Digg API

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Digg API

Post by kodewulf »


I've started to create a Digg class using the UNOFFICIAL Digg API found here.

The idea I came up with is to run a function that will check the Digg site for new diggs when you save your entry. The list of new diggs will be added to a table in the database and all the links used in an entry will be checked against this table. The reason for this is that the interface to Digg is VERY slow and, like I said, the API is very unofficial. This way the code that interacts with s9y will change very little when the API becomes official. I am also creating it as a standalone class so that it doesn't really rely on anything from s9y. This will hopefully make it easier to find other uses for it. :)

Some of the information available from an entry:
  • Article ID
    Article Link
    Submission Date
    Number of Diggs
    Number of Comments
    Digg URL
    Article Status
    Article Title
    Article Description
    Submitter Name
    Topic Name
    Topic Short Name
    Category Name
    Category Short Name
This list might change is the official API gets released.

If anybody has any comments or suggestions regarding this, please post them here.

I will also try to post the code within the next 24 hours.

Thank you
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Re: Digg API

Post by garvinhicking »


I personally sadly don't use Digg that much, so my experience with what their services offers is very limited. But having a s9y plugin is always nice, and I bett some Diggers would really appreciate this!

Good luck,
# Garvin Hicking (s9y Developer)
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