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Re: Microblogging plugin giving errors on save

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 4:51 am
by Wolfdog
So is there any progress on this issue? As I said before even if we can get a roll back of the svn code, it would at least allow use of it. =\

Re: Microblogging plugin giving errors on save

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:56 am
by Don Chambers
Garvin & Grischa.. I do not have a local copy that I can roll back to... but I think we need to.

Re: Microblogging plugin giving errors on save

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 11:29 am
by garvinhicking

I don't even know what to roll-back to...really, any help with a logfile or access to a misbehaving installation is REQUIRED!!!


Re: Microblogging plugin giving errors on save

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 11:37 am
It has to be rolled back to the prior version 1.13. I will look into the code changes, perhaps I get an idea, what is getting wrong there.

Re: Microblogging plugin giving errors on save

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 12:17 pm
by einLiterVollmilch
I'm having the same problems on my blog installation. Unfortunately I'm not able to trace down this segfault. Even if apache states "possible coredump in..." it won't create any :(

I'll see if I can reproduce this issue on my machine at home. Disabling some apache modules has no effect on this issue.

However, reverting to 1.13 is really appreciated. At least a download link to the previous version would be nice.

FIXED! Microblogging plugin giving errors on save

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 9:58 am
Thanks to laemmy (Silvio Kunze) the problem seems to be solved! He had the same problem with the version 1.14/15 of this plugin: A white page after installation.

He gave me a complete sandbox to reproduce the problem (FTP,DB and S9Yadmin access). In this sandbox the problem was easily found by adding a debug log.

I put the fixed version 1.16 into spartacus and it is downloadable at my blog, too, as a solution for people, who can't update using spartacus anymore (because of the white page / 500 error).

Manual update: Please fetch the download at my blog and put its content into the plugin directory of your blog (overwriting the old plugin files). After this the blog should start again normaly. Now have a look into the plugins configuration. The sandbox showed more than one version of the microblogging event plugin. If this is the case in your blogs configuration, too, please delete all versions except of the one holding the correct configuration. I'm not sure, if this is a general problem or only a problem in the sandbox.

Again: Thanks to Silvio for giving me that sandbox. Without it, it was extremely hard to locate the problem.