Different behavior on different machines?

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Different behavior on different machines?

Post by tired_one »

I got an email from a person whose blog I maintain today telling me that they can't approve moderated comments when using the link provided in the email that is sent. They said that when they click the link nothing happens - they're just taken to the page that displays the original entry and whatever comments were already approved.

So I did some testing and had a hard time duplicating the experience. The only way, for me, that the approve link didn't work is if I wasn't logged in to the blog. I relayed this message and this person stated that it didn't matter if he was logged in - under no circumstances did the email approve link work.

So, now I'm at a loss. The test environment is an exact mirror of the production environment so I have no idea why it would be behaving differently for me.

Any thoughts?

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Re: Different behavior on different machines?

Post by garvinhicking »

The behaviour you tell can happen if the user didn't check the "save information" checkbox when logging in as admin.

Ask the user if he sees an "edit entry" link below each entry of his Blog (the frontend, not admin area). Only if this link exists, he is regarded as 'logged in' and only then he can click on the 'approve comment' link.

In the future we'll try to add a login check to the approve comment link, because it is true that it's a bit confusing to think it works without logging in.

The user may also have cookies disabled?

# Garvin Hicking (s9y Developer)
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Post by tired_one. »

Thanks, Garvin. I don't think its and issue with cookies though since I can set my browser to block all cookies and still approve the comment through the link in email.

I never check the 'save information' box either. ;)

What I *do* think is happening though is that someone else is going in through the admin interface and approving a comment before this other user gets or checks the email. Then, when the other user clicks the link there is no action to be taken and it just *looks* like there is something wrong since they are expecting a message confirming approval of a comment.

Maybe you guys could put a message in telling someone that the comment they are trying to approve has already been approved?


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