Tutorial: Installing Serendipity Locally on Windows XP

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Tutorial: Installing Serendipity Locally on Windows XP

Post by azel »

This tutorial is for users running XP that would like a local installation of Serendipity!

Download XAMPP Lite for Windows and extract it to your C:\ drive.

In the xampplite folder, double-click on setup_ampp.bat. (A command screen will appear).

Once the command is done running, double-click the xampp-control.exe icon. Check the boxes for Apache and MySQL and start each service.

Open your browser and go to http://localhost/. Select your preferred language.

In the left column, click on phpMyAdmin. There you will see the usual phpMyAdmin screen. There will be an input box with the option to Create New Database.

Use these settings:

MySQL charset: UTF-8 Unicode (utf8)
MySQL connection collation: utf8_unicode_ci
[input box] serendipity (or your preferred database name) utf8_unicode_ci

Click "Create".

Download Serendipity and place the serendipity folder under C:\xampplite\htdocs\.

Type in the address http://localhost/serendipity and follow the installation instructions.

Under your MySQL settings in the Serendipity installation, enter the following values:

Database name: serendipity
MySQL username: root
MySQL password: leave this blank
Database Host: localhost

And that's it!
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Post by carl_galloway »

Good tutorial, it makes an ideal platform for testing changes to templates and trying out plugins without actually messing up your real blog.
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Post by blog.brockha.us »

That's realy cool! I always was to lazy to do this and used my normal blog for debugging changes. This is the much better way doing this of course. :-)

Thanks for the tutorial!
- Grischa Brockhaus - http://blog.brockha.us
- Want to make me happy? http://wishes.brockha.us/
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