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Old Entries not editable

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 10:22 pm
by (((stereo)))
Greetings everybody,

I tried to edit some old entries of a specific category of my weblog today.
So I changed the content in the extendend body field and hit save. The preview seemed to be ok, unfortunately the live-site was not.
When I look at my site, the old text appears. In the administration interface I can see the changed text, but it doesn't show up on the real page. I already cleaned the cache of my webbrowser - nothing. Old text keeps sitting there.
Can someone please explain this phenomenon to me? New entries are editable - some older entries aren't! Interestingly, I am able to edit old entries from the News section but not from the section called "Testberichte". I don't even get an error message - s9y just says: your entry has been saved

I hope this is understandable. (sorry for my bad English)

I'm running Serendipity 1.3 and PHP 4.4.0

Thank you very much in advance

Re: Old Entries not editable

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 2:02 pm
by garvinhicking

Which event plugins are you using?

Do you maybe use the caching option of entryproperties? In that case, hit the "Cache all entries" menu option in your admin panel, that will refresh old articles.


Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 2:46 pm
by (((stereo)))

>Which event plugins are you using?

We're using
  • Markup: Serendipity
  • Markup: Emoticate
  • Markup: NL2BR
  • Browser Compatibility
  • Announce entries
  • Spam Protector
  • Karma
  • Statistics
Sry, I'm not able to locate "Cache all entries" -> Just visible if the plugin "enryproperties" is installed?

Should have mentioned that I had to change the domain name from www.domain.xy/oldname to www.domain.xy/newname. I edited the database as recommended by your FAQ. Database remained the same - just changed some paths. Also had to rename the root folder of s9y.
After the change old articles weren't editable anymore. Could this be the cause of the problem?

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 5:44 pm
by garvinhicking

Yes, caching would only appear if the entryproperties plugin were installed. Hm, it's really strange, then this shouldn't happen. Maybe some caching is involved, have you tried using a different browser to view your entries when you saved them?

Your setup sounds a bit strange, could it be that yuo now have two serendipity databases and one installation accesses teh old database and the other one the new one? Maybe you could describe that a bit more (with your real URL) so that I could have alook?


Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 2:49 pm
by (((stereo)))
Thanks for helping me.


Nope, I'm using the same database. I just changed the following values under serendipity_config:

"serendipitypath" from /home/www/homes/consolat/bastelstunde" to "/home/www/homes/consolat/mobile/"

"serendipityHTTPPath" from "/bastelstunde/" -> "/mobile"

"BaseURL" from "" -> ""

After this i FTPed into the folder and changed the folder name from "bastelstunde" to "mobile"

If you want to you could also have a look at die administration panel or the database. This would be really great.

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:39 am
by garvinhicking

Yeah, I believe we can fix this much faster if you can give me temporary access to your blog. Send me a PM, if you'd like that.
