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Beginner question - CSS not cascading . . . sometimes =(

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 3:35 pm
by Klyment
Hello all. =) I'm having trouble with all of my pages except for the index page when it comes to cascading. Kind of odd to explain but it's pretty easy understand what I'm saying when you see it:


then click on any of the calendar, archive, or blog title links. The headers of the source files are very similar if not identical but I don't think my style sheet is being used on any of the other pages. Any input that would point me in the right direction would be appreciated . . . if you need to see anything else please let me know. =)

Thank you. =)

And thanks to some of the other posts I've read in this forum . . . finally got that PHP wrapper thingie to work. =)

Re: Beginner question - CSS not cascading . . . sometimes =(

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 7:04 pm
by garvinhicking
You should look at your HTML code, you're missing some stuff like <html>, so I suppose this makes the browser go wicked. :)


Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 6:57 am
by Klyment
LOL, amazing! =P Thanks. :D However, the problem still persists. But if I disable URL rewriting it seems to work fine. Any thoughts?

Hey, is there some way to look up your Amazon wish list on an English version of the site? Having trouble figuring out how to checkout. =P

Thanks again.

- K

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 10:54 am
by garvinhicking
Hm, how did you add your own headers and stuff exactly? Did you edit layout.php or did you use a wrapper? If using a wrapper, what does your file look like?

You may, for the sake of easiness, want to try Serendipity 0.8 - there we use Smarty templating and you can edit the HTML output MUCH more easier?!

About my amazon wishlist: Well, I honestly don't know - The german amazon does not seem to offer an english checkout. And the problem is that most of my items are not available on - or the RegionCode of the DVD is different so that I couldn't see movies. I'm going to ask the german Amazon office on how to handle such stuff.

Best regards,

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 12:38 pm
by Klyment

I used a wrapper. The wrapper file:

$_REQUEST['page'] = 'blog';
// Let serendipity generate our content:
require 'index.php';
$blog_data = ob_get_contents();

// Now we include our normal content building file.
// This one has to make use of your $blog_data variable to print
// the content where appropriate!
require 'content.php';

(should be identical to the one you wrote in the readme =) )

I'll hold off on s9y 0.8 for now but will definitely try it once it appears to be "officially" released. =) Thanks for the suggestion, though and Smarty templating definitely does sound good.

re: Amazon
Ah, I see. I'll try wandering through your wishlist again with google's translator and see if I can find my way to the checkout. Everything on that list is stuff you need? I thought I saw translation for how some items were already watched and stuff. =P

Thanks for your help.

- K