Spam Bee Honeypot input field to short?

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Spam Bee Honeypot input field to short?

Post by u1amo01 »

Not sure if this is a question of the 2k11 theme or the plugin (or maybe s9y 2.0)

I have installed the spam bee plugin with the option "honeypot". When you write a comment there is a field "phone" with default text "Du willst mir nicht wirklich deine Nummer ge". The rest is truncated.

Where and how can I make this field big enough to show the whole text?

Example: ... l#comments
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Re: Spam Bee Honeypot input field to short?

Post by yellowled »

u1amo01 wrote:I have installed the spam bee plugin with the option "honeypot". When you write a comment there is a field "phone" with default text "Du willst mir nicht wirklich deine Nummer ge". The rest is truncated.
Okay, so first of all, that is not the form fields default text, it's a placeholder, which is usually meant to be used to give users an example of what kind of input the form field expects. It is, by the way, not truncated, the form field just isn't long enough to display the full text. If you look at the source code and check that form field's placeholder text, you'll see that it's not truncated.

So there's nothing to fix there. You could want to make the form field wider to make it display the whole placeholder text, BUT:

This form field is not meant to be displayed. It's supposed to be hidden using CSS for users of visual browsers as well as screen readers, because it's not meant to be filled out by the user. This is how the honeypot works in the first place – “real” users usually don't even see the form field, therefore they leave it empty and pass the test.

Spam bots see the form field (because they don't “use” CSS), so they try to fill it out. No matter what they enter in the field, they don't pass the test because it's supposed to be left alone. Very simple, but it works.

So the real question here is: why is this field even visible in your blog? Well, because your blog's serendipity.css (the one that's assembled from the theme's style.css, some fallback styles and the CSS styles emitted by the plugins) does not contain the plugin's styles. In fact, it doesn't seem to contain any styles emitted by plugins.

I don't know why this happens, sorry. It might of course be an issue in the 2.0-beta – we haven't gotten to testing most of the additional plugins with 2.0 yet. I'll see if I can run some tests to see if this happens in my dev blog as well or if it's specific to your installation.

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Re: Spam Bee Honeypot input field to short?

Post by yellowled »

Did a quick test install of the Spam Bee plugin in my 2.0 dev blog, I can not reproduce the issue there. My dev blog does include the plugin's styles in serendipity.css, so it's probably not a bug in 2.0, 2k11 or the plugin.

Judging from the code (as far as I can see) you're using the 2k11 shipped with the 2.0 core with a user.css. That should not influence the generation of serendipity.css at all. You could still try switching to a different (frontend) theme just to see if it works there.

Are you using a recent version of the Spam Bee plugin? (Current is 1.2.7.)

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Re: Spam Bee Honeypot input field to short?

Post by u1amo01 »


It is version 1.2.7. Installed it on another blog which runs with s9y 1.7.8 and have the same effect there. ... l#comments

Looks like I have to set up a brand new test blog and look what happens there.

As workaround I could put a line into user.css

Code: Select all

#serendipity_comment_phone {display:none} 
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Re: Spam Bee Honeypot input field to short?

Post by Timbalu »

I was able to comment to your blog without having to allow javascript or having to answer a capture question at all.
Maybe that hints to one of the issues.

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Re: Spam Bee Honeypot input field to short?

Post by u1amo01 »

... capture is disabled, because I don't like them ...
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Re: Spam Bee Honeypot input field to short?

Post by Timbalu »

but SPAM BEE uses a capture too, which is hidden in javascript mode and public open in noscript mode.
Your pasted Kino entry link has it.

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Re: Spam Bee Honeypot input field to short?

Post by yellowled »

You did not by any chance set the (sorry, English folks, I need to use the German language variables here to make it clearer) plugin's option “Methode für Abfrage der Antwort” (in “Fortgeschrittene Captcha-Konfiguration”) to any of the Smarty options? Because if you did, you probably did not read the instructions carefully:
ACHTUNG: ist "Smarty" ausgewählt, wird keinerlei zusätzliches CSS oder JavaScript eingebunden. Das Captcha-Feld muss also selbst befüllt und versteckt werden.
Meaning: You need to include the necessary CSS to hide those fields manually (i.e. in your user.css) if you use that option.

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Re: Spam Bee Honeypot input field to short?

Post by u1amo01 »

You mean ...? OMG. Verwünscht.

That's it. :oops:

I'm very sorry for wasting your time :-(
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Re: Spam Bee Honeypot input field to short?

Post by yellowled »

u1amo01 wrote:I'm very sorry for wasting your time :-(
Don't be.

I have actually made the same mistake, I just got lucky and was able to catch Grischa via email before having to post it here. :mrgreen:

Also, you guys testing the 2.0-betas should really not hesitate to report anything in the forums which looks even remotely like a potential bug. Checking those out is never a waste of any developer's time. It helps us build a better 2.0.

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Re: Spam Bee Honeypot input field to short?

Post by onli »

Can we maybe add the smarty-code for this into 2k11?
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Re: Spam Bee Honeypot input field to short?

Post by yellowled »

I think it would be a much better solution to let the plugin emit the required CSS even if the Smarty option is used. I don't even get why it doesn't.

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Re: Spam Bee Honeypot input field to short?

Post by u1amo01 »

Maybe it would be just enough to add text "In doubt or if you don't really know what you are doing, leave this button in position "Default" to the info button? :-/

Actual text of
Advanced Captcha Configuration / Answer retrieval method More
"Select how you want to retrieve to correct answer to the Captcha. If you select "JSON", you can send an Ajax request to index.php/plugin/spamblockbeecaptcha to get the answer. "Smarty" will provide the answer through the Smarty variable {$beeCaptchaAnswer}, whereas "Default" will hard code it into the page. NOTE: If "Smarty" is selected, no additional CSS or JavaScript will be included. You have to fill and hide the Captcha field yourself. "Smarty + Encryption" is the same as "Smarty" with the difference that the answer in {$beeCaptchaAnswer} is scrambled with a simple XOR cipher. The variable {$beeCaptchaScrambleKey} contains the decryption key."
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