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Public Image directory for uplaoding pics to

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 4:59 am
by tradesouthwest
Looking for help on image directory options. If anyone is having luck with ACL options or user permissions to be able to use their own folder for image storage.
This post I moved from thread in other forum group:

(me) tradesouthwest wrote:
The only thing I need is a better way to manage uploading and displaying images for each individual listing, without having all the pictures/images show in a common directory when they go to upload their image. (the user uploading the file would see his/her file, not everyone elses file that is on the server and displayed on the default image upload plugin window.)

(reply) by Timbalu ยป Wed Sep 05, 2012 4:28 am ... #p10432165
Are you talking about the backend media library appearance?
Did you check in backend - Configuration - General Settings - Enable Plugin ACL for usergroups?
If the option "Plugin ACL for usergroups" is enabled in the configuration, you can specify which usergroups are allowed to execute certain plugins/events. This should do this, I presume...

If not, there is another chance tweaking Manage Groups - Standard Editor - Edit -

adminImages: Administrate media files
adminImagesAdd: Add new media files
adminImagesDelete: Delete media files
adminImagesDirectories: Administrate media directories
adminImagesMaintainOthers: Administrate other user's media files
adminImagesSync: Sync thumbnails
adminImagesView: View media files
adminImagesViewOthers: View other user's media files

(me) reply to above:
The ACL option will not work (can not initialize or click on "Yes" and save). I just read in a thread that the new version of 1.7 takes care of the errors I am getting (blank 404/412 page with "Precondition Failed[.] The precondition on the request for the URL /serendipity_admin.php evaluated to false.") but I can not see 1.7 on GitHub so I guess the thread I read was premature in their resolution to the errors. LETS GET THAT 1.7! :lol: :roll:
Accordingly, the 1.7 version fixes some of the quirks with the parsing of newer PHP versions. Makes total sense seeing as the new PHP is being deployed on many servers at this time.
I also reloaded many of the 'root' and 'include' directory files like serendipity_admin,, about all of them actually, thinking that maybe I had corrupted or altered an entry in one of the files.

Also... I installed Lightbox and can not click on a thumbnail to (enlarge) or see the image in full size. I tried turning on and off JavaScript optimizer with no luck. The instructions note that each "a href=xxx" will be converted to a Lightbox viewable element. It does not. I think it may be the default template I am using????
I should move this thread to the appropriate forum group... doing so tonight :mrgreen:

Re: Public Image directory for uplaoding pics to

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 6:53 am
by tradesouthwest
My next thought is, can I remove the directory view listing of the image files from the image upload widget? (the table formatted view of existing images which appear at the bottom of the media library) I tried sorting through 'templates/default/admin/media_imgedit.tpl' (and others similar) but my conclusion was that the only configuration I could change would have to be done through the coding in 'include/functions_images_inc.php' which is a huge file and I am not going to touch it.

Can I redirect 'media_imgedit.tpl' Smarty code to point to 'my_own_upload_widget.php' (maybe by simpley using php include statement) and bypass the 'functions_images_inc.php'??? I have a php upload script but I would have to rewrite it to find the Smarty parser that puts the image in the immediate post and gives it a Smarty recognizable format (digit at end of file name and a serendipityThumb addition).

Guess this sounds like I'm looking at a new plugin... I would like to learn Smarty but I barely have time for PHP. lol.

Re: Public Image directory for uplaoding pics to

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 9:05 am
by Timbalu
Which Serendipity version do you currently use?
On HitHub you can ZIP the master branch, which is current 1.7-alpha1 (alpha not meaning dev-alpha, since we are just to lazy to change that all day...;-) It is quite stable and some of us use it already. But, as it is a development release, the error reporting is quite verbose, test cases are installed additive and there is no integrity and checksum match.)

I can not really say more to your original question, than I already did... maybe Garvin can get you further.

You can copy 'templates/default/admin/media_imgedit.tpl' to 'templates/YOURTEMPLATE/admin/media_imgedit.tpl'. There you can change, arrange and do what you want, if you know about the possible consequences.