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Re: Serendipity Theme Contest finished!

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 10:29 pm
by Joni
I vote for David Cummins Design and my blog is" wiljavascript:emoticon(':lol:')

theme contest

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 10:32 pm
by joni thrush
i vote for david cummins' design and my blog url is

sorry if i have posted twice having a couple of problems!!

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 11:35 pm
by judebert
Wow, guys. Just wow. I'll have to look at these on my LCD screen before I decide.

Garvin, I'm impressed with how clean your theme looks. I like the logo, too; I'd almost go for that as the new Serendipity logo, especially with the way it incorporates RSS overtones, which are so integrated with blogging. And I, for one, still like glows and effects. Very cool.

Dave, while the coffeecup may need some work, that's one professional theme. The cream-colored background provides the extra touch, yet is barely noticeable. And the sidebar headings are fascinating and modern. A blogger could use it, but companies would feel right at home with it, too.

Carl, your theme lacks some of the visual punch of the others, but it's also quite inviting. It escapes from the hectic drive and flash of marketing, providing a simplistic, serene layout. The light-blue desktop is particularly pleasing, as is the gradient calendar. (Nice touch, that!) I find it friendly.

A tough decision. Good job, all!

Re: Serendipity Theme Contest finished!

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 12:11 am
by Lars
I like all three designs, but favor Carl's although i personally don't like the author information boxes at the beginning of the articles. So i vote for Carls Thema.

Thanks for the great work!

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 12:14 am
by winkiller
Carl, I'm having exams at the moment and busy learning. No time to spend on trying to push pixels :/

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 12:26 am
by Guest
I vote for the theme by Carl Galloway. DMK, Germany. Owner of:

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 2:30 am
by costa
costa here, owner of blog. my choice? david's theme suits me best.

basically: not much of themes to choose from :/... the same story here - i went on vacation so i just did not have time to finish my template. ok, no problem, maybe next time :)

i'm currently testing david's theme and i asked some of my blog readers what do they think about this theme. basically they like it but there are some problems with reading under higher resolutions. entry's text is just too small. there is also a problem with paragraphs - a gap between every paragraph would be welcome. it divides text and makes it easier to read. also the links should be more visible.

what i like about david's theme? the colours are great, the fonts used also make a good, oldschool feeling. it is very stylish :)

carl and garvin made also a great work but there are some more buts :) with their templates. i don't really like carl's "meta" window with info about post. the idea is good but... it can not be done like that. i mean - look at the blog example. it is messy a little bit. the information is not clear, not good divided into logical sections. i think that this theme could be a best one but it needs some finishing work with details. to make blog more readable, more clear and logically divided into sections.

garvin's work is great but it also needs a lot of polishing :). i like his logo but the colours are not so great. also sidebars are not clearly separated from the main content - a little bit confusing and chaotic feeling. alltogether - nice, cool theme but needs some more work.

what i do not like in all themes? they're resizeable tables changing look of the blog with resizing of webrowser's window. i do not like this very much.

anyway, thanks for all the work you have done guys! i'll try to beat you with some own ideas about serendipity theme :). if i only have some time to spare...

PS. sorry for my english, it sucks, i know. i'm working on it.

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 10:27 am
by ollipop
I vote for the Carl Galloway Theme.

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 11:42 am
by Guest
"I vote for Carl Galloways Design, my name is Zoran Kovacevic, my blog is"

Thanks to all contestants for the effort!

Looking forward to a great 1.0 release (party? :)

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 3:33 pm
by Xtian
Carl's theme is broken for me, Firefox 1.5/WinXP. Otherwise it's very neat.

I find David's a bit too dark, but I like its distinct look (I've voted for this one).

Garvin's colors are nice, but I think some structural elements would make the reading easier (maybe rules or borders).

Bravo for the great work!


Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 4:00 pm
by bpkri
The themes look quite good to me, but I do have a slight problems with them:

As far as I can see (and this is a problem with current themes too) the date is usually printed as a <h3> whereas the article title is a <h4>. Now, this may be quite correct or not - depending on the scene. Most print the date once, and below that they collect all items for this page. Some print the date with every single entry.

Now, what is the problem with this structure? I think the order should be reversed, because entries are better identified by their title than by the date. Search engines tend to use the headings as a reference how to weigh the specific item, meaning that a <h3> will be valued more than a <h4>. This means the date could be more important than the actual heading of a title. This is (or was at least about 3 months ago) for example a problem with Technorati (and if you use a blog, chances are high you wanna be indexed pretty good by this specific engine.

So even though in the page structure the date may be the higher-structured element, you might want to reconsider this strategy to get a better listing - and no: I do not consider this search-engine spamming. I just think it emphasizes the individual post, while you still have all the chances to keep the page-structure itself intact, since you can adjust the design of every element via css.

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 4:26 pm
by CapriSkye
will all themes be available for download?
even though garvin didn't win, i'd still like to use it.

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 5:28 pm
by Blake_Ivey
I voted for David Cummins' theme. All of them looked great, but I just prefered his. Good job everyone!

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 6:56 pm
by Oliver
CapriSkye wrote:will all themes be available for download?
even though garvin didn't win, i'd still like to use it.
The four themes can be fully downloaded here:


#2 David Cummins

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 7:30 pm
by Manuel
I hereby vote for theme #2 by David Cummins.
Name: Manuel Charisius

Although I would heavily modify it before using it on my own blog, David's work persuades me the most of all four possible themes in terms of seriousness and functionality, which I consider very important in a professional blogging environment.
In Carl's and Garvin's themes, I don't really appreciate the position of the "written by ..."/entry creation time/comment and trackback links line, nor the usage of category avatars. What's more, I'm afraid in Garvin's theme, headings (especially those of the sidebar items), images, and the logo design all appear very clunky to me, and Carl's theme has a frugality to it that makes me yawn (sorry). I daresay you've done better before, Carl! :)

Anyway, great job, everyone! I hope the two non-winning themes, whichever they turn out to be, will be included in the s9y 1.0 release package as well.
