PHP versions with s9y v0.6-pl1

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PHP versions with s9y v0.6-pl1

Post by sol »

My bro and I are trying to install the latest release of s9y on our webserver. We trialled it on our machines at home running Suse 9.0 (php4.3.3). But our webserver runs Debian Woody with php 4.1.2. The installer tells us that we need php 4.2.1 or greater.

Can we get by with php 4.1.2 or do we really need the later version? (I don't want to have to upgrade or break my dependencies). Any suggestions?

peace; sol
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Location: Perth, Australia

Post by sol »

Well I think I'll risk answering my own question. :wink: It seems that there are no major problems - at least none that are obvious to me. We just got s9y up and running on our website using PHP 4.1.2. Check it out .

I don't believe that there are any known security issues with PHP 4.1.2 and the Debian package maintainers for the stable branch are obsessive about security and stability. So I guess if there's a problem it relates to functionality put in there by the s9y team?[/url]
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Post by ian »

Now, don't quote me on this, but I think the only major differences between PHP versions is that the higher the version number, the more features and functionality it has. If that's the case, it means that most everything should work, except maybe one or two random things that are dependent on newer commands not in PHP 4.1.2.

The biggest concern to me would be any security fixes present in versions later than 4.1.2, but seeing as you're running Debian, I have a feeling any major security fixes have been backported.
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