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FCKEditor Plugin

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 11:57 pm
by s9yrendipity
Can anyone tell me what the deal is the the way the FCKEditor plugin was written? I cannot get it to work with the current version or the old version.

Following the instructions to install the plugin just puts the blog main page in the place of the editor, and moving it out of the blog directory just returns a blank page.

Can anyone offer some advice as to how this plugin can be fixed or what needs to be added to the configuration (and instructions) to get this to work?

Re: FCKEditor Plugin

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 11:09 am
by garvinhicking

When you get your blog page in the editor window, this can usually only happen if you entered the wrong "HTTP path" location inside the configuration of the FCKEDitor plugin.

Where did you upload the files to, and what exactly did you enter in the configuration fields?


Re: FCKEditor Plugin

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 9:04 pm
by LazyBadger
garvinhicking wrote:
Where did you upload the files to, and what exactly did you enter in the configuration fields?
Because I got the same result, I'll try to answer

0. All was done exactly as written on install page
1. FCKEditor (2.6.3, last relese - in my case) extracted into /plugins/serendipity..../fckeditor/
2. Relative (HTTP path) path is plugins/serendipity..../fckeditor/ (same as p.1 without leading slash)

Two independent installation, the same results

Re: FCKEditor Plugin

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 11:31 am
by garvinhicking

Maybe the plugin is not compatible with most recent FCKEditor releases. The first thing to try would be to use Firefox+Firebug and inspect if the fckeditor files are found by Firefox, and if you get any javascript errors?
