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Codeschmiede Template - improvement

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 1:34 pm
by bpkri
If you are using the Codeschmiede template, as I do at the moment, Technorati might have listing your blogentries correctly, but that's an issue that can easily be fixed.

Technorati reads the front page of a blog to get content and not the feeds (which are only used for additional infomation - whatever this may be). With the Codeschmiede Template a <h4> tag is used for the header of an entry and a <h3> tag is used for the publishing date. If you switch these tags - using <h3> for the heading and <h4> for the date, Technorati can index the blog much better and these changes reflect the codument structure better, too. As far asI have seen, these changes do not have an influence on page display, as this is triggered via other values (classes or IDs) in the css.

So, not technically bug, but a possible improvement.

Now if someone could tell me how to make Technorati recognize the tags better...