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error message about headers / blog posts w/o images

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 11:28 am
by Carl @ ATS
Hello everyone,

I recently created my first blog using Serendipity, which my web host offers its customers as a blogging platform (but without any support). The blog I've created works pretty well, I'm pleased to say, but not perfectly. Here's why...

Problem #1
One thing I've noticed is that if I search for a blog post via the blog interface using a keyword, then the post gets displayed, but without any of the images I've added. If I go back to the normal view in which all of my posts are shown, however, the images are all there. Why aren't the images displayed in search mode, I wonder, and what can I do to remedy the issue? This behaviour is puzzling.

Problem #2
For some reason, the following error messages appear in the admin interface, directly above the admin area. I don't know what they mean or what I should do to correct the issue. Any suggestions, please?

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/..../blog/ in /www/..../blog/include/ on line 706

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/..../blog/ in /www/..../blog/include/ on line 706

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/..../blog/ in /www/..../blog/include/ on line 706

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/..../blog/ in /www/..../blog/serendipity_admin.php on line 11


Any pointers would be much appreciated.



Re: error message about headers / blog posts w/o images

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 12:52 pm
by yellowled
Carl @ ATS wrote:I recently created my first blog using Serendipity, which my web host offers its customers as a blogging platform (but without any support). The blog I've created works pretty well, I'm pleased to say, but not perfectly.
First of all, more information might help:

* Which web host is this? – We've experienced that some of them ship a modified version of s9y without documenting their modifications. Unfortunately, in these cases, we can't really help. But since your host does not offer any support on this (WTF?), it's not very likely. Likely candidates would include RSVSiteBuilder or GoDaddy (although the latter seems to have changed recently).
* Which version of s9y are you running, which version of PHP and which kind of and version of webserver and database is the web host running? – You can see the s9y and PHP version on the bottom of the admin backend, your hoster should provide info on server and database.


Re: error message about headers / blog posts w/o images

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 2:42 pm
by Carl @ ATS
Hi Yellowled,

Thanks for your message. (We can also use German if you prefer.)

Regarding your questions, ...

* Which web host is this? –>

* Does your host offer any support on this? -> Well, not really - just offers various types of software for customers to use in connection with their web accounts. They add: "Bei Fragen, die sich speziell auf die verwendete Software beziehen, wenden Sie sich bitte direkt an den Support des jeweiligen Herstellers." So they're basically just providing the software and leaving everything else up to the users.

They do provide a few tools, though: WebFTP, an FTP editor that lets me view and edit PHP files, too. There's also PHPMyAdmin, which shows all the files in my Serendipity package and blog (but I'm not familiar with that tool). That can be used to access a MySQL database (see below). There is a short FAQ section for users who want to install blog software or databases, but it only contains basic information about installing the software, not managing it.

* Which version of s9y are you running? - v1.6

* Which version of PHP? -> 5.3 (it says "5.3.18-nmm1" at the bottom of the admin page).

* Which kind of and version of webserver and database is the web host running? –> Apache and MySQL 5.1.



Re: error message about headers / blog posts w/o images

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 3:34 pm
by yellowled
Carl @ ATS wrote:(We can also use German if you prefer.)
I don't mind. German posts should go to the German subforum, so …
Carl @ ATS wrote:* Which web host is this? –>
Ah, I didn't look for your location in your original post, which was why I assumed it was maybe one of the (US-based) “difficult” hosts. usually works fine despite some minor glitches possibly related to using spartacus, although I've never used their “one-click install” s9y back when my blog was still hosted there. Should be a vanilla s9y, though.
Carl @ ATS wrote:* Which version of s9y are you running? - v1.6
See, that's the thing with “one-click install” versions. They are usually outdated. :? Current s9y stable is 1.7, although that still has some minor issues (which should be fixed in a 1.7.1 soon). Not being a coder, I can't really interpret the error messages you're getting (Garvin or Timbalu might have some ideas), but my first recommendation would be to update the “one-click” installation to a current 1.7 and see if that helps.


Re: error message about headers / blog posts w/o images

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 4:13 pm
by Timbalu

The missing images are linked as "uploads/example.png", but should be named "/blog/uploads/example.png".
You should change all images in your entries to support this.

Maybe you need to set your path settings in your backend / configuration → path (none empty and all relatives starting with /blog/...)

Else have a look into your servers error or access log, or use LiveHeaders FF Plugin, to see which header is already sent (possibly an error notice).

You may further inspect, if your file is writable (and has no extra space before starting and after ending PHP-Tag) and if your browser allows cookies and the session.save_path (in PHP/Server) is writable and has got enough space left.

Re: error message about headers / blog posts w/o images

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 4:49 pm
by Carl @ ATS
Thanks very much for your advice, Ian (and "Yellowled").

I'll change the source path for the images right away and check the other points, too.

By the way, is there a relatively simple way of updating my Serendipity installation? It was, indeed, a one-click installation, so how should I go about updating it? Download v1.7 from the Serendipity site to my PC, upload it to my space on the all-inkl web server - and then what? What folder should I put it in and unzip and install the files in? /blog/, I guess, together with the file and Serendipity editor?



Re: error message about headers / blog posts w/o images

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 4:59 pm
by Timbalu
Do not forget the trailings slash "/blog :wink:

If you have solved your path and header issues, you could try to use the autoupdate:
Set configuration → path → autodetect host name to yes,
install spartacus event plugin, if not already have
install the dashboard plugin,
then the Serendipity Autoupdate plugin,
update all plugins, if any, via plugin management upper slight rose button links
and point yourself to backend startpage to start the automatic upgrade.

Re: error message about headers / blog posts w/o images

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 5:16 pm
by Carl @ ATS
Thanks again, Ian. I did forget the initial slash in some cases - it's so easy to overlook something like that! - but I've put it right now and the images in all my blog posts now appear all the time, whatever way I call them up. That's excellent! :D

I'll tackle the error messages tomorrow and see how far I get. Thanks for your advice so far, both of you.



Re: error message about headers / blog posts w/o images

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 5:19 pm
by Timbalu
I still think you have a missconfiguration in your path settings...

garvinhicking wrote:Dann ein Tipp: Deine Seite lädt das "fbapix.gif" Bild für deinen Feedburner-Feed. Diese Grafik gibt's bei dir nicht. Deaktiviere entweder feedburner, setz eine andere Grafik, oder lade die fehlende Grafik hoch. Denn sonst führt das zu doppelten Zugriffen zu deinem Blog.

Re: error message about headers / blog posts w/o images

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 6:29 pm
by yellowled
Carl @ ATS wrote:By the way, is there a relatively simple way of updating my Serendipity installation? It was, indeed, a one-click installation, so how should I go about updating it?
Well, define “relatively simple". :)

The proposed update method should work fine with these 1-click installations. But of course, it involves more “manual” steps which might seem more complicated than the autoupdate route Ian just outlined. So I'd suggest to use the autoupdate way since it's definitely more convenient.


Re: error message about headers / blog posts w/o images

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 11:04 am
by Carl @ ATS
Hi Ian,

Thanks for giving me this pointer:
Timbalu wrote:You may further inspect, if your file is writable (and has no extra space before starting and after ending PHP-Tag) ...
I discovered just now that the file did, indeed, contain an extra space right after the last PHP tag, and by removing it and saving the file, I was able to get the error messages to disappear.

It will probably make you grin a bit, but I'm surprised that a single space at the very end of a config file AFTER the final tag can trigger off error messages! PHP seems to interpret programming very strictly and doesn't seem to tolerate any slip-ups at all, which must make tracking errors down very hard for programmers.



Re: error message about headers / blog posts w/o images

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 11:19 am
by Carl @ ATS
yellowled wrote:The proposed update method should work fine with these 1-click installations. But of course, it involves more “manual” steps which might seem more complicated than the autoupdate route Ian just outlined. So I'd suggest to use the autoupdate way since it's definitely more convenient.
Thanks very much for your advice, Yellowled. I'll see how far I get today. At least the error messages are gone now, and I've got two ways of updating my Serendipity installation, so that ought to be doable as well. :)



Re: error message about headers / blog posts w/o images

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 12:27 pm
by Carl @ ATS
Timbalu wrote:... update all plugins, if any, via plugin management upper slight rose button links
and point yourself to backend startpage to start the automatic upgrade.
Hi Ian,
I've gone through all the steps you mentioned and have updated the plug-ins and installed the dashboard plug-in, but how do I go about updating the rest of the installation? The back-end "frontpage" (which is what you mean by "startpage", I guess), doesn't include a button or link for automatic upgrading... I'm puzzled. What next?



Re: error message about headers / blog posts w/o images

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 2:36 pm
by Timbalu
Fine you got that solved. A space is some kind of html output, that is why.

For the autoupdate to work you would possibly have to place in order dashboard, Serendipity autoupdate in your Plugin list.
Also have a look into the dashboard plugin config, to have automatic update enabled and set to stable.

error message about upgrade from v1.6 to 1.7

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 4:18 pm
by Carl @ ATS
Hi everyone,

I've now uploaded all the v1.7 files to my web server and have unzipped them to the correct folders. The Administration Suite has just checked the installation and thrown a single fatal error message, which I'm enclosing here in HTML:


<h1>Serendipity Installation</h1>
<td colspan="2" id="serendipityAdminInfopane">
<span>Logged in as admin (Administrator)</span>
<tr valign="top">
<td class="serendipityAdminContent" colspan="2">
<p> == TESTING ERROR MODE == </p><pre><br />
<b>Fatal error</b>: Uncaught exception 'ErrorException' with message 'Serendipity error: fopen(/www/htdocs/.../blog/ [<a href='function.fopen'>function.fopen</a>]: failed to open stream: Permission denied' in /www/htdocs/.../blog/include/
Stack trace:
#0 [internal function]: errorToExceptionHandler(2, 'fopen(/www/htdo...', '/www/htdocs/...', 72, Array)
#1 /www/htdocs/.../blog/include/ fopen('/www/htdocs/...', 'w')
#2 /www/htdocs/.../blog/include/admin/ serendipity_updateLocalConfig('XXXX', 'XXX_', 'localhost', 'YYYYY', '...', 'mysql', false, Array)
#3 /www/htdocs/.../blog/serendipity_admin.php(362): require('/www/htdocs/...')
#4 {main}
thrown in <b>/www/htdocs/.../blog/include/</b> on line <b>118</b><br />


At the beginning of the message, it says "Permission denied' in /www/htdocs/.../blog/include/". Line 118 says "throw new ErrorException("Serendipity error: " . $errStr); // tracepath = all; ".

Can anyone tell me in simple terms how to sort the problem out, please? The crux of the message is "failed to open stream: Permission denied", but I don't see why permission was refused (and to do what?)

Any pointers would be much appreciated.
