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Spamblock Plugin and FF 4.0.1

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 12:45 pm
by gregman

with Firefox 4.0.1 the spamblock plugin rejects comments on my blog-system, because displayed and expected letters don't match. The strange thing is, that it works, when i click the captcha once for reload. Did anybody else encounter this problem?


Re: Spamblock Plugin and FF 4.0.1

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 2:28 pm
by garvinhicking

Sounds like a cookie issue to me?! Can you check the HTTP headers to see if yor session cookie changes over the requests?


Re: Spamblock Plugin and FF 4.0.1

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 1:01 pm
by gregman
Hi Garvin,

actually the Live HTTP-header Add-on is not available for FF 4.0.1. So this may take a while. As I experienced problems with some other sites (especially online banking; got the logout message, when I just logged in) I guess it's a browser problem (maybe some strange cookie-handling). One other strange thing is, that if I look into the sourcecode of my blog and follow the link of the captcha, the captcha then displayed is the correct one.


Re: Spamblock Plugin and FF 4.0.1

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 1:04 pm
by gregman
Well then,

I just tried to comment article #1409 on (just to be sure the problem is not within my blog ;-) and it failed. As I could see the SESSIONID didn't change over the requests.


Re: Spamblock Plugin and FF 4.0.1

Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 2:21 pm
by garvinhicking

Hm, it works for me here with firefox 4.0.1 (mac). What exactly did you enter? There are some other antispam measurements enabled on my blog, so if your comment was too short, that might have been the issue...

Re: Spamblock Plugin and FF 4.0.1

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 11:05 am
by gregman

I only entered few words but just tried it again (this time with entry #857) with the following sentence:
Hallo Garvin,

wollte nur kurz sagen, dass ich Dein Engagement für s9y absolut spitze finde und ich hoffe, dass Du noch lange Freude daran hast, s9y weiterzuentwickeln.
Below the error message I got:
Sie haben nicht die richtige Spamschutz-Zeichenfolge eingetragen, die in der Grafik dargestellt wurde. Bitte sehen Sie sich dieses Bild erneut an und tragen Sie die korrekte Zeichenfolge ein.
Kommentar wurde nicht hinzugefügt, da Kommentare für diesen Eintrag entweder deaktiviert sind, Sie ungültige Eingaben gemacht haben oder Anti-Spam-Maßnahmen angewendet wurden.
BTW: I tried it about 10 times. The last Captchas I saw had only three characters and I am absolutely sure that I put in the correct ones.


Re: Spamblock Plugin and FF 4.0.1

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 11:24 am
by garvinhicking

Just checked, it works here with my Firefox 4.0.1.

In my spamblocklog I can see that the captchas really differ from the way you entered them.

Could it be that you are using some Firefox plugins that pre-fetch images or links? I could imagine that maybe the captcha images are requested once and displayed for you, but some other plugin requests the image agian (creates a new captcha) but you don't get to see the recent captcha.

If you use Firebug, you should be able to spot network connections that request the captcha image path more than once?


Re: Spamblock Plugin and FF 4.0.1

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 8:52 pm
by gregman
Hi Garvin,

you're right. I got it! It's the YSlow Plugin (v. 2.1.0), which causes the trouble. You can mark the thread as solved.

Thx for the advice!
