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Freetag Plugin Beta

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 7:23 pm
by Guest
Hi everyone

I have a new beta of the Freetag plugin available. This has a few additions like:
  • Better technorati and RSS integration
  • Tag administration interface
  • Tag scaling is done with percentages instead of absolute sizes
  • Other small and misc bugfixes.
Just un-tar the file into your plugins directory, go to configure plugins, and configure the freetag sidebar. If your DB needs upgrading, it should do it automagickally.

If a few people can check it out, and let me know it works before I commit to CVS, that would be groovy.

Plugin is here: ... 1b2.tar.gz


Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 7:32 pm
by jonnay
Arg. That was me. Guess my session timed out.

not working

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 7:16 pm
by stain
I just override serendipity_event_freetag plugin directory

It returns me the following errors:

Code: Select all

SELECT tag, count(tag) as total 
        		FROM s9y_entrytags 
        		GROUP BY tag 
        		ORDER BY tag

/ Table 'my_db.s9y_entrytags' doesn't exist
maybe something I missed?


Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 12:58 am
by prim8
go to configure plugins, and configure the freetag sidebar
I get:

Code: Select all

Warning: Missing argument 1 for cleanup() in /path/to/htdocs/s9y/plugins/serendipity_event_freetag/serendipity_plugin_freetag.php on line 161
Done: The new settings have been saved at 16:52:43
Then when I try to manage tags or edit entry:

Code: Select all

 / Table 'foo.s9y_entrytags' doesn't exist
I am running s9y 0.8.1.

Got it working, here are my changes to serendipity_plugin_freetag.php:

function cleanup($table)
function cleanup()


"tag varchar(50), " .
"tag varchar(50) not null, " .

Your create table was not valid under mysql 3.23.58.

#1171 - All parts of a PRIMARY KEY must be NOT NULL; If you need NULL in a key, use UNIQUE instead

Also, I'm not sure technorati will pickup these tags since they don't appear in the ATOM/RSS feeds.

[Edit] I see they do actually appear in the RSS feeds.

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 6:20 pm
by prim8
Happy to report technorati does indeed pick up the tags with this version. Just make sure you have an alternate link to your RSS in your header (look at your template):

<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS feed" href="" />

I don't see my tags

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 8:52 am
by Sblanco
I am introducing tags on each entry, but the don't appear in "show tagged entries". Do I need to do something else?

Thanks in advance :)

Re: I don't see my tags

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 5:12 pm
by prim8
Sblanco wrote:I am introducing tags on each entry, but the don't appear in "show tagged entries". Do I need to do something else?

Thanks in advance :)
It doesn't look like your tags are being applied to the posts. When a post has been tagged it will have an extra chunk in the footer that says something like:

Defined tags for this entry: ajax, blog, plugins, s9y, serendipity, software, spellcheck

When you post, make sure you enter your tags in the advanced options, separated by a comma. For example:
