moblog setup

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moblog setup

Post by martoq »

So I have been toying around with moblogging and s9y a bit using existing plugins and let me tell you, it has not been easy. I think some of the plugins simply are a bit buggy so let me explain how I set it up and hopefully you guys out there can show me the error of my ways.

The two plugins I used that should make it all simple were POPFetcher and Sidebay Entries. Let me explain how I set it up first and then I will explain whats not working.

I setup popfetcher to go out and pop a pix message from my verizon phone to my gmail account. I have gotten this part to work and it successfully will go out, pop gmail and grab the message. It then is supposed to bring the message back, post the message as the user moblog in the moblog category.

When I run popfetcher, it grabs the mail fine however post processing doesn't seem to be working. It will not post the entry as the user I assigned it to post as.

When sidebar entry displays the entry, it does not display the right categories. I have it set to display the moblog category yet it displays all categories, seemingly at random.

I have the category that the entry is supposed to be placed in set to read permissions of something higher than the standard user so it doesn't show up on the page, yet will show up on the sidebar. However, it doesn't seem to work this way. I am not certain if I have this version set up right.

popfetcher v1.9
s9y v9.1
sidebar entry v1.2

Any assistance as always is greatly appreciated.
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Re: moblog setup

Post by garvinhicking »


The problem for not assigning entries to the right user was in fact a sourcecode problem of the plugin.

Where it reads:

Code: Select all

                $authorid      = $this->get_config('authorid');
it should read

Code: Select all

                $authorid      = $this->get_config('author');
instead. I just committed that change, so you'll be able to fetch it via the mirror in the next day.

With the plugin "sidebar entry" I assume you mean "Show Entries in sidebar" / serendipity_plugin_showentries ?

As the category, you need to enter the categoryid, not a category name. Did you make sure you entered the right category ID?

The function to print entries in the sidebar is the same than on the frontend; so both methods should evaluate read permissions the same. You cannot configure the plugin so that it shows entries differently than the mainpane if you apply permissions like that. Instead you should install one more plugin, the "Hide Categories from Startpage" plugin serendipity_event_startcat. You can define a single category there to hide on the startpage, so you could set your moblog category to be hidden from there.

# Garvin Hicking (s9y Developer)
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Post by martoq »

Perfect, I will try those changes now and patch up the pop till the offical one comes out.

2 follow questions:

1. Where do I get the actual category ID besides hacking into the database.
2. What is the url I need to use for external pop action?
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Post by garvinhicking »


1. When you go to the manage categories page and hover your mouse over the edit links, you should see the category ID in either the link or the title of the link

3. You use "http://yourblog/index.php?/plugin/YOURPASS".

# Garvin Hicking (s9y Developer)
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Post by martoq »

Alright, I finally got it all working so I REALLY appreciate the help! Heres a link:

Nothing fancy, but it works. will clean it up more when I have the chance. I am also going to write a basic FAQ for it for others, does s9y have a wiki for this?

And lastly, I am actually still having a small problem. :)

the URL for external, its not working. I attempt to access: ... PLUGINCODE]

But no luck. I have the plugin set for external acces.
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Post by martoq »

Looks like I had an underscore in the url which it didn't seem to like on the external call. Thats cleaned up so its working much better now. Going to tweak it a bit and clean it up for Verizon text messages as it skews the text and posts a bit.

Thanks again for the help and I will get that FAQ down for anyone who wants it.
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Post by azel »

Please do an FAQ! I've had no success in setting up Popfetcher every time I've tried it. I guess I don't understand the instructions. ^_^

And I would definitely love to have a moblog on my blog's sidebar.

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Post by martoq »

I haven't been back in awhile and didn't realize a few people were looking for how to do it. I will try to get a quck and dirty howto up on how I did it.
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Post by martoq »

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