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Category Problem

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 5:59 pm
by Xessex

I was running an older version of Serendipity, (it still says run by Serendipity 1.1 underneath the software in the admin part of my website), and think about 2 years ago i tried updating it.

The update worked on another blog of mine, yet not on my most important one. That blog i have left alone since till i could find a good purpose of it. Which occurs now that im trying to make it my graduation blog for my study of journalism.

What doesnt work. I can't seem to delete any category in the sidebar menu. In the admin part it says the category has been removed, but when you go back to the categories its still there. You just cant remove it. Which is a pain in the ass becase i have quite some which i need to delete to make it from my personal blog into a more professional one, for graduation. The blog is at

What has gone wrong here?

I hope to get a hint soon, as im reaching my deadline at the 11th of October.

I'm even willing to give you, devs, the login code for my blog just to make it work.

Re: Category Problem

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 10:24 am
by garvinhicking

When you updated the blog, did all database upgrades get executed? Do you have access to a tool like phpMyAdmin? You could use that to check the "serendipity_category" database table and see what columns exist. Specifically you need to check if the table has a column called "sort_order" and "hide_sub".

You are running Serendipity 1.5.4 now?
I'm even willing to give you, devs, the login code for my blog just to make it work.
You can send me a PM if you prefer that, instead of going the "learning way". :-)
