Remote RSS/OPML-Blogroll Feed

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Remote RSS/OPML-Blogroll Feed

Post by locojoe »

I've installed this plugin but am encountering a couple of problems.
I'm trying to insert a Google news feed into my blog that looks like this ... output=rss

I've determined that the + sign in the string messes up my blog i.e. if this plugin is in the left column the blog doesn't display at all. If it's in the right column nothing in that column displays. If I remove the "+kansas" then it works.

Another problem is no matter what settings I choose in the plugins configuration i.e. number of entries to display or to show or not show date, has no effect on the displayed results. What displays always shows the date and all of the entries.

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Post by locojoe »

It also appears that the feed being shown on my site isn't being updated. The actual feed has changed but what is displaying on my site has not changed since I installed the plugin.
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Post by garvinhicking »


Hm, I just tried it with your URL, and it works also with the "+" inside the URL.

"+" is a special character, theoretically it might be that your provider is running some kind of suhosin or mod_security PHP module where URL access to URLs with a "+" is forbidden and blocked. You need to ask yourp rovider if s uch a technical restriction is in place. It doesn't come from Serendipity itself.

About updating: By default, serendipity caches your output. That also means, when you change your configuration and the timeout (3 hours by default) has not yet been reached, you won't see any changes. you can speed up invalidating the cache by delete the files in your templates_c/ directory, then the cache will be rebuilt.

# Garvin Hicking (s9y Developer)
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Post by locojoe »

Well I've gone from bad to worse. I deleted the cache. Now no matter what feed I enter in the URI field of the plugin, my bog won't display. If I leave the URI field blank, my blog will display and the plugin displays that no feed has been selected. I've tried entering a couple of different feeds, even my own but they all kill it.

I'll just have to play around some more and see what I can come up with.

Thanks Garvin.
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Post by locojoe »

Ok here's what I've figured out as weird as it seems (I'm sure there's a logical explanation though)...

I thought it might be a conflict with another plugin. I moved all the plugins that were in the same column as Remote RSS to the "Hidden" column. The Remote RSS plugin then worked without killing my blog. So I moved all my other plugins back to their normal columns one at a time and saving, then checking my blog after each one was moved. I was expecting eventually my problem would show up again. After moving all the plugins back, everything was still working, including the Remote RSS plugin. Great! So I now go to change the URI in the Remote RSS plugin. Bam! It kills my blog. So again I move all the plugins in that same column to "Hidden" and save. THen move them all back and save. Everything works again and the changes I made in the Remote RSS plugin are displayed.

So for me to get this to work I just have to move all the plugins to the Hidden column and back after I make a change to the Remote RS plugin.
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Post by garvinhicking »


This is extremely uncommon. :)

The only thing that moving those plugins around does to your blog is that it reduces the server load. So I can only guess that the plguins you are using take long to load, and eventually because the remoteRSS plugin is the most resource-intensive, it will not fully load.

You could ask your server provider how high your memory_limit is set and the max_execution_time. It might very well be that you only have 8MB RAM limit, and once you use a few plugins in s9y, it will definitely take up more than 8MB. So when you have less plugins, you are using less RAM, and thus making it work first time. Then the cache of the plugin is created, and the next time not so much RAM will be allocated.

Eventually this will mean your problem might come back once the cache needs to be recreated...

# Garvin Hicking (s9y Developer)
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Post by locojoe »

This makes sense to me Garvin. I bet you are right. Thanks.
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