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weather + Gallery Random Photo Block = busted

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 9:52 pm
by tstefan
I am curently running serendipity 1.0.4.
everythign works great unit i install BOTH weather (Ver 1.4)
Gallery Random Photo Block (ver 1.8)

Each of these pluging work if the other is not installed.

When both are installed , the "configure plugins" page becomes incompleete, becomeing blank after the first instance of either plugin, makeing it impossible to remove either.

Also the main page will show nothing in the nav bar, if the nav bar is on the right, or nothing but the headder if the nave bar is on the left.

I have tried a few different themes and 3 different installs on different hardware.

any ides ?

Re: weather + Gallery Random Photo Block = busted

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 10:31 am
by garvinhicking

How many other plugins do you have installed? It might be on the verge of your memory limit, and that one extra plugin could cause your memory to be used up. This also depends on the memory_limit of your PHP setup?


Re: weather + Gallery Random Photo Block = busted

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 6:54 pm
by tstefan
garvinhicking wrote:Hi!

How many other plugins do you have installed? It might be on the verge of your memory limit, and that one extra plugin could cause your memory to be used up. This also depends on the memory_limit of your PHP setup?

Thanks for replying,

as far as the amount of plugins i have installed it does not seem to matter as long as thoes two are not installed together :)

onmy current test site i only have the calendar and weather installed on the sidebar plugins and have not installed any event plugins.
my memory on php is set to 25M


Re: weather + Gallery Random Photo Block = busted

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 11:40 am
by garvinhicking

Okay, then I'll try to reproduce your problem here on my install after Christmas and let you know if I find a fix :))

Best regards,

Re: weather + Gallery Random Photo Block = busted

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 9:19 pm
by garvinhicking

Hm, I just tried to reproduce, but it works with both plugins in their versions you indicated.

How did you configure both plugins? Where they in a specific order?


Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 9:59 pm
by tstefan
ok i tried setting up everything all over again on a new server
again i get the same error.
I am useing Serendipity 1.0.4 tar.gz
I have the following event plugins installed :

Markup: Serendipity - V1.2
Markup: Emoticate - V1.3
Markup: NL2BR - V1.4
Browser Compatibility - V1.1
Spam Protector - V 1.52
Spartacus - V2.9

Side Bar plugins:
Calendar - V1.0
Blog Administration - V1.0
Weather -V1.4
Gallery Random Photo Block - V1.8

The order does not seem to matter

I have weather configured as such:
Headline - STL Weather
METAR weather source - KSTL
Your timezone - -6
Cache weather information? Yes
Directory for cache information: /tmp
HTTP path to your weather-images - /serendipity/plugins/serendipity_plugin_weather/dot/pixel/icons/serendipity_weather_plugin
Measurement Units - Imperial/US Standard

and Gallery as such:
Title - Gallery Image
Directory of Gallery installation -
Filename of the embedded script - block-random.php
Number of Random Photos - 1
Which version of Gallery are you using? - 2.x

thanks again

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 10:09 pm
by garvinhicking

Can you try to disable the caching of the Weather-plugin and see if it changes things?

If possible, could you try if using the serendipity 1.1-beta makes a difference?

Many thanks for bearing with us,

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 10:41 pm
by tstefan

Disabling the caching does not seem to change anything
but i installed ver 1.1 and things seem to work just great.

so it looks like im due for a upgrade :)

thanks so much for takeing time to help with this


error revisited

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 4:30 am
by tstefan

Just to let you know - i just tried upgradeing to ver 1.1.3 and the exact same thing starts happening again.

I wish i could be of more help to you, but i felt i should at least let you knw



Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 5:20 am
by mgroeninger
Just for grins, could you try using the "Unified Sidebar Image Display" plugin instead of the "Gallery Random Photo Block"?

Unfortunately, I was able to get both plugins (Unified and the Gallery Random) working with the weather plugin as a test, so I'm not sure it will help you much.

But you might like the new features of the unified image plugin...


Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 1:29 pm
by tstefan

i did as you have asked am installed the "Unified Sidebar Image Display" plugin and removed the gallery2 plugin.
everything works fine untill i set the "Rotate image time" to 0 in the unified plugin

Things break but not as bad - the main blog page stops working at all (HTTP 404 error) but the plugin management works just fine (i had them open in 2 different wondiws)

so i set the rotate time to 5 and things start working again.
I have noticed that after the 5 min i will get a blank sidebar again but a quick reload will start things working again, its almost like its haveing some issue pulling the random image on the first try

is it possible to be a chacheing issue?
ill keep testing and let you know if i learn anything new, for now everything seems to be working


Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 4:28 pm
by mgroeninger
Hmm... It kind of sounds like your php maximum execution time is set really low or your web server times out really quick on the php environment.

If you set "rotate image time" to 0 it means that the plugin will make an http call to your gallery install every time. It sounds like this is causing your page to timeout some how. When you turn it up to 5 minutes you cache the request, which seems to work until it needs to make the http call again.

Does your page take a while to render when it fails? Or does it fail pretty quick?

I'm also especially curious about the 404 error. That might indicate that your web server is not receiving any data back from php with in its timeout period and is therefore just returning the 404.

Are you running apache? How is php configured to work with apache? Can you take a look at the execution time in php and the timeouts on the server?

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 5:58 pm
by tstefan
ok - i have it set up on 2 different boxes now -
both are fedora 7 new installs, both are haveing the same issues -
but only 1 is giving the 404 errors, the other just does not show anythign in the nav bar. both start working after a reload.

in both cases, either the 404 error or the missing right nav bar, it happens almost immeaditly, no lag at all.

everythign is installed from RPM's via YUM, except Serendipity

from my php.ini:
max_execution_time = 30
max_input_time = 60
memory_limit = 32M

and in my httpd.conf
Timeout 120

UPDATE i fixed the 404 Error - aprently ther is a apc issue with fedora7
i removed the php-pecl-apc package and the 404 error stoped
but i still hae the nave bar issue


Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 4:42 am
by mgroeninger
Glad to hear the 404 was something different. It makes life a little easier...

So you might have a problem with caching... But I'm not sure what it would be if it seems to work on a refresh (that would mean the caching worked and everything is fine but it didn't finish rendering the page).

How is your logging set? It is a case of the plugin just dying and taking the whole rest of the php execution with it? If you changed your logging do you think you could get an error out of php?