define('THEY_DONT', 'they don\'t');
@define('SIMPLE_INSTALLATION', 'Simple installation');
@define('EXPERT_INSTALLATION', 'Expert installation');
@define('COMPLETE_INSTALLATION', 'Complete installation');
@define('WONT_INSTALL_DB_AGAIN', 'won\'t install the database again');
@define('CHECK_DATABASE_EXISTS', 'Checking to see if the database and tables already exists');
@define('CREATING_PRIMARY_AUTHOR', 'Creating primary author \'%s\'');
@define('SETTING_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE', 'Setting default template');
@define('INSTALLING_DEFAULT_PLUGINS', 'Installing default plugins');
@define('SERENDIPITY_INSTALLED', 'Serendipity has been successfully installed');
@define('VISIT_BLOG_HERE', 'Visit your new blog here');
@define('THANK_YOU_FOR_CHOOSING', 'Thank you for choosing Serendipity');
@define('ERROR_DETECTED_IN_INSTALL', 'An error was detected in the installation');
@define('OPERATING_SYSTEM', 'Operating system');
@define('WEBSERVER_SAPI', 'Webserver SAPI');
@define('TEMPLATE_SET', '\'%s\' has been set as your active template');
@define('SEARCH_ERROR', 'The search function did not work as expected. Notice for the administrator of this blog: This may happen because of missing index keys in your database. On MySQL systems your database user account needs to be privileged to execute this query: <pre>CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX entry_idx on %sentries (title,body,extended)</pre> The specific error returned by the database was: <pre>%s</pre>');
@define('EDIT_THIS_CAT', 'Editing "%s"');
@define('CATEGORY_REMAINING', 'Delete this category and move its entries to this category');
@define('CATEGORY_INDEX', 'Below is a list of categories available to your entries');
@define('NO_CATEGORIES', 'No categories');
@define('RESET_DATE', 'Reset date');
@define('RESET_DATE_DESC', 'Click here to reset the date to the current time');
@define('PROBLEM_PERMISSIONS_HOWTO', 'Permissions can be set by running shell command: `<em>%s</em>` on the failed directory, or by setting this using an FTP program');
@define('WARNING_TEMPLATE_DEPRECATED', 'Warning: Your current template is using a deprecated template method, you are advised to update if possible');
@define('ENTRY_PUBLISHED_FUTURE', 'This entry is not yet published.');
@define('ENTRIES_BY', 'Entries by %s');
@define('PREVIOUS', 'Previous');
@define('NEXT', 'Next');
@define('APPROVE', 'Approve');
@define('CATEGORY_ALREADY_EXIST', 'A category with the name "%s" already exist');
@define('IMPORT_NOTES', 'Note:'); // Translate
@define('ERROR_FILE_FORBIDDEN', 'You are not allowed to upload files with active content'); // Translate
@define('ADMIN', 'Administration'); // Re-Translate
@define('ADMIN_FRONTPAGE', 'Frontpage'); // Translate
@define('QUOTE', 'Quote'); // Translate
@define('IFRAME_SAVE', 'Serendipity is now saving your entry, creating trackbacks and performing possible XML-RPC calls. This may take a while..'); // Translate
@define('IFRAME_SAVE_DRAFT', 'A draft of this entry has been saved'); // Translate
@define('IFRAME_PREVIEW', 'Serendipity is now creating the preview of your entry...'); // Translate
@define('IFRAME_WARNING', 'Your browser does not support the concept of iframes. Please open your serendipity_config.inc.php file and set $serendipity[\'use_iframe\'] variable to FALSE.'); // Translate
@define('NONE', 'none');
@define('USERCONF_CAT_DEFAULT_NEW_ENTRY', 'Default settings for new entries'); // Translate
@define('UPGRADE', 'Upgrade'); // Translate
@define('UPGRADE_TO_VERSION', 'Upgrade to version %s'); // Translate
@define('DELETE_DIRECTORY', 'Delete directory'); // Translate
@define('DELETE_DIRECTORY_DESC', 'You are about to delete the contents of a directory that contains media files, possibly files used in some of your entries.'); // Translate
@define('FORCE_DELETE', 'Delete ALL files in this directory, including those not known by Serendipity'); // Translate
@define('CREATE_DIRECTORY', 'Create directory'); // Translate
@define('CREATE_NEW_DIRECTORY', 'Create new directory'); // Translate
@define('CREATE_DIRECTORY_DESC', 'Here you can create a new directory to place media files in. Choose the name for your new directory and select an optional parent directory to place it in.'); // Translate
@define('BASE_DIRECTORY', 'Base directory'); // Translate
@define('USERLEVEL_EDITOR_DESC', 'Standard editor'); // Translate
@define('USERLEVEL_CHIEF_DESC', 'Chief editor'); // Translate
@define('USERLEVEL_ADMIN_DESC', 'Administrator'); // Translate
@define('USERCONF_USERLEVEL', 'Access level'); // Translate
@define('USERCONF_USERLEVEL_DESC', 'This level is used to determine what kind of access this user has to the blog'); // Translate
@define('USER_SELF_INFO', 'Logged in as %s (%s)'); // Translate
@define('ADMIN_ENTRIES', 'Entries'); // Translate
@define('RECHECK_INSTALLATION', 'Recheck installation'); // Translate
@define('IMAGICK_EXEC_ERROR', 'Unable to execute: "%s", error: %s, return var: %d'); // Translate
@define('INSTALL_OFFSET_DESC', 'Enter the amount of hours between the date of your webserver (current: %clock%) and your desired time zone'); // Translate
@define('UNMET_REQUIREMENTS', 'Requirements failed: %s'); // Translate
@define('CHARSET', 'Charset');
@define('AUTOLANG', 'Use visitor\'s browser language as default');
@define('AUTOLANG_DESC', 'If enabled, this will use the visitor\'s browser language setting to determine the default language of your entry and interface language.');
@define('INSTALL_AUTODETECT_URL', 'Autodetect used HTTP-Host'); // Translate
@define('INSTALL_AUTODETECT_URL_DESC', 'If set to "true", Serendipity will ensure that the HTTP Host which was used by your visitor is used as your BaseURL setting. Enabling this will let you be able to use multiple domain names for your Serendipity Blog, and use the domain for all follow-up links which the user used to access your blog.'); // Translate
@define('CONVERT_HTMLENTITIES', 'Try to auto-convert HTML entities?');
@define('EMPTY_SETTING', 'You did not specify a valid value for "%s"!');
@define('USERCONF_REALNAME', 'Real name'); // Translate
@define('USERCONF_REALNAME_DESC', 'The full name of the author. This is the name seen by readers'); // Translate
@define('HOTLINK_DONE', 'File hotlinked.<br />Done.'); // Translate
@define('ENTER_MEDIA_URL_METHOD', 'Fetch method:'); // Translate
@define('ADD_MEDIA_BLAHBLAH_NOTE', 'Note: If you choose to hotlink to server, make sure you have permission to hotlink to the designated website, or the website is yours. Hotlink allows you to use off-site images without storing them locally.'); // Translate
@define('MEDIA_HOTLINKED', 'hotlinked'); // Translate
@define('FETCH_METHOD_IMAGE', 'Download image to your server'); // Translate
@define('FETCH_METHOD_HOTLINK', 'Hotlink to server'); // Translate
@define('DELETE_HOTLINK_FILE', 'Deleted the hotlinked file entitled <b>%s</b>'); // Translate
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_SHOW_MAIL', 'Show E-Mail addresses?');

/* vim: set sts=4 ts=4 expandtab : */

Posts: 119
Joined: Sun Oct 31, 2004 4:42 am
Location: Taiwan

Post by CapriSkye »

what's the problem you are facing? i'm using utf-8 for chinese, and i don't see any problem except the date won't show in chinese. it has something to do with windows locale that i can't get it to work. is that your problem?
Post Reply