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Adding sub level to Bulletproof theme menu

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 10:29 pm
by basshook
I have been trying unsuccessfully for a couple of days to try and get my nav menu to drop down one level and keep getting stumped. I've never seen so many different style sheets/tpls for one theme. It's a little confusing. Can anyone shed some light on this or point me in the right direction? I have looked at this ... r-s9y.html that I found from another post but couldn't make that work.

Here is my link:
Here is what I'm trying to duplicate:
This site page is an upgrade template for the whole site and is a work in progress.


Re: Adding sub level to Bulletproof theme menu

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 11:27 pm
by Don Chambers
Bulletproof was not built with subnavigation. You could abandon the built in navigation, then code a "suckerfish" style navigation directly into bulletproof's index.tpl.

My Kinetic template offers subnavigation, but I never backported that code to Bulletproof simply because its a lot of overhead for sites that do not need it.

Most, if not all, modern browsers will correctly handle the css necessary for this kind of drop down subnavigation, but older browsers, such as IE6, will require javascript to show it properly.

BTW, nice job on your customization of the bulletproof template!

Re: Adding sub level to Bulletproof theme menu

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 2:14 am
by basshook
Bulletproof was not built with subnavigation. You could abandon the built in navigation, then code a "suckerfish" style navigation directly into bulletproof's index.tpl.
Yeah this is what carl galloway was writing about (I think) and when I replaced the smarty code after

Code: Select all

<div id="sitenav" class="snbelow">
with my html menu list and made the proper changes in the default_style.css files, I still could see the default nav menu only in a text vertical format instead of horizontal one. Not sure if I'm making sense here.
My Kinetic template offers subnavigation, but I never backported that code to Bulletproof simply because its a lot of overhead for sites that do not need it.
That is exactly the kind of menu I'm looking for but I don't want to start over with the Kinetic template. Are you (or anyone else for that matter) interested in making mine work? If so, how much?
Most, if not all, modern browsers will correctly handle the css necessary for this kind of drop down subnavigation, but older browsers, such as IE6, will require javascript to show it properly.
Yeah good ole IE6. I've pretty much given up on trying to make it work anymore. Starting to follow the mindset of who cares about IE6 when my stats don't show many users with it anymore.
BTW, nice job on your customization of the bulletproof template!
Thank you. This is why I want to try and make this template work instead of purchasing your Kinetic template. No offense.


Re: Adding sub level to Bulletproof theme menu

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 3:21 am
by Don Chambers
It sounds to me like you made a decent attempt to get Carl's suggestion to work. You probably just needed a bit of help. Let me think about this for the night or so, and get back to you tomorrow.

Re: Adding sub level to Bulletproof theme menu

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 10:53 am
by konus
For a business website of mine, Garvin did some tweaking of the navigation to bring it in a more CMS-style. Unfortunately my how-to is in german only. Feel free to ask, if you think it could be helpful.