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Bulletproof v1.0 released!

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 7:32 pm
by Don Chambers
With the release of serendipity 1.2 comes a brand new template framework named Bulletproof ("bp"). A patient few may have been following the thread "Brainstorming: What do we "need" template-wise?" which contains the evolution of this new template framework. Additional information/documentation can be found here:

The developers have done our best to tweak, beat into submission and test this framework to the best of our ability, but would sincerely appreciate feedback. So - give bp a test drive and let us know what you think!!!

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 10:16 am
by Harald Weingaertner
Well, i love it! And i will use it on one of my next s9y installations!

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 12:59 pm
by Neut
This is so unbelievable cool. No more CSS and TPL editing, easy customizing. Another big step for S9Y!

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 2:45 pm
by JWalker
Well, this template is really nice, after upgrading I switched to it. And an idea arose:
The navigation bar in the header (and the footer). Is it possible to add configuration option for the links for '_target' attribute? I personally prefer the sites the links point to to open in new tabs/windows, someone else not, so this to be user configurable ?

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 3:13 pm
by RJH
Ok so where is a download link for it?

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 3:18 pm
by Don Chambers
The navbar links in bulletproof are intended to be links to other pages of the same site... therefore, you would not really want them to open in a new tab/window.

However, are you speaking of an option that sets target="_blank" for all links, or an option that emables it on a link by link basis?

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 3:25 pm
by JWalker

I mean links to external sites, but you are right, the navigation bar is for internal links indeed, I hadn't thought about it.

Yes, I am speaking about _target on link by link basis. Nevermind, there is a side plugin for doing what I want - the linklist plugin, so let things stay as they are -- bulletproof is really good thing.

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 4:38 pm
by yellowled
RJH wrote:Ok so where is a download link for it?
There is none (yet). We may offer a seperate download link in the (near) future, but right now, the only way to get Bulletproof is to download the s9y distribution v1.2.


Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 11:22 pm
by RJH
yellowled wrote:
RJH wrote:Ok so where is a download link for it?
There is none (yet). We may offer a seperate download link in the (near) future, but right now, the only way to get Bulletproof is to download the s9y distribution v1.2.

I had already installed 1.2 but didnt look close enough in "manage styles" I just now saw it. It looks very nice so far too. Thank you!!!

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 2:22 am
by Don Chambers
The developers of bulletproof have received a number of posts here on the forum, via email, and even phone calls regarding bulletproof. Specifically - what it IS, and what it is NOT.

Is it a template? Yes - it is a template, if you care to use any of the three included colorsets. Actually, there are 4 - there is a "blank" colorset that is intended to show everything in an absolute minimalistic variation, which is probably only valuable to other designers.

However, what bulletproof REALLY offers is a very solid foundation from which to build NEW templates. The developers provided a few colorsets to demonstrate that particular functionality, but the majority of effort was spent providing solid code and template options.

The bulletproof developers are working on new templates based on the bulletproof framework, and we will get those out as soon as we can. However, our sincere hope is that others will step forward, wrap their arms around the bulletproof framework, and produce new templates based upon this solid bulletproof framework.

Is it really "bulletproof"? Poorly constructed stylesheets can certainly make bulletproof look like a mess. That does not mean the code is junk. I could easily insert a line or 2 of nasty css rules into this site that would make it break in every known browser. However, the bulletproof code base is solid, and well constructed stylesheets, matched with this code, should be capable of producing exceptionally reliable results in any popular hardware and software environment.

Can bulletproof emulate every possible website format? No. There are as many different ways to construct the presentation layer as there are stars in the sky. Bulletproof could not possibly cover them all. Our goal was to produce a solid format for the most common blog format - that being a traditional sidebar-content-sidebar layout, with the display and locations of the sidebars being admin-selectable options. There are, indeed, some very creative template formats out there. I hope to see more in the future, and perhaps bulletproof will evolve to include additional creative options. Bottom line is that, for what bulletproof offers, it offers VERY well. It is not, however, the absolute definition of what everything a template COULD be - merely one concept of what it CAN be.

So, keep up the testing, questions, implementation and - better yet - DEVELOPMENT of BP based templates!!!

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 5:55 am
by DuchessJane
I just switched to the bulletproof template and I'm having a problem.

I set up a new theme for my site on an alternate domain, and then copied the theme folder down to my local hard drive, and uploaded up to my primary site's template folder. This is what I've always done when changing themes and it's never failed me before.

The theme works on the primary site, but it will not save the configuration settings (color choice, header image, nothing on the "Manage Styles" page). I got it sort of customized by editing what I needed to change in the file. No matter what I change in the Theme/Style Options page, it says it saves the settings but reverts back to the default.

Where should I start looking in terms of what I've done wrong here? It is an absolutely brilliant template and I don't want to give up on it because I have it working great on my test site, just not my real site.

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 6:26 am
by RJH
DuchessJane wrote:I just switched to the bulletproof template and I'm having a problem.

I set up a new theme for my site on an alternate domain, and then copied the theme folder down to my local hard drive, and uploaded up to my primary site's template folder. This is what I've always done when changing themes and it's never failed me before.

The theme works on the primary site, but it will not save the configuration settings (color choice, header image, nothing on the "Manage Styles" page). I got it sort of customized by editing what I needed to change in the file. No matter what I change in the Theme/Style Options page, it says it saves the settings but reverts back to the default.

Where should I start looking in terms of what I've done wrong here? It is an absolutely brilliant template and I don't want to give up on it because I have it working great on my test site, just not my real site.
Now thats interesting and sorta similar to something I had happen today. I was at work earlier and installed the Bulletproof template and all seemed ok. Except that when I got home it was still the old template. Then when I went into the admins console and reinstalled the Bulleproff template any changes I made in the template configuration didnt save and then the console went back to the previous template. I poked and prodded things a bit and found that I had to select the Bulletproof template in the template chooser dropdown on my front page before it would work correctly in the admin console. After that everything was just fine.

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 6:52 am
by Don Chambers
@ Jane - PM sent. Reply at your convenience.

@ RJH - your issue was related to the template drop down plugin.


Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 8:20 am
by reinhardl
it´s realy a mile stone for serendipity - great!

Re: bulletproof

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 11:22 am
by seraphyn
reinhardl wrote:it´s realy a mile stone for serendipity - great!
ACK and one more Time: Thanks
