1.5.1 failed to open stream

Having trouble installing serendipity?
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1.5.1 failed to open stream

Post by rombout »

In stead of upgrading my O.8.2. (see previous post) I decide to install the new version 1.5.1. (so start from scratch). I uploaded to a map named "blog" in the html directory. This is what I got after installing (url showed: http://www. boutman.com/blog/serendipity_admin.php):

Warning: include(/www/web1056/html/blog/include/compat.inc.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /www/web1056/html/blog/serendipity_config.inc.php on line 42

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '/www/web1056/html/blog/include/compat.inc.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php') in /www/web1056/html/blog/serendipity_config.inc.php on line 42

Warning: include(include/lang.inc.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /www/web1056/html/blog/serendipity_config.inc.php on line 161

Warning: include(include/lang.inc.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /www/web1056/html/blog/serendipity_config.inc.php on line 161

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening 'include/lang.inc.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php') in /www/web1056/html/blog/serendipity_config.inc.php on line 161

Warning: require(/www/web1056/html/blog/include/functions_permalinks.inc.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /www/web1056/html/blog/serendipity_admin.php on line 14

Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/www/web1056/html/blog/include/functions_permalinks.inc.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php:/www/web1056/html/blog/bundled-libs/:/www/web1056/html/blog/bundled-libs/Smarty/libs/::') in /www/web1056/html/blog/serendipity_admin.php on line 14

I hope I downloaded all the files, because my server has a 30sec timeout, so it took me a while... :?
So, what did I do wrong?
Grtz, Bout

ps1: again, I'm not an expert at this!
ps2: how to rename so as url shows: www. boutmanblog.com?
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Re: 1.5.1 failed to open stream

Post by garvinhicking »


It seems you missed to upload some files, include/compat.inc.php is missing or not readable.
ps1: again, I'm not an expert at this!
ps2: how to rename so as url shows: www. boutmanblog.com?
To make the blog show up at the main adress, you need to install s9y into that / directory, and not into a subdirectory.

# Garvin Hicking (s9y Developer)
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Re: 1.5.1 failed to open stream

Post by rombout »

Hi, I'm beginning to see some light at the end of the tunnel, suppose still far away though... rather with a Chinese outlook for me :wink: But for the first time I could enter!

I uploaded again the (missing?) file, and this is what I get :

OPERATING_SYSTEM Linux 2.6.9-42.0.3.ELsmp, x86_64
WEBSERVER_SAPI apache2handler
PHP version >= 4.1.2 YES, 5.2.6
Database extensions MySQL, PDO::SQLite, MySQLi
Session extension YES
PCRE extension YES
GDlib extension YES
OpenSSL extension YES
mbstring extension YES
iconv extension YES
zlib extension YES
Imagemagick binary NOT_FOUND [?]

safe_mode OFF OFF
register_globals OFF OFF
magic_quotes_gpc OFF OFF
magic_quotes_runtime OFF OFF
session.use_trans_sid OFF OFF
allow_url_fopen ON OFF [?]
file_uploads ON ON
post_max_size 10M 8M [?]
upload_max_filesize 10M 10M
memory_limit 16M 10M [?]

/www/web1056/html/blog/ NOT_WRITABLE [!]
/www/web1056/html/blog/templates_c NOT_WRITABLE [!]
/www/web1056/html/blog/archives/ NOT_WRITABLE [!]
/www/web1056/html/blog/plugins/ NOT_WRITABLENOT_WRITABLE_SPARTACUS [?]
/www/web1056/html/blog/uploads/ NOT_WRITABLE [!]
Execute Imagemagick binary NOT_FOUND [?]


Think I probably have to enter and "rewrite" some files? But never have done that...

About the renaming: you suggested to put serendipity in the root directory? What I want is for people when they enter "boutmanblog.com" to enter the blog :roll: will that do then?

Thx 4 helping out,

ps: the url now reads: http://www.boutman.com/blog/serendipity_admin.php
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Re: 1.5.1 failed to open stream

Post by rombout »

Hello, thanks to surfing through the forum and the "fresh installation" guide, i could work out some of the above problems, everything is "writable" now, resetting some chmods, except Spartacus, but now i could begin with the istallation :)

But because I could in no way find the correct username of my database, I got stuck again :( I tried looking into the ftp and the controlpanel of my server, but when I tried to login there too this information was asked... Could it be that this only possible through my webhoster?

mySQL error was: Access denied for user @'localhost' (using password: NO)

I tried with every name/password i have to enter (ftp/website/accounts/ even mail).... nothing...

I had a look at the Adminisitration Suite of my old 0.8.2. for help, but the paths are different (I have two sites, with two different ftp's, but under one control panel. 0.8.2. is installed on the ftp of my first site (vercnocke.com/serendipity), 1.5.1. is now in number 2 (boutman.com/blog).

I noticed the outlook of the installation is not the same as presented here in the "fresh installation", but perhaps this is normal?
What I see in the Fresh installation" guide seems not so different from 0.8.2. or do I have the wrong impression?
To upload templates (spartactus) I suppose I can do that from serendipity itself? Or do I have to make the map serendipity_event_spartacus writable too via chmod 777?

Well, this sure is a long delivery :roll: , working on it for days now, but already learned a lot!

And then, as stated before, I'd like to change boutman/blog into boutmanblog.com. Can this be done through ftp redirect?

status of the installation up to now, see: http://www.boutman.com/blog/serendipity_admin.php?

Much obliged,
grtz, Bout
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Re: 1.5.1 failed to open stream

Post by garvinhicking »


For mysql access info, you'd need to contact your provider....

The setup and configuration panels do look similar, but 0.8.2 has some options less than the fresh installation of recent versions.
To upload templates (spartactus) I suppose I can do that from serendipity itself? Or do I have to make the map serendipity_event_spartacus writable too via chmod 777?
To download plugins and templates via spartacus, you need to make the /plugins and /templates directories writable.
And then, as stated before, I'd like to change boutman/blog into boutmanblog.com. Can this be done through ftp redirect?
No, you should install s9y directly into the directory where you want it later!

# Garvin Hicking (s9y Developer)
# Did I help you? Consider making me happy: http://wishes.garv.in/
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