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The Wisdom - with Serendipity despite

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 7:02 pm
by capnken
In case any other folks are wondering if it's possible to get around APlus' "requirement" that their Serendipity blogs be hosted at /cblog/, it is!

After getting completely fed up with Blogger, I spent a couple of hours digging in to config files and such to republish my blog - Cap'n Ken's Homespun Wisdom - using Serendipity.

The real coup - which won't be apparent if you don't know The Wisdom - is that I was also able to re-create my existing look by tinkering around with the Serendipity styles and whatnot. No easy feat, but it can be done.

Thanks for a great publishing platform.

I like it!

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 7:27 am
by Terremoto
Well done Cap'n Ken...,

...arghh matey.


Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 11:59 pm
by MySchizoBuddy
Hey how is the service over at
I'm thinking of getting their service.
So ur blog always has to be inside a subdirectory.