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Suddenly, There Was No Light

Posted: Sun May 01, 2005 1:56 am
by hemotox
Suddenly, late this afternoon, I had a series of plug in errors, and I cannot add plug-ins, I receive error messages when attempting to do so. The only forewarning was this morning when I wanted to upload a jpg to images, it refused to do so...three times, then did so.

I installed over the top of the current installation in case a file was corrupted. Had no impact.

Is there a file I should delete or rebuild or...?

Re: Suddenly, There Was No Light

Posted: Sun May 01, 2005 3:14 am
by garvinhicking
It would definitely help us if you give us the exact error messages here :)

Talk to your hoster and ask them if they changed anything on their setup. I bet they disabled fopen wrappers or enabled a firewall or something like that


Posted: Sun May 01, 2005 7:36 pm
by hemotox
My hoster had installed newer php. He had not acknowledged this even when I told him of progressive errors being received in Serendipity 0.8.

In the process of all debugging attempts, "serendipity_" files were lost from the database.

He has no incremental backup so I must begin anew.

However, I cannot even perform a fresh install of Serendipity (even if I delete the entire previous installation) and that is confusing to me.

It appears that my sole alternative is to start anew, but transferring all new Serendipity files does not lauch the installation.

Posted: Sun May 01, 2005 9:10 pm
by garvinhicking
That's a very sad situation with your hoster :(

Can you exactlyfind out which files/tables were removed?

It seems news9y installation does not start because serendipity_authors or serendipity_entries tables still exist. Also check if your filestill exists. If that still exists serendipiy thinks it is alreadyinstalled.


Posted: Sun May 01, 2005 9:14 pm
by hemotox

All of the files are there.

According to phpMySql, there are no _serendipity entries in the database.

I am wondering if you are saying that if I delete the config file, then it will reinstall? There is one config file does not view in FlashFXP (FTP program). However, it can be seen via Internet Explorer (internet browser): config_local

Is that accurate?

Posted: Sun May 01, 2005 10:13 pm
by garvinhicking
Hemotox, that's rigth - you need to delete that config_local file so that serendipity sees it is not installed. You may need to ask your provider to delete that file for you if your access is limited...

Good luck,

Posted: Sun May 01, 2005 10:17 pm
by hemotox
Thanks Garvin.

I have asked him to delete it, but last seen, he was laying in the grass watching clouds pass overhead.


Posted: Sun May 01, 2005 10:49 pm
by hemotox
He is using: PHP 4.3.10

This is my current error: (help?)

Warning: Smarty error: unable to read resource: "" in /home/hemotox/www/ on line 1088

Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 10:22 am
by garvinhicking
Hemotox: This error should only happen if the "templates_c" directory is not 777 AKA writable for the webserver....

You should think about switching providers! ;-)


Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 4:57 pm
by hemotox

Thank you so much. There is no question that he is not the idea web host, but he wrote this when I noted that I could not delete config_local:

"The problem, is that the script is the one that is
creating them. When the script runs, it is running as user 'www'. So,
the files are then owned by 'www', and 'hemotox' cannot delete them.
The script should be written better so that it takes on the user
'hemotox' when it runs (or, provides you with a way to cleanup files
from the admin area)."

Thought that might be of interest.

Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 8:03 pm
by hemotox

There was once a plug-in called "Sample!" that was included with the installation, and that allowed me to insert an HTML banner in the header.

It appears to no longer be available. Was it problematic?

Thanks again, you have always been incredibly responsive.

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 9:34 am
by garvinhicking
Hemotox: Hm, that plugin should be called "HTML Nugget". :)

About your suggestion with the ownership - there are some problems because that file is incredible sensitive and we only want the file to be touchable to the webserver. The idea to offer a menu item to remove that file is a good idea, I'll see if that's workable!

Best regards,

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 7:03 pm
by hemotox

Is not HTML nugget a side-bar (not a header) plug-in? "Sample!" enabled one to put a banner at the top, a clickable one.

Yes, a menu item that would result in being able to delete config_local would be helpful for us who have to go through our server guy for such things.

Thanks again,


Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 7:07 pm
by garvinhicking
Ah, okay, then I did not really understand your problem. Well, I think I never heard of a banner plugin which does that. It's really not needed anymore with the Smarty Templating, though.

BTW, this PHP file would delete/change your files:

Code: Select all

chmod('', 0777);
After you saved this as "chmod.php" and executed it via http://yourhost/serendipity/chmod.php your config-file will be writable to everyone and you can safely copy/remove/edit/unlink it. :)


Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 7:16 pm
by hemotox

Thanks so much for the fix for config_local.

Yes, there was a plug in called "Sample!"

It put HTML in the header. You could (I did) write it to show a clickable image.

However, the only HTML plug-in now is, as I said, for the sidebar. I do not know how the same thing could be accomplished via a template. Then again, this is your area and I am just a novice.
