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Bulletproof centering footer

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 10:01 pm
by user1234

how do I center the footer text?

And something to note: Not everyone has access to broadband, people like me, on dial-up, have a hard time looking at YouTube instructions! :roll:



Re: Bulletproof centering footer

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 12:11 pm
by yellowled
user1234 wrote:how do I center the footer text?
I'll assume we're talking about the text you can include using the theme option "insert additional text into the page footer" here.

Code: Select all

#footer p { text-align: center; }
should do the trick, but might have side effects depending on your actual configuration. These would be way easier to diagnose in a live example.
user1234 wrote:And something to note: Not everyone has access to broadband, people like me, on dial-up, have a hard time looking at YouTube instructions! :roll:
No idea what you're talking about, actually. :?


Re: Bulletproof centering footer

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 12:33 pm
by user1234
I'll assume we're talking about the text you can include using the theme option "insert additional text into the page footer" here.
Thanks for your help! Actually I would like to center the whole footer content, including the counter I put there. Plus I'd like to narrow the distance between the counter and the above text.

Which leads me to another question: is it possible to gather all CSS files into one and compress that one? The size of the Bulletproof CSS files is quite large and takes quite a bit time to load. I'd love to shave off a few seconds.
No idea what you're talking about, actually.
I was setting up Serendipity over the past few days, every time I needed instructions, the ones I needed were stored as video files on You Tube, or rather those files were so prominently displayed in the docs that only looking very hard for alternatives produced written stuff or screenshots. I live where I can't get a broadband access for the life of me. Thus I take it a bit harshly when documentation is easily accessible only for those on broadband access :twisted:



Re: Bulletproof centering footer

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 1:20 pm
by user1234
Hi again,

cut the question about the footer, I discovered where to do what. :mrgreen:



Re: Bulletproof centering footer

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 4:49 pm
by Don Chambers
I think one or two Serendipity users created a video or two, but we do not have a large library of "how-to" videos. Serendipity's documentation admittedly has never received as much attention from developers as the actual code, which is something we should address some day. We do, however, have one of the most responsive developer and user communities in open source IMHO via these forums.

What, specifically, do you need additional assistance with?

Bulletproof uses multiple css files, but you would not shave seconds off the page load time by compiling them all into a single file. I cannot quote the exact statistics off the top of my head, but I recall reading once upon a time that css is negligible in total page download speed unless it is absolutely HUGE and full of errors.

Re: Bulletproof centering footer

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 6:07 pm
by user1234

well, sizes are 9268 (serendipity), 7391 (default), 5923 (base) and 1244 (print). Formatting and compressing them would kill some 60 to 70% of those sizes. The CSS, put together, is way more than the whole rest of the page including the header photo, and having just 8K to load or 24K *is* a difference on dial up access.

The page has a load time of some 11 seconds on dial up, which is too long in my book. So when I compress, I wonder whether there is any need of keeping the CSS in so many files.



Re: Bulletproof centering footer

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 6:25 pm
by Don Chambers
I do understand that 8k will load a lot faster than 24k..... and it is something I probably do not pay enough attention to because I do have a very fast connection.

What you report as serendipity.css is actually style.css... what you could do is consolidate the other stylesheets into style.css and modify index.tpl to remove the references to those other stylesheets and see if your load times improve. Bulletproof was really intended as a framework from which to build other templates, so we kept these as individual stylesheets for ease of maintenance and modification.

Re: Bulletproof centering footer

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 6:29 pm
by user1234

ah, okay, so there would be no reason to keep them apart for a set and fast template. That's just peachy! :mrgreen:

Thanks for the info!



Re: Bulletproof centering footer

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 6:38 pm
by Don Chambers
You should probably create a copy of the bulletproof template, and set that copy as your active template. This will make sure that your modifications are not overwritten if you upgrade serendipity in the future.

When creating a copy of an existing template, I like to modify the template name in the file info.txt so I can easily tell the difference between the original and the copy.

Re: Bulletproof centering footer

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 7:00 pm
by user1234
Hi Don,

thanks, I've been working from a copy all the time tho :mrgreen:

And for those who might stumble over this in search of a means to center the footer, I wrapped the relevant portions of code in div's instead of p's in the index.tpl. Validates just as nicely and does away with all the styling done to p.

