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picasa plugin problem?

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 11:44 am
by blackfat
hi, when i try to use the picasa plugin and try to import my album into my entry.

i type [picasa]test[/picasa] in the body. after i press preview,
it got this error msg.
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: domxml_open_mem() in /mnt/web_h/d01/s33/b01ed2c0/www/serendipity/plugins/serendipity_event_picasa/serendipity_event_picasa.php on line 217

wht should i do to solve the problems?
anyone can help me?
thx you so much

Re: picasa plugin problem?

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 2:31 pm
by garvinhicking
This means your provider's PHP does not have XML extensions installed.

You'll need to ask your hoster to enable DOMXML extensions...


Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 7:00 am
by jojo pumpkin
Perhaps I've done something wrong or I'm simply missing it.

I've installed the Picasa Plug-In and I have it active in my plug-in's list but I have no idea what to do next.

I have uploaded the XML file and necessary images to the directory I designated as my picasa directory.

What do I do now? How do I add the gallery to my entry? What did I miss?

any help would be appreciated :D

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 1:39 pm
by garvinhicking
Maybe you need to contact the creator of the plugin - I have never used it :))


Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 11:09 am
by HadleyB
jojo pumpkin wrote:Perhaps I've done something wrong or I'm simply missing it.

I've installed the Picasa Plug-In and I have it active in my plug-in's list but I have no idea what to do next.

I have uploaded the XML file and necessary images to the directory I designated as my picasa directory.

What do I do now? How do I add the gallery to my entry? What did I miss?

any help would be appreciated :D
Sorry, i only speak german. But i help you!

Schön, das ich auch mal helfen kann!

First select the album you wont to display and then EXPORT it as a Website in XML-Code. Put it on your webserver in a seperat directory named "picasa". Put your albums in this directory. this album must be in a seperate directory with the name of the album.

Now install the Picasa-Plugin an give the plugin the name of your webserver-picasa-directory. Not the path of your album!


Your albums:

In the new entry now you can use the name of the albums:


It works very fine and very well!

BOAH! Was für ein englisch! Übrigens: Das funktioniert sogar einwandfrei auf Server mit SAFE_MODE = ON!!!!

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 1:43 pm
by peersr
HadleyB wrote: Now install the Picasa-Plugin an give the plugin the name of your webserver-picasa-directory. Not the path of your album!

could you help me please? I am a total "serendipity newbie" - how can I rename Picasa-Plugin after installation? There is only an option for PATH te edit.

(as you can see, es gibt auch viel schlimmeres English - und Deutsch :)

thanks in advance

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 5:16 am
by akqjt
After searching for 'simple instructions' for the Picasa Plugin, I have decided to figure it out and share my findings with you.

Create a directory on your webserver where you will be placing your photo albums.
For example; photobook. The directory would be located here;

Using Picasa, export your pictures using the XML template.

This will create a directory on your computer that contains two subdirectories (named images and thumbnails) and a file called index.xml.

The name of the album you define in the process is what the directory will be called and later show up online. Choose wisely, however you can change it later on if you don't like it. In our example; I named the album 'vacation'.

Now FTP this entire directory into your photo albums directory on your server.
So, using our example, it should be located here,

Install the Picasa plugin. This should be pretty straight forward.

Let's configure the plugin. We will get this working, then you can configure to your liking.

To start, choose 'Yes' for ENTRY_BODY, EXTENDED_BODY, HTML_NUGGET.

Path: This is the URL path to your album directory you defined above; There is no trailing slash.

Show title of the albums: choose 'Yes'

Open the target window using JavaScript: choose 'Yes'

Smarty Template: choose 'Tnt Gallery' to begin.

Ok, now the plugin is configured.

Let's show a gallery on the site.

Create a new entry and (using our example) type in the Entry Body the following; [photobook]vacation[/photobook]
The format is always: [your album directory]your album[/your album directory]

Save this entry.

You should now be able to view the images online.

Hope this helps.

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 7:59 pm
by Xessex
akqjt wrote:After searching for 'simple instructions' for the Picasa Plugin, I have decided to figure it out and share my findings with you.

Create a directory on your webserver where you will be placing your photo albums.
For example; photobook. The directory would be located here;

Using Picasa, export your pictures using the XML template.

This will create a directory on your computer that contains two subdirectories (named images and thumbnails) and a file called index.xml.

The name of the album you define in the process is what the directory will be called and later show up online. Choose wisely, however you can change it later on if you don't like it. In our example; I named the album 'vacation'.

Now FTP this entire directory into your photo albums directory on your server.
So, using our example, it should be located here,

Install the Picasa plugin. This should be pretty straight forward.

Let's configure the plugin. We will get this working, then you can configure to your liking.

To start, choose 'Yes' for ENTRY_BODY, EXTENDED_BODY, HTML_NUGGET.

Path: This is the URL path to your album directory you defined above; There is no trailing slash.

Show title of the albums: choose 'Yes'

Open the target window using JavaScript: choose 'Yes'

Smarty Template: choose 'Tnt Gallery' to begin.

Ok, now the plugin is configured.

Let's show a gallery on the site.

Create a new entry and (using our example) type in the Entry Body the following; [photobook]vacation[/photobook]
The format is always: [your album directory]your album[/your album directory]

Save this entry.

You should now be able to view the images online.

Hope this helps.

I have done all this! But i get this message when i put [picasa]namibdesert[/picasa] in my weblog:

Picasa Plugin: Index file of the album could not be found (/picasa/namibdesert)

Whats the deal with that?

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 11:31 am
by garvinhicking

To me this sounds as if that directory does not exist. did you use picasa to create it on your server?


Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 8:17 pm
by Xessex
garvinhicking wrote:Hi!

To me this sounds as if that directory does not exist. did you use picasa to create it on your server?

i'm getting the error when my directory input in the plugin=

when i press preview i get a white screen, no data with this directory input=

I made the xml file plus gallery on my own harddisk. It was a map called africa2005, that i made the xml webgallery from. Should i run picasa on my server then or what else could be causing this?

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 7:28 pm
by garvinhicking

Phew, I'm sorry...I've never used Picasa, so I don't really know what it's supposed to look like. :(

Best regards,

Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 8:27 pm
by subberman77
i made everything correct.....but it will not work...

Picasa Plugin: Index File of the Album not found (

index.xml and the directories are REALLY there.

Plugin-Settings are also made correct. (correct path,...)

serendipity: 1.1.2
picasa plugin: 1.3

But it is right there! i also tried to give read/write access...but nothing changed.


Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 11:53 pm
by dom97
I tried this plugin a few months ago and could not get it to work at all. I gave up. I believe somewhere it is broken and I don't have the expertise to look at the code to see what is wrong.

oh well...

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 10:19 am
by garvinhicking
Hi subberman!

Inside the serendipity_event_picasa.php you can find this line:

Code: Select all

 $xml = @join('', @file(preg_replace('/ /', '%20', $album).'/index.xml'));
please modify it to:

Code: Select all

 $xml = join('', file(preg_replace('/ /', '%20', $album).'/index.xml'));
(Remove the '@' signs, those will then show additional error messages).

Also make sure that you enter a file system *PATH* in the configuration of the plugin. It seems you entered a URL!

Instead of "" you might need to enter "/path/to/your/blog/fotos/20052007".

Giving "URL"s only works if your PHP supports "allow_url_fopen", which is often disabled on tightened servers.


Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 7:53 pm
by subberman77
at first...thanks for your help...but it doesn't work at all. :(

i tried your code changes, and i also did the path changes, but the plugin will not display any album. it only shows this message:

"Picasa Plugin: Index file of the album not found (/fotos/20052007)"

my root is:
my blog-root-directory is:

the directory name ist "20052007"

at my blog entry, i wrote: [picasa]20052007[/picasa] to call the plugin

i tried the following "album" paths at the plugin config:

none of them worked. :(

-> the files are in every directory i try to open
-> i can call the "index.xml" manually.
-> i also tried to rename the folder to "test" (i switched the the plugin-call, too)

i don't have any idea what to try next. it seems there a problem with the plugin.

i'm used to install plugins to serendipity, but i never had any problems. i can't explain myself why it isn't working.

i also uninstalled/reinstalled the plugin. i also tried another zip-file. but nothing changed.

thanks for your help...