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RSS splitter

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 7:49 am
by archie888
I am new to serendipity, however, I have installed it on Ubuntu 9.04 and added the RSS Aggregator plugin. I can apply filters to extract specific content from a given source RSS feed. All seems to work well. Now I would like to customise its behaviour as follows;

Assume I have a source RSS feed with different subjects included in the feed, e.g. Dog content, Cat content and Horse content, all combined in the source feed and identified in each <title> field as dog_abc or cat_abc or horse_abc.

I would like to use Serendipity to split the source feed into three output feeds called dog.rss, cat.rss and horse.rss.

The content for each feed needs to be continuously cached and pruned on the Serendipity server, so if the source is offline, all feeds still work.

Can anyone offer some guidance.

Regards, Archie

Re: RSS splitter

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 12:33 pm
by garvinhicking

Do you mean you want to

a) split up a foreign RSS feed into those three or

b) split up your serendipity's RSS feed into three different rss Feeds?

a) would need custom PHP coding, b) would involve you storing your feeds in distinct categories or assign disting Tags to entries, because then you can have per-category respectively per-tag RSS feeeds.

To me, it sounds much more like you want an RSS preprocessor. For such tasks, check out Yahoo Pipes?


Re: RSS splitter

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 11:40 pm
by archie888
Hi Garvin,

"To me, it sounds much more like you want an RSS preprocessor." You are correct, and I tried using Yahoo Pipes and this works perfectly, thanks for the info.

Can you recommend a RSS feed reader for Ubuntu that will cache the feed media into a specified directory.

Regards, Archie888

Re: RSS splitter

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 10:56 am
by garvinhicking

Sorry, I only use GoogleReader as a RSS feed reader, because all native readers I had one issue or the another with...

Best regards,