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Keywords Modification

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 2:00 am
by ChrisBianchi
Users and Developers:

Open your / file and add the following line inside the <head> section:
<meta name="keywords" content="<?php include('keywords.txt'); ?>">
This will allow you to make a file called keywords.txt and place it inside your Serendipity root directory. This plain-text file can contain your comma-separated meta keywords for particular search engines such as Overture and others.

Just thought you'd like the suggestion :)

Re: Keywords Modification

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 3:54 pm
by garvinhicking
Please do not follow this advice. :-)

It is much better to create a plugin for this. You can already use the 'serendipity_event_head_nugget' plugin from our CVS additional_plugins repository. This allows you to insert the keywords via textare input box.

If you modify serendipity_genpage, you would need to modify that file on each Serendipity upgrade. If you use the plugin approach, you do not ever need to touch files again. Apart from that, Serendipity 0.8 does no longer user but Smarty HTML templates, so this will not work in the version wich will be released in a few weeks.

Neverthells, thanks for looking into Serendipity and trying to help! We much appreciate this!

Best regards,