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Anti spam plugin option: Check trackback/pingback URLs

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 4:51 am
by francisco1844
The description of the option is:
Only allow trackbacks/pingbacks, when its URL contains a link to your blog

This is my first blog so I am not sure if it is common etiquette to always have a link to an article or not. My feeling is that one probably only want to allow trackbacks/pingbacks if they point to your URL. Is that a valid assumption?

Re: Anti spam plugin option: Check trackback/pingback URLs

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 12:58 pm
by yellowled
francisco1844 wrote:My feeling is that one probably only want to allow trackbacks/pingbacks if they point to your URL. Is that a valid assumption?
Yes, but unfortunately, that will not keep people from sending spam trackbacks to your URL. :)


Re: Anti spam plugin option: Check trackback/pingback URLs

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 11:07 pm
by francisco1844
I am sure it won't, but I believe in having layers. With so many unsecured easy targets out there, the harder I can make my blog to be exploited the more likely the spambot/newbie spammer will move on to another blog. :mrgreen:
... or so I hope..

Re: Anti spam plugin option: Check trackback/pingback URLs

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 10:09 am
by yellowled
francisco1844 wrote:... or so I hope..
I'm afraid you're in for a big surprise. :mrgreen:

Probably the best recommendation for spam protection in S9y is the spamblock/bayes plugin. It needs some time and effort to train it, but after a while, you'll never want to use anything else again.


Re: Anti spam plugin option: Check trackback/pingback URLs

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 2:23 pm
by francisco1844
yellowled wrote:Probably the best recommendation for spam protection in S9y is the spamblock/bayes plugin.
So the Akismet option in the Anti spam plugin is not very effective?

Are anti-spam plugins stackable or do I need to pick only one?

I like many of the options in the "Spam Protector" (the one with nothing else in the name).

I will likely setup a test/play blog and I will look at the options for the other plugins like
Spam Protector (RBL)
Spam Protector (SURBL)

Re: Anti spam plugin option: Check trackback/pingback URLs

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 4:02 pm
by yellowled
francisco1844 wrote:So the Akismet option in the Anti spam plugin is not very effective?

Are anti-spam plugins stackable or do I need to pick only one?
No idea. Haven't used Askimet since switching to Spamblock Bayes. :) I recall some legal issue with Askimet, but that's probably in Germany only.
francisco1844 wrote:I like many of the options in the "Spam Protector" (the one with nothing else in the name).
Spamblock Bayes is kind of an "add-on" to that, so you're going to need that anyway. :)
francisco1844 wrote:Spam Protector (RBL)
Spam Protector (SURBL)
I remember difficulties with blacklist-based Spam Protector plugins in the past -- something about dial-up users, including mobile/UMTS, not being able to comment. Might be fixed now, though.