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Insert Web Link

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 8:37 pm
by deadpoeticstar
when i insert a weblink into an entry it works just fine but when i went to click the link it kept popping the originating page (only happens for the first entry, other links are pre 1.2 links)

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 12:58 am
Uhm.. Sorry, I realy don't understand what you meen. Anyone else?

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 12:30 pm
by garvinhicking

Also, your URL where we could see this would help. My magical crystal ball tells me it might be related to the "Track Exits" plugin.


Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 4:25 pm
by deadpoeticstar
yeah my click me!

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 5:41 pm
by garvinhicking

How does your original entry look like? It seems the URL that is being tracked is "" instead of ", so I'm thinking that maybe you have formatted the link wrong.

Please also check your serendipity_references DB table and see what you have there for url_id = 10.


Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 1:44 am
by deadpoeticstar
here is the wysiwyg editor html view
<p>The Serendipity Team is proud to present the final release and immediate
availability of Serendipity 1.2.</p>

<p>This release is a feature consolidation release and focuses on small
usability improvements, a shiny new template (bulletproof) as well as
backend templating and backend login mechanisms as well as some tighter
security restrictions.</p><p /><p>it looks totally awesome with the update i made</p><p /><p>read more <a target="_blank" href="">here</a></p>
Here is the entire table listing for the request table


Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 12:16 pm
by garvinhicking

(BTW, check your signature of this forum, there are broken images in it!)

In your code, can you try to format your link like this:

Code: Select all

<a href="" target="_blank">here</a>
and see if that changes anything?

The screenshot you made shows the STRUCTURE of the table, but I need to content of it (click on "BROWSE").


Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 3:34 pm
by deadpoeticstar
yeah i noticed that about the output and thats how it was output by the insert web link tool in the editor


i think this is a bug with the WYSIWYG editor cause i just tried to enter or i did enter a HTML code and it completely rearranged the coding of it so it appears as a broken image

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 11:32 am
by garvinhicking

Hm, your database shows me that it stores a wrong link in the database. Can you tell me which event plugins you have installed and in which order they are listed?


Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 3:22 pm
by deadpoeticstar

[C] Markup: Serendipity
Apply basic serendipity markup to entry text
version: 1.3
[C] Markup: Emoticate
Convert standard emoticons into graphic images
version: 1.6
[C] Markup: NL2BR
Convert newlines to BR tags
version: 1.7
Browser Compatibility
Uses different (CSS) methods to enforce maximum browser compatibility
version: 1.1
[C] Spam Protector
A variety of methods to prevent comment spam
version: 1.68
[C] Spartacus
[S]erendipity [P]lugin [A]ccess [R]epository [T]ool [A]nd [C]ustomization/nification [S]ystem - Allows you to download plugins from our online repository
version: 2.14
[C] Split long entries
Enables you to split longer entries into several subpages
version: 1.5.2
[C] Trackback-Control
Allows granular control over how trackbacks are sent when creating entries
version: 1.10
[C] Backup Interface ()
Provides the ability to automatically make backups from your s9y, the database-tables, the whole database and the files. Only MySQL(i) databases are currently supported. WARNING: This plugin does not work well with large databases or directories.
version: 0.11
Link List
Links manager - Shows your favorite links in the sidebar.
version: 1.96
[C] Fix common XHTML errors
This plugin corrects common issues with XHTML markup in entries. It assists in keeping your blog XHTML compliant.
version: 1.5
[C] [Layout-Plugin: Printerfriendly version]
Using the print function of your browser, you will see a better printed representation of your Entry
version: 1.1
[C] Links to next/previous entry
Allows viewing the next/previous entry when viewing
version: 1.33
[C] Sitemap Generator (for Crawlers)
Creates a sitemap.xml.gz, which can be used by miscellaneous Web-Crawlers. (Google, MSN, Yahoo and Ask)
version: 0.31
[C] Markup: Track exits
Track clicks on external URLs
version: 1.9
[C] Statistics
Adds a link to interesting statistics in your entries panel, including a visitors counter
version: 1.48
[C] Spam Protector (RBL)
Will reject comments made from hosts which are listed in RBLs. Pay attention that this may affect proxy-users or dial-up users.
version: 1.2
Spam Protector (SURBL)
Reject comments that contain blacklisted URLs
version: 1.1
[C] Tagging of entries
Allows freestyle tagging of entries
version: 2.86
[C] Autosave entries
Saves entries in background while editing
version: 0.2.2
[C] Announce entries
Send notification of new entries to online services
version: 1.07
[C] Discussion forum (
Provides a complete discussion forum to your users.
version: 0.23
[C] Extended properties for entries
(cache, non-public articles, sticky posts)
version: 1.14

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 7:27 pm
by garvinhicking

Hm, strange...there are no duplicates, and I don't really see a possible cause for it. Do you have the caching option enabled of the plugin "Extended options for entries"? Can you see if the problem goes away when you disable that option?

(You might need to re-save the entry or tryto create a new entry with a link to see if it works)


Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 4:39 pm
by deadpoeticstar
i did have a duplicate of the backup interface but discontinued the extra.

ok i think that might have done the trick no way to be sure cause i modified the post in question and it works now