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Headlines with "Umlauts" not shown

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 9:14 am
by dyfustic

I updated my system and s9y a few days ago and now found out that headlines with umlauts (ä,ö,ü) are invisible.
They are also invisible in the comments sidebar and in the comments administration. They don't have just the wrong color, they are not available. ;-)
They are still visible in the editor.

How it should look like in page source

Code: Select all

<h2><a href="/archives/1959-Die-Bierprobe.html" rel="bookmark" title="Die Bierprobe">Die Bierprobe</a></h2>
How it looks like

Code: Select all

<h2><a href="/archives/1954-Ladeflaechentango.html" rel="bookmark" title=""></a></h2>
S9Y: Version 1.6.2
PHP: 5.4.4
MySQL: 5.1.63

Is this a s9y bug or something else?
If you need additional information just ask. :-)


Re: Headlines with "Umlauts" not shown

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 1:34 pm
Same configuration here (nearly) and no problems with Umlaute in the headlines. So I don't think, it's a general problem.

As the titles are in the database saved correctly (you see them in the editor), it's a displaying problem. My first guess would be: It's your template doing some strange stuff when displaying the headlines.

Is it the same, when you switch to another template?

My second guess would be a plugin messing around with headlines and failing when doing so. But I don't know such a plugin personally..

More information needed (your blogs url, what template are you using, what are your active plugins,..)

Re: Headlines with "Umlauts" not shown

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 4:15 pm
by dyfustic wrote: As the titles are in the database saved correctly (you see them in the editor), it's a displaying problem. My first guess would be: It's your template doing some strange stuff when displaying the headlines.
Is it the same, when you switch to another template?
I found this a good suggestion and tried some other template, but nothing changes.
More information needed (your blogs url, what template are you using, what are your active plugins,..)
URL: (Please look at the first two comments in the sidebar, and first article on P2.html) The Umlaut in the "nächste Seite" Link is no problem btw.
The template is "Freshy".
Sidebar: Comments, Quicksearch, Tags, HTML-nugget, Categories, Syndicate, Powered by, Blog Administration
Event: Markup:Serendipity, Browser Compatibilty, Spam Protector, Static Pages, Karrma, Statistics, Tagging, Markup NL2BR, Spartacus, Flattr, Dashboard.

All plugins are updated to the most current version.

There actually is some error mentioned in the plugin administration, just saying "error" for an event plugin. When I remove it, the error shows up for another plugin. I reinstalled the plugins, but does not change the original effect.

My other blog, running on the same machine, same database and php, but still on s9y 1.5.5 is working fine. - There is some delta with the plugins. I'll update this blog to 1.6.2. as well and see what happens. ;-)

Just in case someone asks: I tested it with Firefox and Google Chrome. No difference.


Re: Headlines with "Umlauts" not shown

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 4:41 pm
dyfustic wrote:There actually is some error mentioned in the plugin administration, just saying "error" for an event plugin. When I remove it, the error shows up for another plugin. I reinstalled the plugins, but does not change the original effect.
Hmm. So there is something other "strange" (but I have no clue what it might be atm).

Okay. You have PHP: 5.4.4. Perhaps the main problem is the same like the one discussed on that thread?

Quoting Timbalu:
It is a change in PHP 5.4, which now reports E_STRICT errors on default.
Change and set to

error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE ^ E_STRICT);

in ~ line 54.
Perhaps that helps?

Re: Headlines with "Umlauts" not shown

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 6:52 pm
by dyfustic wrote:
It is a change in PHP 5.4, which now reports E_STRICT errors on default.
Change and set to

error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE ^ E_STRICT);

in ~ line 54.
Perhaps that helps?
Letting s9y checking the installation only complained about the change with error_reporting.

I'll deinstall and reinstall the plugins tomorrow. But actually I'd like to know what is going wrong here. ;-)


Re: Headlines with "Umlauts" not shown

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 7:40 pm
by Timbalu
Did you also update Mysql?
If is, what do the headlines say in the *_entries table?

Is that a problem of comment sidebar only?
If you get this funny error message in the backend, it might also be that your update did not update all files correctly.

This one entry has to dots ... html#c2804
But it all looks like a mysql charset problem...

Re: Headlines with "Umlauts" not shown

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 9:21 am
by dyfustic

the solution to this problem was something completely different.

For some reason, maybe through the update process the config in
Configuration >> General Settings >> Charset selection
changed from "UTF-8" to "Native".

I changed this back to "UTF-8" et voila! Problem solved.

But why aren't those headlines shown at all if this happens, even with broken characters?

My other blog has the same settings and I'll update it later today to see, if this litte change is something the update process does. Maybe it has something to do with some "half installed" PHP extension, which I reinstalled properly earlier and maybe "UTF-8" was unavailable, when I made the s9y-Update.

Did I already mention that I really hate charset issues?

The other problem is, that CAPTCHAS are unavailable. I already reinstalled the spam proctetion plugin.


Re: Headlines with "Umlauts" not shown

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 3:57 pm
dyfustic wrote:But why aren't those headlines shown at all if this happens, even with broken characters?
I guess the answer is simple: Because the DB delivers content containing UTF8 chars as empty when called "native", as it can't handle the content.

(Not that I know, but it seems logical).