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whats the point of the image uploads ?

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2004 7:26 am
by friarfire
Hi , what exactly is the point of the image uploads ? simply somewhere to store images ? how does it relate to the blog entry interface ?

I assumed that there would be a display of available image paths or even drag and drop capabities with HTMLarea but can't see anything ... in which case am I missing something obvious ??

image uploads

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2004 5:42 am
by Bruce
Hi, I'm new as od 5 minutes ago and just installed serendipity. However, your post caught my eye. The program uploads to serendipity/uploads, makes a thumbnail and html popup for the full image, then you can include it in an entry.
When you are creating or editing an entry, there should be a button on the top right that says "Image." This will (if you have uploaded images) open a new window where you can select an image to include in the entry and after chosing the image you want, another window pops up to give you choices...choose thumb/full size, alignment, and include image or a link. This part amazes me because here serendipity is the best, few do this for you, and only one comes even close...if you don't have the Image button or it isn't working, check your path to ImageMagick or if it is installed on your webserver.
:idea: I had trouble with the image showing, and had to make a new upload directory cause uploads wouldn't let me change permissions and it didn't work.