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Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 8:26 pm
by axelseaa
I do want the sidebar on all pages except 1, because as you can see when you click to load an image, it would all get in the way. I'll take a look at the others, because I *want* this to work good, and work smoothly! Thanks for the suggestions

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 8:36 pm
by garvinhicking

I very much like your enthusiasm! I do think you should get this solved, and I'm really sorry that I cannot currently give you much more advise on this - it's going to be a busy month for me, and I like to get my theme submission for the contest canned. :-)


Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 11:47 pm
by judebert
Hmmm. How about a compromise? People generally don't want their sidebars to disappear anyway, so we could leave them in... but we could put them below your image on the page. That would even leave space for a thumbnail or gallery or something in the space where the entries would normally go.

For that, you'd just hook "frontend_header" and call show(). Your content would go before the banner, then the normal page would be shown. You could call a gallery.tpl to format your stuff, and you could even duplicate the banner there if you liked.

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 4:20 pm
by axelseaa
I looked at those other plugins and how they use smarty and their own tpl files, but that really doesn't help me out any.

Here is what I did:

Basically, if the gallery meets one of my criteria (being logged in, or viewing a single image) it will hide the sidebar and set the width to 670px on the gallery div forcing it to go over top of the sidebar div.

This is really the only way I can see to accomplish what I wanted. I plan to make the forced width configurable.

I don't see any reasons why it wouldn't work this way, does anyone else? Am I missing something?

Garvin, its the same url that I private messaged you the other day if you care to check it out.

If anyone else would like to see it, please pm me for the url. (Would like to keep the url off the forum)

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 3:05 am
by judebert
If you position the div absolutely and give it width of 100%, then it'll take up the entire screen.

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 5:03 pm
by boelkstoff

Can somebody explain how to embed s9y and gallery2 ?
I have installed both and both are working.
I also have installed the " Gallery2 Embed: gallery2" Plugin.
But I am not sure what to put in the path and all the other stuff, can somebody please explain.

I think I am not the only one having problems.

Thank you very much

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 5:08 pm
by axelseaa
I can offer examples in the plugin, if you think that would be helpful.

Gallery 2 System Directory
- the full system directory path to G2
- Example: /full/system/path/to/g2

Gallery 2 HTTP Path
- the absolute http path to G2
- Example: /gallery2

Serendipity Embed File Name
- the absolute path to the file you will call within S9Y for gallery
- Example: /s9y/gallery2.html (This assumes S9Y is installed in the /s9y directory)

Let me know if this is still unclear

Remember, this only works with Gallery 2.1 RC2a or newer.

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 8:22 pm
by boelkstoff
Ok I have setup the following:
Gallery 2 System Directory : /home/www/web2_103/html/zps/gallery2/
Gallery 2 HTTP Path : /gallery2
Serendipity Embed File Name : /gallery2/gallery2embedded.php

When I call my testwebsite:
I will see my sy9 which is installed into: home/www/web2_103/html/zps/

To call the gallery I use:[subpage]=gallery2

But when I click on the only album of the gallery I will not see the typical s9y design.
What am I doing wrong?

To call the gallery directly without s9y use:

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 8:28 pm
by axelseaa
Currently, the plugin is designed to have the gallery install outside of the s9y directory. I found its very messy to keep it inside that directory. And really, i think it's going to cause you more grief than its worth to do that.

I usually have serendipity installs in a /s9y folder .. then gallery in the /gallery2 folder, and that has always worked.

I'll take a look at the code later tonight and see if anything can be changed.

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 9:27 am
by garvinhicking
If you have gallery2 inside a s9y subdirectory you must modify a .htaccess file in the gallery2 directory and turn of mod_Rewrite if you're using that!

Code: Select all

RewriteEngine Off

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 1:27 pm
by axelseaa
garvinhicking wrote:If you have gallery2 inside a s9y subdirectory you must modify a .htaccess file in the gallery2 directory and turn of mod_Rewrite if you're using that!

Code: Select all

RewriteEngine Off
That might work for now, but G2 also has an option to use mod rewrite to make nice urls, this would probably kill all hopes of that.

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 1:47 pm
by garvinhicking
Yes, but if one uses G2 with URL Rewriting within a s9y subfolder, he's doomed. :-)

You would then need to reset every single s9y mod_rewrite rule within the G2 mod_rewrite.

Thus, I can only agree with you that installing G2 outside of the s9y tree is a sane thing to do.

Best regards,

Path Questions (Again????)

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 11:07 pm
by steve
We installed Serendipity in SHARED installation config per 41.html

It's located at /usr/local/lib/php/s9y/

The user web root is located at


We installed gallery2.2 in multisite mode. This user's Gallery2 is located at

We installed the plugin "Gallery2 Embed (gallery2) " with no errors and configured the following:
Gallery 2 System Directory /var/www/html/12345/user-htdocs/
Gallery 2 HTTP Path /var/www/html/92627/supertec/
The Serendipity Embed File Name gallery2.html
Well, any way, it does not work with these settings, when we enter

When we look to the static page "other plugins" tab, we see "serendipity_event_usergallery Plugin is available, but not installed"

Where are we going wrong?

some headway

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 12:15 am
by steve
OK what we did here was create a sylink to the /var/www/user-htdocs-gallery/ folder and used gallery2 as the value.

Now we see the front page of gallery2 embedded in the page, however, nothing will execute there - when one clicks on a thumbnail, for example, it should go to that album......

Does anyone have this working?