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Odd Character with two spaces typed at end of sentence.

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 8:19 pm
by outofnowhere
In the WYSIWYG view, if we type two spaces after the end of a sentence, after the period, we get an odd character when it publishes. The character is a  . You can see this on the actual site at

Do you have any suggestions about what is causing this and how we can correct it?

Many thanks!

Re: Odd Character with two spaces typed at end of sentence.

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 8:39 pm
by garvinhicking

You seem to have embedded serendipity some way. Make sure that the foundation where you embed s9y into declares the same charset than serendipity itself.

In your case you seem to mix ISO-8859-1 and UTF-8. Best would be tochange your framework to use UTF-8 aswell. Or you need to change the s9y configuration to use the native charset instead of UTF-8, and you will also need to save your entries again so that characters get properly saved.


Thanks, more info?

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 10:11 pm
by outofnowhere
Thank you for your help. Can you give me a hint of where to do either of the fixes? What file do I change and how? I've tried several things and nothing seems to make any difference. I feel a bid like I'm wading in quick sand.

I appreciate it.

Re: Thanks, more info?

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 10:23 pm
by garvinhicking

That depends on how you created your blog.php file! This is not part of Serendipity, so I cannot tell you what to do.

What exactly did you try? The one fix I mentioned is:

1. Go to your s9y admin panel
2. Go to "Configuration"
3. Open the section "General Settings"
4. Change the dropdown "Charset selection" to "native"
5. Create a new blog entry, save it -- you should no lionger see the characters in that posting. It will STILL be wrongin OLDpostings! To fix old postings, you must go the alternate way I described and fix your blog.php


It worked!

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 11:06 pm
by outofnowhere
Garvin, you are my HERO!!!!

Thanks for your patience. I did not set up the blog and therefore I was a little lost in where to change this setting. Everything else is cleaned up and all is well.

Many thanks!!!!

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 9:21 am
by akremedy
I just ran into this too...I'm chalking it up to being really tired, hitting the Config > Database > Enable DB Charset Conversion option by mistake, and not realizing it.

Mine is an English-language site (no accented characters, etc), running UTF-8 on the Serendipity side (ver 1.3.1) and UTF-8 MySQL db (ver 5.0.45).

I set the Enable DB Charset Conversion option to No and the problem was resolved.

-> tech support phrase of the day: "nobody changed anything, it just started happening"