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Serendipity Theme Contest finished!

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 12:02 pm
by garvinhicking
The Serendipity Theme Contest has closed the announced deadline. THIS VOTING ENDS ON SUNDAY 12th, 12:00 CET

Three templates were submitted, by Carl Galloway, David Cummins and Garvin Hicking. They can be viewed for public display (frontend and backend) on

You can vote here on this thread, if you are a registered user to this forum. If you are not, please just drop your vote here as a reply to the entry or as a comment on the blog above. I will collect votes on all three places. You MUST post either your realname or your blog URL for a vote to be officially cast, to prevent duplicate votes. A statement like "I vote for Carl Galloways Design, my name is John Doe" or "I vote for David Cummins Design and my blog is" will suffice.

Several participants of the contest mailed me privately that they were unable to meet the deadline anytime soon, and to have the same chances for everyone, the contest has not been delayed. I hope, those announced themes will be put online in the future.

The theme with the highest vote count will be used as the new default template. If vote counts for two templates are the same, a run-off ballot will be made.

Have fun browsing through the submissions. Your oppinion is highly appreciated!

Voting for Carl's submission

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 12:40 pm
by mastaYoda
First of all: all submitted themes are not in the way I think the way would look like in 2006, 2007 and so on. They seem to be a bit to conservative related to colourscheme and layout-elements. I prefer Carl Galloways because it comes next to what I prefer but it is not best. Davin Cummins theme is too individual, which means the graphical element looks first of all much like Java (remember the coffee) and is not easy customizable, Garvin's looks too much as a theme of last century, sorry, but big shadows, glows and so on are a bit outdated. Sadly I'm just in the position to bitch around, which is easy but I failed on completing my planned submission. You can see it as a gimped and raw version there. Hopefully it will be ready to be included into the 1.0 release.

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 12:47 pm
by Jan Lehnardt
All themes look really great. Thanks a lot!

I'd vote for David's theme if the sidebar headlines would be more readable/less pixlish(?!), although it might be the browser's fault when the screenshot was taken. If Carl's theme is preferred though, I'd suggest to have some sort of vertical separators between the columns. It can look like mess when the sidebar content is not that wide and creates a white area. Also, I know you can't integrate every opinion, so thanks again and keep up the great work!


Re: Voting for Carl's submission

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 12:56 pm
by garvinhicking
mastaYoda: Yes, bitching is easy. We can only choose from what we have, sadly.

However, all three themes are a major improvement compared to the current default theme.

Last but not least: I think your theme looks like the 80ies, so my theme from the 90ies should be an improvement, right? :-D (I like your design, though - it's unique!)


Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 2:00 pm
by ogi
IMHO Carl theme is much more appropriate for general theme than the alternatives :-)

Re: Carls

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 2:55 pm
by garvinhicking
Ogi: Does that mean you vote for that theme, or did you vote with your registered forums account?

People, you need to be specific if we want to have a clean vote count at the end :-)


Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 3:42 pm
by waheed
Theyre all very good, but i think the contest is between Carl Galloway and Garvin Hicking, David Cummins one is good i just didnt like the beige background. iv always associated blue with serendipity blog

excellent :)

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 4:59 pm
by carl_galloway
For the record I've cast my vote, for my own design of course, but I would like to congratulate Garvin on producing a theme whilst also working towards version one - that is a very big job. And while I'm at it, congratulations to Dave who is very new to serendipity and yet still had the kahunas to put in an entry.

mastaYoda, your comments are valid, but I suspect that we all just plain ran out of time, and decisions needed to be made so that we could be in the competition.

One of the comments that Garvin has consistently made is that voting for a design doesn't mean it can't be changed. Serendipity is a community, and I would like to encourage everyone to vote for the design they feel best represents serendipity, regardless of any other thoughts you might have about the theme. Then make your comment here. The final release could be something really worth you taking the time to comment on.


Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 5:01 pm
by carl_galloway
For the record I've cast my vote, for my own design of course, but I would like to congratulate Garvin on producing a theme whilst also working towards version one - that is a very big job. And while I'm at it, congratulations to Dave who is very new to serendipity and yet still had the kahunas to put in an entry.

mastaYoda, your comments are valid, but I suspect that we all just plain ran out of time, and decisions needed to be made so that we could be in the competition.

One of the comments that Garvin has consistently made is that voting for a design doesn't mean it can't be changed. Serendipity is a community, and I would like to encourage everyone to vote for the design they feel best represents serendipity, regardless of any other thoughts you might have about the theme. Then make your comment here. The final release could be something really worth you taking the time to comment on.


Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 7:21 pm
by winkiller
aha, doublepost. So Carl voted twice for himself *takes notes* :)

for the record: my name is Florian Anderiasch, my page is and I voted for Carl's theme.

But to be bit more constructive in criticizing:
a) Garvin's came very close, but for me personally it has too much blank spaces between the content and it's >1024 wide plus Carl chose a friendlier tone of blue.
b) David's reminds me a bit of some of the MT3-themes which I personally don't like at all, especially that caps-stuff. But still great work
c) mastaYoda, your's is really 2006, I must admit that. It fits perfectly in the latest hype of this design style. See basecamp, RoR and 20 other sites that look similar. But I wouldn't really say that's better than a 2004/2005 style like Garvin, Carl and David created :)

and generally
a) shall this 3-column view be the default in the installation?
b) Garvin, didn't you write something about extending the deadline in the original post? or was this just for "we got 0 to 1 submissions"
c) rock on, great work guys, sadly I also couldn't make it in time :/

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 8:00 pm
by carl_galloway
winkiller, are you checking up on me? *note to self, clean and load shotgun*

Actually I pm'd Garvin about the double post and he assures me that he'll be manually checking the votes for duplicates so if I've voted twice it will be sorted out in the final count. Great to see you still around by the way, got the feeling you'd dropped off the radar, and I would be very interested in seeing any theme you produce even if the comp is closed.


Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 8:16 pm
by Roaster
I love them all.

BTW I've already asked what theme do you use on

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 8:36 pm
by jhermanns
Roaster wrote:BTW I've already asked what theme do you use on
I did that a while ago as a

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 9:24 pm
by d_cee
Glad to see nothing bad here about my theme :-D

I'd like to have seen a few more entries to the competition but hey, never mind. Besides I think Carl and Garvin have done a great job. For myself, I'm pleased to have made a contribution - especially as a couple of months ago CSS meant nothing more to me than 'Child Support Service' :)

So I hope everyone keeps the comments and votes coming in - and to all of you who've complimented my work a big thank you.

Dave Cummins

Re: Serendipity Theme Contest finished!

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 9:54 pm
by BRR
I vote for the theme by Carl Galloway. Bjørn Roger Rasmussen, Egersund, Norway. Owner of: and