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New theme - Joshua tree

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 6:37 pm
by d_cee
I've made a new theme (my first) based on the excellent 'Joshua' theme. It's called 'Joshua Tree' and I'd be happy to release it generally if there's interest - or have it deposited in the repository.

You can see the theme here at my themes site

Comments welcome

Dave Cummins

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 9:39 pm
by carl_galloway
Dave that is a very cool design, kudos to you, and its hard to see the familial resemblance to joshue apart from a couple of your colour choices.

I wonder if you've created a banner that could used on another users website, certainly other users probably won't want the happy smiling picture of the proud dad and his little princess. :wink:


Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 1:44 pm
by d_cee
Hi Carl

Thanks for the feedback

I've put the themed 'Joshua Tree' top banner on beingadad although why you think nobody would want a picture of me and my daughter on their blog I can't imagine :wink:

I'll leave it as the banner on the site for a while for anyone who wants to take look.

I've also put a zip of the theme, including the banner as a .psd file with the 'distressing' as overlays, on my download site. There's a link in the blog or download it here.



Theme update

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 3:19 pm
by d_cee
I've fixed the theme so that the left sidebar is now positioned below the right sidebar if any plugins are set to display on the left - and updated the zip file available from my download site