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I really need some help!

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 1:20 am
by rbrugman
Hello everyone,

I am having trouble getting my copy of serendipity working. I set it up, and it installed, except FreeBSD kept complaining about ImageMagick, so I didn't install it. My biggest problem is that nothing works. I keep getting an Internal Server Error. My link is here:

Did I do something wrong? I looked in my error log, and it appears to be calling .htaccess, but nothing happens. Any advice would be nice.



Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 5:30 pm
by jhermanns
A checklist:
  • does PHP work? Create a file that contains "<?php phpinfo(); ?>" and tell me it's location
  • did the installation work? How far did you get?
  • Have you set "AllowOverride All" for your virtualhost in your httpd.conf?
  • Have the GD extension compiled into PHP? If not, go to /usr/ports/graphics/ImageMagick and do a make install clean, that should give you image magick (type which convert to find the binary).
  • Do you want to give me shell access? I can have a quick look then...


Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 7:54 pm
by rbrugman
As far as I know, everything looks correct. I never got imagemagick installed correctly, it always gave me errors. I am willing to give you shell access if you can help me set it up. It's on a production machine with 70+ clients, so I'm just being very careful what I install. E-mail me at rbrugman[at] and I'll create a shell account for you. I also am available:

AIM: CrashNBurnX1
MSN: rbrugman[at]
ICQ: 99448007

I appriciate your help.


Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2003 12:00 am
by rbrugman
I've reinstalled about 20 times to far. I got ImageMagick installed, and I have come to the conclusion that it has something to do with the .htaccess file. I'm looking into that now. The only other thing I haven't looked into is the AllowOverride All thing.


Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2003 12:11 am
by rbrugman
I fixed it! Almost. It works now, I can actually view my blog. It appears to have a couple small bugs in it though. Please check it out:

It added an extra / in the title of the blog, and there appears to be a php call or something in the lower right. Any ideas on how to fix this?



Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2003 7:07 am
by rbrugman
I guess my installation works. I fixed the title by goign to the admin panel, but I have many more bugs/problems...all of which can be viewed on by blog. The URL is above.


Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2003 6:53 pm
by tomsommer
Try the latest version please :)

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2003 11:01 pm
by rbrugman
Wow, that was a delayed response :D I am running what I think is the latest verison, and everything is working fine. One feature request: upgrade install.

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 9:52 pm
by tomsommer
Yeah, an upgrader is something we need to do after 0.3

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2003 4:38 am
by dand
What is a good way to install a new version without erasing entries and uploads, etc? As far as I can tell, it seems if I leave the archives and uploads directories intact it should be fine. Is this correct?


Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2003 8:19 am
by tomsommer
There is a guide to upgrading in the INSTALL file