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Picture insert from database (serendipity thumb)

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 2:55 am
by Phaidros
if i´m trying to insert a picture in an entry (via the radio button "insert picture") a new window is opning which wants to have an URL to a picture...
But i´d like to insert a picture that i've already uploaded and which is in the media-database.

1. I can remember that once there existed a function to insert a picture lfrom the media database...could it have been disappeared? Probably it has to do something with another event-plugin...i read that n other posts...
2. If i need top insert the picture mannually now...what`s the URL to the particular picture? The root ..until /uploads/picture.jpg??

Thanx in advance!!

Re: Picture insert from database (serendipity thumb)

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 9:00 am
by garvinhicking

Yes, you must simply press the other button next to the one you're clicking, which should be labelled "media database". :-)

(Unless your using a different wYSIWYG editor like Xinha, TinyMCE or FCKEditor. Those don't support the serendipity mediadatabase currently)
2. If i need top insert the picture mannually now...what`s the URL to the particular picture? The root ..until /uploads/picture.jpg??
Right, enter the full path like /serendipity/uploads/picture.jpg
