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Custom Serendipity Blog Implementation

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 9:55 am
by 108

I am building a website for a band and was in need of a simple solution for allowing the site owner to login remotely and create/add News & Updates items to the site, while also broadcasting an RSS feed to simultaneously update his Reverbnation & Myspace pages automatically. I looked into several different solutions and settled on Serendipity as my interface of choice.

I have hacked up one of the templates and stripped down the UI so that it suits my purposes. Now I am faced with a problem and I was hoping someone could help me out here:

It is important to note, just for some context here, that each menu section of the website is being displayed in it's own IFRAME inside of it's own layer, and these layers appear and disappear based on which menu item is selected.

There are two menu items on the site for which I want to display the blog in an IFRAME. One is "Home" and the other is "News". I want the News section to display my Blog Description, "News & Updates", at the top of the page, including up to 10 entries below it. I've got that part down and it looks perfect.

For the Home section, I wanted to display only the first 2 blog items, just to keep things very basic and not invest too much time into it. Therein lies problem #1: The homelink2 header is still going to be displayed as "News & Updates", and I don't want that to happen. So rather than completely dissecting my template's CSS file all over again and spending hours trying to figure out how to manipulate it into working for me, I am considering creating a completely separate blog document to display on the Home page. In that case, I could let the site owner change/update the greeting that is generated on the Home page as an independent document.

But I don't know exactly how to do that in a way that causes the homelink2 header to no longer display "News & Updates" at the top of the new page. If it is, is there any relatively simple way for me to get rid of/change that header just for this one page without haveing to create an entirely separate installation of Serendipity for use with the Home section?

Thanks in advance!

Re: Custom Serendipity Blog Implementation

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 11:32 am
by Timbalu
I'm not really sure I understood what you were trying to describe. So pardon me if the following is for nuts.

But why don't you take off the homelink link, if you don't want it? BTW, Bulletproof template has a config option to make it (in)visible via css

Code: Select all

            <h2><span class="{if $template_option.firbdescr == 'false'}in{/if}visible"><a class="homelink2" href="{$serendipityBaseURL}">{$head_subtitle|@default:$blogDescription}</a></span></h2>
Doing it on this page only would be like this (depends on startpage by static pages)

Code: Select all

    {if $startpage}
    <!-- do nothing! -->
And about a home starting page. Did you know about the possibility creating an independent Startpage via the staticpages plugin?

Re: Custom Serendipity Blog Implementation

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 11:43 pm
by 108
Thanks for the info! Much appreciated.

No, I know nothing about the staticpages plugin. I'll definitely look into it.

In the meantime, any helpful info you might be able to offer up in that regard would be very much appreciated.

Thanks again!

Re: Custom Serendipity Blog Implementation

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 9:28 am
by Timbalu
If it is, is there any relatively simple way for me to get rid of/change that header just for this one page
I hope this is what you are asking for:

Code: Select all

or insert

Code: Select all

{if $startpage}{$head_subtitle}{else}{$head_subtitle|@default:$blogDescription}{/if}

Re: Custom Serendipity Blog Implementation

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 10:48 am
by Marit321
Hi, is there a place where the staticpages plugin is described in detail so I don´t watse otehr peoples time in asking avaoidable questions ? Or is this all {if $startpage}{$head_subtitle}{else}{$head_subtitle|@default:$blogDescription}{/if}

my sites Buchauszug

Re: Custom Serendipity Blog Implementation

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 11:26 am
by Timbalu
Not really I think...., but maybe in Garvins Serendipity book. I am not sure if this is meant to be for static pages only, but being able to read german language, there also is this workshop "CMS Features"
The static pages plugin itself is pretty (simple and) self-explanatory. What is your problem in detail (template, etc)?

Re: Custom Serendipity Blog Implementation

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 8:45 pm
by Marit321
Timbalu wrote:Not really I think..... , but maybe in Garvins Serendipity book. I am not sure if this is meant to be for static pages only, but being able to read german language, there also is this workshop "CMS Features" The static pages plugin itself is pretty (simple and) self-explanatory. What is your problem in detail (template, etc)?

No problem any more- sometimes it´s just to get the point
.... and have a nice day :)
