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Bulletproof and some general questions

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 9:54 am
by user1234

I have some general questions.

1.) Is there a way to set a certain category as the default category for new entries? By this I mean that the whole form defaults to a specific category (e.g. "general news") instead of to "none"?

2.) Is there a way to ensure all comments/trackbacks etc. are set to moderation, even if the author forgets to choose "moderation" in the entry form?

3.) Is there a means to influence the appearance or non-appearance of the red "before publishing comments will be moderated" message via CSS?

4.) I see that the contact form can be set as a static own page. Is there a way to insert it into a static page?

Sorry, probably some of this must be obvious to the experienced s9y-user, but I've searched here and looked for means in the admin interface and so far found nothing.



Re: Bulletproof and some general questions

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 10:15 am
by yellowled
user1234 wrote:I have some general questions.
None of them is actually related to Bulletproof BTW.
user1234 wrote:1.) Is there a way to set a certain category as the default category for new entries? By this I mean that the whole form defaults to a specific category (e.g. "general news") instead of to "none"?
I don't think so, at least not by default. There might be a plugin to emulate this, but I'm not sure about that. Garvin?
user1234 wrote:2.) Is there a way to ensure all comments/trackbacks etc. are set to moderation, even if the author forgets to choose "moderation" in the entry form?
Yes. You can use the Spamblock event plugin to granulate the settings for moderation or even blocking of comments and/or trackbacks much finer.
user1234 wrote:3.) Is there a means to influence the appearance or non-appearance of the red "before publishing comments will be moderated" message via CSS?
Yes. I think that should be .serendipity_msg_important - but beware, this affects other messages as well.
user1234 wrote:4.) I see that the contact form can be set as a static own page. Is there a way to insert it into a static page?
In fact, it is a static page. It could as well be included in another static page with a recent version of the static pages plugin by creating a custom staticpage article type with a custom .tpl file in which you emit the smarty code from the contact page - but I can't really see why you would want to do this?



Re: Bulletproof and some general questions

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 10:28 am
by user1234
Hi YL,

by all means shove this thread where it belongs :mrgreen: I wasn't really sure where to put it.
Yes. You can use the Spamblock event plugin to granulate the settings for moderation or even blocking of comments and/or trackbacks much finer.
Is that the same as Spam Protector? That one is installed and I saw that I can set to moderation there, but I thought that the individual entry settings would override this?
Yes. I think that should be .serendipity_msg_important - but beware, this affects other messages as well.
Hmm. What other messages? Or could I strike this out of the tpl only for that comment message?
In fact, it is a static page. It could as well be included in another static page with a recent version of the static pages plugin by creating a custom staticpage article type with a custom .tpl file in which you emit the smarty code from the contact page - but I can't really see why you would want to do this?
I'd like to include html, text and images in that contact page. Or is that possible with the normal static page the contact plugin creates?

While we are discussing static pages, how can I kill the author name and the date, please?



Re: Bulletproof and some general questions

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 2:25 pm
by yellowled
user1234 wrote:
Yes. You can use the Spamblock event plugin to granulate the settings for moderation or even blocking of comments and/or trackbacks much finer.
Is that the same as Spam Protector? That one is installed and I saw that I can set to moderation there, but I thought that the individual entry settings would override this?
Erm. Yes, it is the same plugin. Damn, we should really start to use one name per plugin! It's called "Spam protector" in the plugin list, but serendipity_event_spamblock in svn.

I'm not exactly sure about the override, I'll leave that open for Garvin.
user1234 wrote:
Yes. I think that should be .serendipity_msg_important - but beware, this affects other messages as well.
Hmm. What other messages? Or could I strike this out of the tpl only for that comment message?
Can't give you a complete list, but if you check the .tpl files, you'll find more instances of that class. Also in the files is /templates/default/ not included in BP and probably some plugins.

You could of course give that particular message an additional individual class in your .tpl file. We already told you about how .tpl files in /templates/bulletproof/ will be overwritten in case of an update, right? If I remember correctly, you're working with a seperate copy of it anyway, right?
user1234 wrote:I'd like to include html, text and images in that contact page. Or is that possible with the normal static page the contact plugin creates?
To some extent, yes. The contact form plugin has a config field "Introductory Text (optional)", plus it's smartified, so you could add additional text/html/images to the plugin's .tpl files. (Also see next answer.)
user1234 wrote:While we are discussing static pages, how can I kill the author name and the date, please?
Some plugins have their own .tpl files. You can copy those from the plugin directory to your template directory, and in that case, s9y will use the files in your template dir, which you can modify.

The static pages plugin is smartified, so you can copy it's .tpl files to your template dir and remove said info there.


Re: Bulletproof and some general questions

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 8:08 pm
by user1234
Hi YL,

thanks for the thorough answer!

And also thanks for suggestions as to how keep it upgradable. This blog (that I am talking about lately) is for another client yet and I'd prefer keeping it easily upgradable. I used a user.css with that one for that reason. So your comments into that direction are much appreciated! :D

I just would like that line either centered and in black, or turned off completely. So anyone who has some ideas... they'd be very welcome.

The other one is online, working just peachy, and done with :mrgreen:

I'm still looking for a plugin to "dumb down" the admin interface. I guess no one so far made such a one?



Re: Bulletproof and some general questions

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 11:42 pm
by yellowled
user1234 wrote:I just would like that line either centered and in black, or turned off completely. So anyone who has some ideas... they'd be very welcome.
You could probably narrow down the list of messages addressed by the CSS statement a little. Let's see ...

Code: Select all

.serendipity_section_comments .serendipity_msg_notice { /* Your CSS here */ }
That should get only the instances of .serendipity_msg_notice (including the comment moderation notification) within the comments (not trackbacks) section of a single entry page. Those would be the comment moderation notification and the message that a comment was sucessfully added. There's no way to adresse those two seperately with a standard BP entries.tpl, but if you can live with that ...
user1234 wrote:I'm still looking for a plugin to "dumb down" the admin interface. I guess no one so far made such a one?
No idea what exactly you mean by "dumb down", but since you're a txp guy, I'm guessing you mean reducing the number of options in the backend displayed to a "normal" user (in difference to an administrator), right? If so, take a look at Administration -> Manage groups in the backend.

You can -- to some extend -- limit the areas of the backend any given user group has access to. These should already have different settings for Administrator, Chef editor and Standard editor by default, much like it is in txp.


Re: Bulletproof and some general questions

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 6:17 am
by user1234
Hi YL,
I'm guessing you mean reducing the number of options in the backend displayed to a "normal" user (in difference to an administrator), right? If so, take a look at Administration -> Manage groups in the backend.

Ye-e-s, somewhat. I'll try that. Though I actually meant something like the WP plugin, which allows to also arrange parts of the interface differently to faciliate things for noob blog admins/owners.



Re: Bulletproof and some general questions

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 2:18 pm
by yellowled
user1234 wrote:Though I actually meant something like the WP plugin, which allows to also arrange parts of the interface differently to faciliate things for noob blog admins/owners.
Ah, okay. The whole admin area is styled with an admin template. See /templates/bulletproof/admin/ and /templates/default/admin/.

I have never really gotten around to looking at it, but at least part of the backend is smartified as well, so you should be able to modify it to some extent. Don should be able to help out with this as he's the brains behind the backend stylesheet :)


Re: Bulletproof and some general questions

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 3:42 pm
by Don Chambers
user1234 wrote:Though I actually meant something like the WP plugin, which allows to also arrange parts of the interface differently to faciliate things for noob blog admins/owners.
Bulletproof's admin template is nothing more than a stylesheet. It does not contain a smarty template, but it could. I chose not to do a smarty template unique to BP because it would be out of date if the base admin smarty template ever changed.

See templates/default/admin/index.tpl for the admin smarty template. You can copy that to your template folder and modify it to your liking. You will need to make sure any future changes to the default admin template - such as new admin links or functions - are ported to your modified admin smarty template.

Re: Bulletproof and some general questions

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 6:11 pm
by user1234
Hi Don,

that is somewhat of a solution, but also not entirely what I meant. The WP plugin I talk about allows the admin to decide such stuff on a per-user basis, while others still can access everything. I think I'll try with group permissions first and find out where I get with it.

Thanks though for the info, it might come in handy :)



Re: Bulletproof and some general questions

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 6:15 pm
by Don Chambers
You can decide what links are available via user, or group permissions. You cannot, however, alter the order in which they appear without modifying the underlying admin smarty template.