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Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 11:34 am
by garvinhicking
Chindogu, I think this is just a CSS problem which should be easily fixable. Do you have the URL to your blog, then I can look at it. I myself don't use the plugin.


Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 10:24 am
by paul
hey i have also that same problem, only in safari it looks fine, but on a pc in internet explorer and firefox i have the answer and the button on a new line.

hope you can fix this soon! thx

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 11:06 am
by paul
forgot to post the url of my log

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 11:28 am
by Paul
yes it's me again :)

can you make also a option in the poll plugin that it is ip sensitive, so that people can vote only 1 time a day or something? or is that to hard?



Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 11:53 am
by garvinhicking
The Poll plugin is currently not actively maintained; volunteers to maintain the code are welcome. :)


Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 11:28 am
by paul
do you know how I can fix a poll in my site (free) without the banner crap etc? thanks

Re: Plguin in German

Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 5:32 pm
by Nicola
zpage wrote: To install, create a new folder called "serendipity_plugin_pollbox" in your "plugins" directory. Copy the Plugin file in there and name it to "serendipity_plugin_pollbox.php".
[x] done. Set the rights for this directory and the file. Still I don't see the plugin in the plugin list
of the configuration page. Any hints for me?



Re: Plguin in German

Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 10:38 pm
by garvinhicking
Nicola, you'll need to click on the Link to insert a new plugin on the page where all plugins are listed. You must make sure you click on the link in the upper section for the sidebar plugins, not the lower section from the event plugins.


Re: Plguin in German

Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 10:53 pm
by Guest
Hi Garvin!
garvinhicking wrote:Nicola, you'll need to click on the Link to insert a new plugin on the page where all plugins are listed. You must make sure you click on the link in the upper section for the sidebar plugins, not the lower section from the event plugins.
I thought I should do so, so I did. Several times and also I reloaded all those pages several times.

Pricisely I did click on "Hier klicken um Seitenleisten-Plugin zu installieren", then I get this list:
*** snip ***
Plugin Action
Archive Installieren

HTML Klotz Installieren

Kalender Installieren

Kategorien Installieren

Powered by Installieren

Suche Installieren

Syndication Installieren

Top Exits Installieren

Top Referrer Installieren

Verwaltung des Blog Installieren
*** snap ***

Actually I tried the lower link too but of course to no avail either ;-(

Another idea?



Re: Plguin in German

Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 11:03 pm
by garvinhicking
And you're sure that a file like



Did you try to install Spartacus (Event plugin) and fetch the plugin from the online repository?


Re: Plguin in German

Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 12:10 am
by Nicola
garvinhicking wrote:And you're sure that a file like



Did you try to install Spartacus (Event plugin) and fetch the plugin from the online repository?
a) yes, I wrote (well pasted) it directly on the server
b) no. Will have a look at it tomorrow.



Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 7:52 am
by paul
hi garvin, can you maybe edit te poll script with so that it have an outline? maybe the allign problem is fixed then? or another allign center tag or something?

Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 11:37 am
by Nicola
garvinhicking wrote:Chindogu, I think this is just a CSS problem which should be easily fixable. Do you have the URL to your blog, then I can look at it. I myself don't use the plugin.
Question and Input fields are located inside different <dif>s, with no id or class attached to the divs - so changes via CSS in Stylesheet will be difficult.

I'd think putting them inside _one_ div and/or adding a class to the div-tags should make it easier for people to style. That would have to be done in the schript. Also there is some formatting hard coded in the script (border, padding), which could be replaced by a class, so people can set padding and border acording to their styles.

Should not be to much work on the script - only I don't really know PHP ;-(



Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 11:50 am
by garvinhicking
This is all solvable via CSS - the container has got a unique Class set for each plugin:

Code: Select all

.container_serendipity_plugin_pollbox .serendipitySideBarTitle {
border: 1px solid red !important;
The new pollbox plugin also uses a lot less embedded styles...


Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 11:54 am
by Nicola
Nicola wrote:Question and Input fields are located inside different <dif>s, with no id or class attached to the divs - so changes via CSS in Stylesheet will be difficult.
My fault, it's inside one div - but without a css-class.

That should be this line, as far as I understand the script:
*** snip ***
if ( !isset($_SESSION['serendipity_hasVoted']) ) {
echo '<div><input type="radio" name="serendipity_pollChoice" value="' . $i .'"/>' . ($showResults ? '' : $choice) . '</div>';
*** snap ***

So if a class is added here, like "echo '<div class="serendipity_pollChoiceStyle">' (I don't know the rules that goes with your naming classes, so don't slap me ;) one should be able to define the style via Stylesheet like for example:

#serendipity_pollChoiceStyle {border-bottom:1px solid black; }

for the ones, that want a black line below every Choice.

Also my Firefox pulls the radio buttons very wide, as width as the whole pollblock is. Don't know why, sorry.

Don't forget - I have NO PHP-knowledge, so if you try and it doesn't work don't blame me ;-)
