Cannot get embedding to work properly

Having trouble installing serendipity?
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Cannot get embedding to work properly

Post by lionsrest »

Just installed Serendipity 1.3.1
Followed the instructions here for embedding:
It almost works, except all the links go back into the directory where Serendipity was installed, not the page I embedded the blog on.
The links I'm referring to are the links created by Serendipity for the blog content, like the arrows to move the calendar to the previous/next month
I installed Serendipity on the website in its own directory, "serendipity_blog".
I am trying to embed the blog on the home page of the website, 'index.php' in the root of the website not serendipity_blog/index.php.
The embedding almost works, but as I mention, all the links point to inside the 'serendipity_blog' directory.

Is what I'm trying to do even possible? I tried changing the 'relative path' configuration option to the site root, but it destroys the paths to all the images/icons. I tried changing the 'URL to blog' option, but it refuses to take the change, it keeps reverting to the original setting, I can't seem to actually change it.

Do I have to move the Serendipity install out of the 'serendipity_blog' directory and into the site root for embedding to be possible? How do I move the install if so? Do pages with the blog embedded on them have to be in the Serendipity install directory?

If you want to see what's going on, it's at Click on anything in the blog section, the links all go to , but they need to stay on the page.
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Re: Cannot get embedding to work properly

Post by garvinhicking »


When embedding, serendipity can call a wrapper file inside the s9y directory. It cannot link to a page on your document structure outside the serendipity path (due to permalink recognition). So embedding like described works that the stub-wrapper pulls your framework, which then pulls the s9y proper framework and embeds it, and returns it....

So it can't be prevented that the URL changes to the directory where the wrapper lies in...if you want it in your root, you would need to also install s9y into the root...

# Garvin Hicking (s9y Developer)
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