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Number of search results per page ?

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 3:06 pm
by henry
Does anyone know where to change search results per page ?
when searching everything is dispalayed on the first page.

I find pagination very nice looking, so wish to change it.



Re: Number of search results per page ?

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 3:35 pm
by henry
henry wrote:Does anyone know where to change search results per page ?
when searching everything is dispalayed on the first page.

I find pagination very nice looking, so wish to change it.


And does anyone knows, please help me, how to modify the SERENDIPITY to SEARCH only specific CATEGORY - not the whole database.


Re: Number of search results per page ?

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 3:40 pm
by garvinhicking
Hi henry!

I'm sorry, but there is no pagination feature for the search page currently. We'll try to implement it in a future release.

But in my personal experience, I never searched a blog without being quite specific, so it didn'T ever matter to me that I had 20 entries per page or so. You may want to offer a Google-search on your blog, you can do so with a HTML nugget side bar item...

If you want to restrict searching to a special category, you would need to modify the codebase; we don't find it quite useful to offer a search which doesn't search everything?

Thanks for your feedback and best regards,

Re: Number of search results per page ?

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 5:24 pm
by henry
garvinhicking wrote:Hi henry!

I'm sorry, but there is no pagination feature for the search page currently. We'll try to implement it in a future release.

But in my personal experience, I never searched a blog without being quite specific, so it didn'T ever matter to me that I had 20 entries per page or so. You may want to offer a Google-search on your blog, you can do so with a HTML nugget side bar item...

If you want to restrict searching to a special category, you would need to modify the codebase; we don't find it quite useful to offer a search which doesn't search everything?

Thanks for your feedback and best regards,
1) PAGINATION (for SEARCH RESULTS) is to KEEP people on your site - then there is a CHANCE they CLICK ie. AdSENSE or other advertising and make some incom for you to cover your costs. 8)
2) Search for specific CATEGORIES is great for BIG weblog sites - hope everyone wish to GROW :wink:

Re: Number of search results per page ?

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 11:20 am
by garvinhicking
Hi Henry!
1) PAGINATION (for SEARCH RESULTS) is to KEEP people on your site - then there is a CHANCE they CLICK ie. AdSENSE or other advertising and make some incom for you to cover your costs. 8)
2) Search for specific CATEGORIES is great for BIG weblog sites - hope everyone wish to GROW :wink:

1. Why would a user click on an ad if he browses to page 23 of the results? If he clicks on an ad there, he is one of those users who would already have clicked on an ad on page 1 (the only search result page).
2. If I search for "electronic gadget", why would I ever want to restrict my search to a specific category instead of searching everywhere?

I honestly don't see a disadvantage in having search results displayed on one page - in my experience, by monitoring the search keywords on my site, I saw that users always search for something specific, which always yields only < 20 results, and mostly the keywords are so self-explanatory that they don't need to be restricted to a certain category.

Anyways - I do think that pagination for the search results is nice and can be implemented; but I doubt it's serious impact and high-priority. So we'll try to do it, when other more pressing features (spam-blocking, Smarty-templates, Performance improvements, caching) are implemented. :-)