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Usergallery - Extended infos in thumbnailView

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 12:12 pm
by Linus
I'm using the gallery plugin to display a folder in the thumbnailView. I want to display the extended informations like title, comment, size, etc. about a picture beneath the thumbnail.
However if I try to include the extended infos from plugin_usergallery_imagedisplay.tpl in plugin_usergallery.tpl:

Code: Select all

-- SNIP --
<div class="serendipity_gallery_thumbs" style="width: {$plugin_usergallery_colwidth}%;">
<!-- extended infos -->
{$}.{$plugin_usergallery_file.extension}<br />
{$const.filesize}: {$plugin_usergallery_file.size_txt} kb<br />
{foreach name="info" from=$plugin_usergallery_extended_info item="entry"}
    {$}: {$entry.value}<br />
it won't work. How can I add those extended info fields?
Kind regards

Re: Usergallery - Extended infos in thumbnailView

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 1:33 pm
by garvinhicking

You did enable the setting "display media infos" in the configuration of the plugin?

Also you might want to add a:

Code: Select all

to see what is contained inside the variable.
